First Forays-Quasquaton

A rocky hillside landscape.
Image by pasja1000 from Pixabay

–Vingrow 35th 119 gp, (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Tagga) (10 gp Altartan) (100 gp of mine invested in Merrick’s shop, earning 10% per week (10 gp held for me)) 18 rations

Adwin, Tagga and I are sitting in the Stretched Goat discussing what we need to explore the ancient ruins when a letter arrives for Adwin. Perplexed, he opens the letter and his face turns ashen. “It seems I have been summoned home. My days of fortune hunting may be over as my father has died and my brother compels me to his court.” He purses his lips, and then says, “I fear my days of easy living may be coming to an end, perhaps though, if I buy your share of Merick’s shop, I’ll at least have the profits from it should my allowance otherwise be cut off. I’ll give you six hundred crowns for it,” he laughs. But I accept. “I’ll tell my brother I lost it all in a wager…he’ll never know the difference and expects nothing less of me!”

He rises to his feet, and I accompany him to the moneylender’s across the street, where he signs over his account to my name, leaving six hundred crowns, but taking out the rest so he can travel home. I then follow him to the stables, and bid him farewell as he rides back home with his brother’s men who were sent to fetch him.

Returning to the tavern, I see Tagga and a half elf woman sitting together. “This is Altartan, the apprentice we are to take with us.” The elf smiles politely. I notice she is neatly dressed and her lyrical voice is almost hypnotic.

Tagga says, “Losing your man is a harsh blow. Good thing he left you some money, we’ll need it to hire additional swords.” Altartan agrees, “My master has instructed me to stay clear of any fighting and unlock the mystery of your lost ruins, the two of you will need plenty of muscle if we are to succeed.” I look around for likely help, and spot some likely helpers nearby. Tagga nods at me to go speak with them.

“Hey there,” I say gesturing towards their short blades,”are your swords for hire?”

They start grinning and their leader answers, “If the price is right, the challenge great and the chance of glory greater!” and his companions start laughing.

I sit with the men and order a round of drinks. We start talking and I figure out that these men had all recently been drummed out of service at this very Keep for minor disciplinary infractions, picking fights with other soldiers and generally causing trouble. They explain that they had joined the garrison in order to learn to fight, and they were hoping, here on the frontier, so see some real action but quickly grew bored with guard duty, and run of the mill patrols. When I suggest that I need them to help explore some ancient ruins, their eyes grow wide with excitement. We quickly come to an agreement on wages, and equipment needs, and they agree to meet me back here the next day.

I spend the rest of the day purchasing equipment for our expedition.
4 shields
3 Chain shirts
1 Chainmail suit
4 longswords
4 spears
4 light crossbows,
80 bolts
2 Explorer packs Includes a backpack, a bedroll, a mess kit, a tinderbox, 10 torches, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it.
2 Dungeoneer’s packs Includes a backpack, a crowbar, a hammer, 10 pitons, 10 torches, a tinderbox, 10 days of rations, and a waterskin. The pack also has 50 feet of hempen rope strapped to the side of it
2 additional bedrolls
2 two man tents
1 healing potion
2 healer’s kits
22 days of food
2 gp per day per man (8 gp per day). I put 30 days worth of wages in the bank so the men are guaranteed their pay should something go awry.

Altartan and Tagga spend their day in the tavern, discussing magic and their knowledge of our destination. Both believe that the wizard who built the place had hordes of orc slaves. Altartan had been told by her master at the place will be crawling with guards, even centuries after it was lost. Tagga’s research indicates that there are at least two levels underground. Tagga is convinced some dark and powerful magic lies within that threatens the entire region.

–Weeding 1st 120 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Tagga) (10 gp Altartan)(4 men) 70 rations (7 people for 10 days), 1 healing potion, 2 healer’s kits.

The next morning, I bring all of our supplies to the Stretched Goat to meet with my companions. It is time to finally pursue my fortune! While Tagga and I pass out the equipment to the new men, I ask “Where is Gilles? I thought he was your leader.”

The men look at each other, then one of them says, “Yeah, he got in a fight last night and is under arrest right now. Perhaps you could spring him?” I roll my eyes and then ask Altartan to take care of it. She rolls her eyes, but agrees to go fetch the man from the keep.

Tagga glares as me, “Couldn’t do any better than drunken dregs that stink of beer and vomit?”

I shoot her a look, and she looks down in frustration. “They’ll do. if they can fight, they’ll do.” I answer. The nearest man looks at me with a smirk, but says nothing.

A short time later, Altartan returns with Gilles grinning widely. “Can’t leave without me, eh? Smart Captain!” he says as I hand him his share of the equipment. The strongest looking of the men, I saved the heavier armor for him, and he dons it readily. Laden with supplies and food for ten days of exploration, we set off towards the unknown.

Altartan talks much of the way, “That map of yours allegedly leads to the lost ruin sof Quasquetton. Home of Rhegar the Fearless, a mighty warrior, and of Zelligar the Unknown. A mage, the limits of whose power were unknown. They built their fortress in the deep wilderness, some two hundred years ago. Well, it’s not that deep of wilderness anymore is it? Just frontier,” she jokes.

