Fortune has Two Faces

Statue of a woman kneeling and weeping as the sun sets behind her.  There is a human skull in front of her and distant ruins partially concealed in mist.
Image by Stefan Keller from Pixabay

–Weeding 2nd 120 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan)(4 men) 61 rations (9 people for 6 days), 1 healing potion, 2 healer’s kits. (owe 8 gp wages)

We wake up the next morning, Ellaan seems fit for battle again, though Sundi and Beril are both weak from their injuries. Tagga pipes up, “Well, we have everyone we need, let’s go below! You can leave your plunder here with them so we can move more quickly.”

The rest of the company seems eager to follow her into the depths. Gilles says, “Whatever this great magic of hers is, there is bound to be a guard worth challenging ourselves against. The Southrod folks will be safe enough here. I say we follow Tagga.”

I argue for caution, but my companions and partner are eager, so I relent. Soon we are heading down into the depths below.

We soon find ourselves in a roughly hewn chamber with two carts filled with broken stone. Some old pickaxes lie on the ground, and a thick layer of dust lies across everything. I can make out rat tracks, and some sort of lizardlike footprints…human sized lizards. But nothing recent it would seem.

We head south into a partially finished room lined with some sort of phosphorescent mold. The light augments that of our torches. Stalagtites hang from the ceiling, which is relatively low in much of the area. There is a door to the left, and some mining tunnels to either side.
We spread out, I start heading towards the door, while Tagga gestures towards the corridor next to it. Mulles takes a rearguard position at the other corridor, when suddenly, rocks start falling from the ceiling!

Tagga, Wellan and I are all struck, while a fourth stalagtite falls to the ground. Tagga yells in pain, and then seems to be engulfed by some sort of blob that she blunders into as she reels away from the stone that struck her! Altartan cries out, “The stones are alive!”
Giles runs forward to strike the one near Wellen while the rest of us try to fight off this strange attack.
Giles, Ellas and Wellan attack one of the stalagtites, while Mulles and I, with Altartan’s support, try to free Tagga from the blob.

The blob moves quickly forward, carrying the half orc with it and sweeping up three of the stalagtites as my men back out of the way. We slash at the creature and burn it with fire, until it eventually collapses into a puddle of smouldering goo. But by then, the flesh has been burned away and she is quite dead.

“Well, I won’t pretend we were friends, but that’s not a pleasant way to go…nobody deserves that.” I say, kneeling over Tagga’s body. “Any idea what she sought down here?”

Altartan says, “The wishing stone. There is a magic stone somewhere down here that can grant any wish. But it’s power is diabolic in nature, and until it is destroyed, vile creatures will be perpetually drawn to it, and to this region.”

I gather the coins, a rune covered bronze orb from Tagga’s effects, and what looks like a healing potion from the pile of goo. Altartan takes the smouldering spellbook from Tagga’s corroded pack. “Can’t let this go to waste!”

After a bit of rest, I go the door and my hand gets stuck! A giant mouth forms and bites into my arm. My men unshoulder their spears and start stabbing at it while I pull myself free. After a bolt of flame slams into the creature, the mouth yells out “Stop! Feed Me! Secrets!”

We ignore its pleas, and finish it off while it lashes out with some sort of tentacle, trapping me again before I plunge my blade through it…causing it to bleed some sort of brackish blood as it slowly looses its form. “Another ooze?”

“A mimic,” Altartan says, “usually, they cannot speak, so this one was rather unusual, but they can imitate any object and survive by ambushing their prey. See, this one replaced a shattered door…pretty smart trick!”

I look and see there were actually door hinges here, but the door itself is long gone. We catch our breaths, and then head down the corridor. Wary of further danger.

The hall is lined with frescoes depicting the lives and legacies of a great warrior and a great wizard. We recognize the warrior as Rhogar, and the Wizard is Zhelligar. Then there is another trophy room, where the skeletal remains of “Itchor, Chief of the Ice Bear Clan” are on display, along with a great curved blade.

Well, let’s get back upstairs. We don’t know how deept these caves are, and we’ll be better off with help. Altartan says, “Then let me study this room, and the other one’s we’ve already cleared. Lest wwe miss something.” I agree, and she opens her spellbook and begins chanting.

After awhile, she is done here. And then begins inspecting each of the rooms up above. In the room where we found the bearskin she tells us, “Take that greatsword, there is some sort of enchantment upon it.” Gilles is excited by that knowledge, but I”m unsure I’d like to abandon my shield for an enchanted blade. Nor do I want him to…so we add it to our plunder.

We then secure our campsite, but this time in Rhogar’s room rather than his mistresses (now that we know we have at least three ways out, and it is harder to spot than other paths). We tell Beril and Sundi of Tagga’s death and of what she was seeking. Neither of them were sure why they had been sent here. That secret died with the squire.

–Weeding 3rd 104 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan)(4 men) 52 rations (8 people for 6 days), 1 healing potion, 1 healer’s kits. -(Beril an Sundi still exhausted)

We wake up and get ready to find the Wishing Stone. Sundi and Beril are still a bit weak from their previious injuries, so I tell them to stay put. The rest of the company then follows me. I sling the enchanted greatsword over my back on Altartan’s advise. She warns that some creatures cannot be harmed by a normal blade! I too have heard legends to that effect.