Ellaas snarls, “What’s it matter? Ruins, owners dead or long gone. You are looking for treasure. We are looking for glory.”

Altartan starts to defend herself when Tagga interrupts, “They don’t need to hear any more. Deaf ears never listen anyway.”

We follow the road, and then cut north of it where the map seems to indicate. Soon, we come to a large outcrop of black stone. It is scarcely visible from the overgrowth of vines that creep up its face, but from the clues on the map, we knew what to look for. With great care, we search for an entrance to the ruined fortress said to be concealed within.

Ellaas speaks, “Hey elf girl! If you know so much about this place, where’s the front door?”

“Hold your tongue,” I tell the man, “If Altartan knew where the entrance was, she’d say so. And if you want her help, or anyone’s help really, you’ll speak with more respect.”

He snorts derisively, but stops talking and returns to the search.

Then Wellan calls out, “Found something!” I walk over to where he is pointing higher up on the stone, and see some sort of opening behind the thick vines.

With Wellan’s help, we start to clear it out of the way, and find a tunnel that leads deep into the black stone. “This must be it!” I call out to the others, and the rest of the company soon joins us. “Wellan, Ellaas, Mulles strike up torches. Ellaas, you bring up the rear. Wellan, stay next to Altartan,
Mulles is with Tagga. Gulles leads the way with me. I light my torch and climb upwards to start looking in to the tunnel.

My footsteps lightly echo on the dark stone floor as i creep forward. My companions have fallen silent and follow some distance behind. Whether they will come to my aid or flee in terror at what lies ahead, I will soon find out! The air is damp, moldy smelling. My torch smokes more heavily than I’d expected, black curls of smoke linger against the dark stone ceiling overhead. It is time to seek my fortune!

Suddenly, a door up ahead bursts open and diabolical laughter echoes down the hallway. The sounds of someone running towards us can be heard and in the torchlight, I see an armored woman coming our way. “Go back!” She yells, I sheathe my sword and try grab her as she tries to run past, but she slips by Giles and I, but Mulles stops her.

“Watch the front,” I tell Giles as I go back to question her. She is looks fearful, but not afraid of us…she is trying to catch her breath. She wears heavy armor, and carries a shield and her blade. She has blood on her armor and a few cuts on her face.

“We were ambushed,” she says, “We came here seeking Rogar’s tomb for the Lord of Southrod. Four of us. We were ambushed, and I got cut off. I heard screams but couldn’t fight my way towards my allies, so I fled. Maybe…” she looks around, “maybe you can help them!”

I look at her, and notice that she doesn’t seem that badly injured. Not as badly as someone who desperately fought and was forced back. I suspect she saw the situation was hopeless and ran for it, but now may be having a change of thought. Either way, not a reliable warrior.

“Lead the way,” I tell her, and gesture back down the corridor. She shakes her head, “I can’t be in front. I haven’t the courage. Up ahead, past the statues, and to the right we went. We were jumped in a hall filled with pillars.”

“Giles, keep an eye on her, she is number two behind me.” I say, and I start leading the way.

We pass through three pairs of alcoves…at the third are two shattered statues of warriors. The woman says, “These things attacked us and but we were able to defeat them. The shields though, still speak. They warned against entering and repeated themselves as I fled.”

Further ahead, we come to an intersection and the signs of a battle. A fallen dwarven warrior, a man in robes pinned to the wall by an ancient sword. Two half naked human warriors, and and a third man in leather armor. Their bodies are half rotten and stink. “We guessed at least two weeks old” says the woman.” I shrug my shoulders, sounded good to me.

Seeing two doors ahead and a long hallway, I ask why they went to the right immediately and the woman gestures that way, “I don’t know. I was rearguard. Squire Harvald was leading us.”
We follow her and she turns right again, leading us back in the direction from which we came, parallel to the entry hall. About halfway down, there is an alcove on the right, and a hall to the left, but she indicates we should keep going.

“Let’s look aat this alcove a bit,” I say, and stepping in, I see a discolored stone, which is apparently a door latch…it leads back to the entry hall. “A quicker way out, or a way to get behind some intruders.”
I look back at Ellaas, to make sure he is still with us and watching our backs. “Keep going,” I command Suindissa.

We go to the end of the hall, and follow it around to the east. It is clear that Squire Harvald must have been trying to survey the edges of this stronghold before working through and exploring the heart of it.
At the end of the hall is a door that hangs open. “We checked that room,” Sundi says.

I look inside, it is a well appointed bedroom with a chest, drawers, and vanity with a fine mirror. “You left that tapestry. Why? Looks like it might be worth something,” I say, pointing at the image of a man and woman against the backdrop of a burning village. Sundi says that it’s not what they are looking for. They were on a mission, not treasure hunting. I laugh, “I’m treasure hunting.”

I find a silver inlaid comb on the vanity, and the mirror, which is too large to carry, says “To the Fairest of all in my eyes”. The tapestry is also dedicated, “Melissa, the most dearly won and greatest of all my treasures.” but I tear it a bit pulling it from the wall. The cloth was simply too old.