In the throne room, we discover the remains of the gnomes have been removed. We collect the fallen men of Southrod, whose bodies have been searched, and carry their corpses down below to where the carts of stone are located. Then we pile them together alongside Tagga’s remains, and cover them in stone to prevent rats from gnawing on them anymore.

As soon as the bodies are covered, we start into the tunnels, heading to the left as Tagga had suggested. We follow the passage for quite a while as it turns gently around to the north. The farther we go, the thicker the fungus on the floor grows. It was thicker this morning where we fought the blob than it was the night before. Altartan wonders if the thing had been feeding on the fungus, wiping it out in its wake and it regrowing quickly behind it.

We come to a large almost natural looking chamber, except where a path has been hewn in the natural cavern’s floor. Stalagmites cast eerie shadows in the torchlight, and we are all more wary of the stalagtites overhead than we normally would be! Thing is, we notice that rocks have been piled high on either side of the hewn passage way, staying within that path takes us directly across to the only visible exit. The moss is very thick outside of that path. Altartan speculates, “I bet the blob couldn’t get over this rock wall. Like something had planned or limited it’s route.

This idea makes me pause and start to search the vault more carefully. I find nothing of interest or value.

So we continue on the path, and come to an area where the corridor splits off to the left, westward, and stone are piled up to block the blob from continuing northward. And I can make out a door up ahead to the right. “Let’s check the door,” I say as my men follow me over the low barricade.

We quickly walk over to the door, and as my men spread out to keep watch, i try to open it. The door is made of iron, and solidly locked! I am about to call for a crowbar when Altartan asks to take a look at it.

I step aside, and the elf begins tracing her fingers across a pattern I can scarcely see. “There is a glyph here of some sort. In addition to the heavy lock, there is a magical ward. Give me a few minutes!”

She pulls out her book and begins chanting while the rest of us stand watch. After several minutes, she stops. “It is a conjuration spell of some sort. It will summon some sort of guardian when the door is opened!”

Giles is excited by this prospect, “I’ve never slain a demon before!” he grins. Altartan and I look at him with alarm, for surely he must be mad to relish such a battle!

“Well, if you have at it with crowbars, you’ll draw the attention of everything that lives down here as the sound echoes throughout these caverns. Tagga’s book has a spell that could open this door, but I’ll need to study the formula to make it work.”

“Alright then,” I suggest, but she explains it takes a few days to learn unfamiliar spells well enough to safely cast them.

Disappointed, my men and I resume our journey, going farther north until we come to a large pool of icy cold water. We taste it, and then refill our waterskins after refreshing ourselves.

We then doubleback, and follow the path the blob was meant to take, leading us into a huge cavern filled with the strange glowing moss. A low wall guides us back to the south, but we see four large glowing beetles feeding from the moss along our path! One of the creatures lunges towards me, and we make quick work of them. But even after they die, they still glow! So I cut them open, and from each one, we pull out a glowing orb from within the front of their head that serves as some sort of cold, natural torch. We hang these across our shields using some twine, so we can discard all but one of the torches (just in case the light from them fades).

We see in the distance,a couple of exits toward the north, and decide that since someone has taken an effort to channel the blob away from it, we should explore that path. We take the passage on the left side, but as we approach it, we spot a small lizardman starting to scamper away. Altartan yells something at the creature and it throws up its hands and begins gibbering in that same tongue.

After a bit of talking with the frightened creature, Altartan tells us, “He says the wishing stone is up ahead, but we have to sneak past a pit. He also says it is guarded by a dragon, but I’m pretty sure he’s lying.”

Giles says, “I hope not! That’d be a fine trophy!”

I shake my head, and suggest that he stay up front with me. Spears at the ready, while Altartan and Wellan bring up the rear with the captive.

She then starts talking to the captive again…in a slower, gentler voice, leaning in close to the creature. Her voice is mesmerizing, like it was that first day I met her in the tavern. After a bit, she smiles. “He says that there is actually a tribe of troglodytes above a head. If we are careful, we can sneak up and catch their shaman and his two guards unaware. The wishing stone is actually south, near where the crawling worm lives. The worm terrifies him.”

“Wellan says,” we can’t leave the trogs to our rear. I agree with him and we decide to hit them while they are unaware of us.

As we move forward, we just catch sight of the troglodytes near their altar as the guards turn to face us. Mulles and Giles rush forward, hurling their spears as the reptilian shaman reaches out, causing the moss on the ground to lengthen into knotted vines that hold the rest of us fast. I struggle to break free while Altartan hurls magical flames as the evil priest. Drawing closer, the stench of these creatures is overwhelming and makes my eyes water. Fortunately, our armor is too tough for their teeth and claws, and though their shaman’s hand glows red with some diabolical power, he never lays a hand on me! When Altartan’s firebolt catches him in the jaw and he slumps to the ground, the entangling spell is broken. By then, his bodyguards were already dead, and Giles was badly bloodied.