Then I open a secret door in the north wall, “What was through here?” I ask Sundi, but the look of surprise makes it clear that her team had missed it.

I lead my companions down the hallway and through another secret door, and into a wood paneled bedroom. there are tapestries in each corner, a simply designed but comfortable bed with the letter”R” upon it, and other minor furnishings. The man and woman from my tapestry are featured in one of these, though the man is in all four, alongside a warrior…slaying a dragon, giving flight to an army, making a pact on a hilltop. The man and woman are riding horseback together in the fourth. The tapestries are heavy, but finely made. We find a sword, but it does not seem any better than those we already have. The basket guard is odd, not to my style.

Altartan says, “This is Roghar the warrrior’s room. That’s him in the pictures. He must have truly loved Melissa!” Ellaan suggests she must have been great in the sack to keep his interest. She shakes her head at his crassness.

Since there do not appear to be any other exits to this room, we double back and return to following the Squire’s trail. We spend a bit of time searching a furniture storeroom, but find nothing of interest, and the we hear the sounds of laughter and conversation in an unfamiliar language echoing from around the corners ahead. “That’s coming from the pillar room, where we got ambushed!” Sundi says.

My companions and I start creeping forward, and when we come to a side passage she says, “We went right, towards where we hear the voices now, and a dozen small men attacked, and were joined by another half dozen coming from a room to the side. I got cut off!” I can tell she’s frightened. We set down our loot, and get ready to fight.

Gilles and i sneak forward, and see half a dozen small men, gnomes, gathered around a bound figure. The corpses of four other men and five of the gnomes are lined up against one wall. We ready crossbows, and I signal my men to move forward while our enemies continue to celebrate their “victory”.

I am moving forward, when suddenly, one of tiny men spots me! I cut loose with my bolt and the battle is joined! We let fly bolts as we catch our enemy off guard, and Tagga kills three outright with a spray of unholy fire from her hands! We quickly cut down the rest of them only to have a door behind us thrown open and another group of tiny men join the fight. We cut down two immediately, then Sundi and Ellass fall to the other’s bolts before we break them. Mulles and I run down the last one, trying to escape, while Tagga and Altartan treat our wounded, sparing them an untimely death.

Wellan and Gilles take up guard positions while Altartan and I check out the captive. Now we can safely search their remains, and check out their captive. He’s an older fellow, wearing a chainmail shirt. He’s tightly bound, battered, but still breathing. I rouse him and learn that he is named Beril, he was sent from Southrod, and that he was his company’s chaplain. I tell him that Sundi is with us, and he mutters something like, “Figures she’d survive”. I put Gilles in charge of helping him up.

I then start looking around the room. In addition to the thrones, there are massive tapestries on the walls, making the place much more comfortable. Tiny bedrolls and packs are scattered around. There is a small wooden box with some coins and a red gem inside that I add to our plunder. I notice a wall sconce next to one of the tapestries, and discover it opens a secret door leading to Rhogar’s room.
There is a door in the center of the wall opposite the thrones, but I actually search the area where the enemy reinforments came from instead.

“Wellan, Gilles, take our wounded back to Melissa’s chamber to rest. Wellan, stay there and guard them, along with the plunder we collect, until we come back for you. Secure the door, stay quiet.” The hired man nods his head, and accepts his assignment with solid agreement. All of the heavy tapestries and the wooden box go with him.

The gnomish ambush team came from some sort of trophy room. There is a dragonhide on one wall, a fine bearskin (which we take) a pair of greatswords, standards from three of the northern barbarian tribes, a stone basilisk, a door covered with etchings of a great kraken upon it, likely stolen from an evil temple, a stuffed cockatrice, a massive black shield all overseen by the skeleton of a fallen dwarf warrior.

We then turn our attention to the door in the center of the throne room. Beyond that door is the statue of a great horned demon. It’s eye sockets are empty and a thick pile of ash lies in front of it. There is no altar here, which is surprising, but perhaps that was stolen.

We then follow the passage around, and discover that there were two paths to the throne room, from the hall where we first heard the laughter. We could have hit the enemy from two points, or been encircled had the battle lasted longer.

We then check another door in that hallway. Beyond the door, is a room with a large stairwell leading down into darkness below. Tagga says, “We should go down, what we seek will be in the deepest reaches of this place.”

I correct her, “What you and Altartan seek might be below, but what I seek is enough wealth to pay our men, and we aren’t going down below at half strength. There is more to explore and I don’t want to get hit from behind while we are trapped below.” Gilles, Altartan and Mulles all agree with me, so Tagga relents.

We then open the door that Welan was guarding through much of the battle, and as I suspected, it opens up into a hall that leads to the secret door that could ambush the main entry way, and at the far end, there is another secret door into Rhogar’s bedroom!

“Let’s rejoin the others, rest, and make a plan for tomorrow.”

Gilles suggests,”Perhaps we should pitch our tents outside. More directions to escape.”

We debate a bit, but I convince my companions that we are better off with a single entrance to guard, even if we have to fight our way out. My allies relent.

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