While Giles wounds are tended, I search the area. There is a black stone altar with a bloodied copper bowl of fine design, and a wooden statue of a many legged lizard. A basilisk I think, like the statue upstairs. I also find a sack full of coins, some dragon scale and fish statuette with saphire eyes, and a silver candelabra in it.

Now used to the smell, (we all gather around to breathe it in), we sneak past the pit, and hit the rest of the tribe from behind.

We creep forward, planning for Altartan to seal the passage to the rest of the tribe with magic while we dispatch the warriors immediately ahead of us. She says if we face the whole tribe at once, we will definitely be overwhelmed, but if we can split this into two battles, she things we have a good chance of victory. Giles is already hungry for another fight!

The battle is swift and brutal, going exactly as planned. The men and I rush forward, with a spear catching the one Trog that tried to escape and warn the rest of the tribe, then a massive magical web blocking that passage entirely. We could hear shouts from the other side of the web, and though Altartan was yelling at the Trogs to “Surrender” in their own tongue, they fought to the death.

Wellan and Mulles were wounded, but stayed on their feet.

Then Altartan release her spell and we hurl ourselves into the rest of the tribe. Altartan yells something at them in Draconic hurling the head of their shaman ahead of us as we rush through the passage towards the enemy, but the trogs are already rushing to meet us!

Giles and I hit them where the passage is narrowest it would seem. Two of them facing two of us, but with Ellass and Mulles reaching past us using their spears. Then another batch of magical webs springs forth right in front of entangling them all, and Wellan hurls our lit torch into it, causing it to burst into flames. The trogs scream in agony as we cut them down while our armor turns away their claws and fangs. Then thre is silence as all but two fall to the ground…apparently asleep! Giles and I finish the last two still standing while my men dispatch the unconscious beasts.

Altartan speaks, “That is how it is done. Sometimes, steel is not enough to win a battle quickly and decisively!”

Searching the area while my men catch their breaths, I see traces of where a large number of trogs, adults and young fled through the north wall. There must be a secret door, but I cannot figure out how to trigger it.

Giles finds numerous large eggs, probably belonging to the trogs. We will leave them here…no need to kill them as they are no threat to us. Seeing not usable exit, we go back to where we fought the male warriors. There is a large statue in that room, crudely carved of black stone in the shape of a human, perhaps a wizard.

“You know, boss,” Giles says to me, “You really should smash those trog eggs. They’ll just grow up to cause more trouble. You’ll never be a great warrior if you aren’t ruthless about it.”

I shake my head, “Giles, is there really any glory in killing something totally defenseless that poses no threat? We cleared the danger behind us. Now we move forward. The wishing stone.”

Altartan suggests we get moving again. Injuries have been bandaged, and everyone has had a good chance to catch their breath.

We are soon following our kobold guide towards the wishing stone. We find a small side room that has a hole in the ceiling leading up, perhaps to the level above. We step over some more guide stones for the blob, and eventually come to the wishing stone.

The stone lights up the room with a pale yellow glow. Of itself, it is about three feet in diameter, pale gray and very jagged, but with flecks of gold that “glow” with a magical light.

We all pause while Altartan begins to chant something from her book. Well, all but Ellas who grows impatient and reaches out to touch the thing.

“Nothing’s happened!” he says. “Women…don’t know a damn thing!” he snarls.

Altartan ignores him, focused on her spell. Giles asks, “Is it warm?”

I tell the men to shut up and wait.

They fall silent. Even Ellas, though he looks irritated.

“It conjures magical energy, but it’s unclear what exactly.” Altartan concludes.

“We waited for that?” Ellas complains. I roll my eyes.

“Well, any other ideas? Should we break it?” I ask Altartan.

“No!” Wellan objects, “I want to make a wish!” He reaches out and places his hands on either side of the stone. “I wish I had the ability to speak with the dead!”

We all wait, and watch. Altartan has a concerned look on her face, the rest of the men are cautious, curious to see what happens…nothing!

“This is stupid!” Ellas declares, drawing his sword and striking the stone. A flake of gold falls free, glowing brightly, while the rest of the stone goes dark. “What’s this?” Ellass asks, perplexed, picking it up.

After a minute or so, the flake stops glowing and the large stone regains it’s magic.

“Curious,” Altartan says.

She breaks off a piece, which glows while the rest of the stone goes black. She places it into her mouth, and she disappears!

We look around, and call her name, but we cannot find her. She’s gone! The kobold scampers away, and ignores our calls for it to return.

We start to fall back, double-checking the places we’ve already been, but reluctant to explore new areas in this dangerous place. We scare off a large pack of giant rats, and return upstairs to our injured companions.

“You’ve lost another one?” Beril asks, sullenly.

I nod, “And she will be missed.”

“She was stupid!” Ellas declares. “Like all women…dumb! She knew magic but had no sense! Eating a magic rock!””

“Show some respect”, I hiss, “she saved us against the trogs. Her advice was saved us all.” Ellas sneers and shakes his head.

We fortify our position and rest the night.

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