Questionable Judgment

Two men at a candle lit table.  One is writing in a book while the other looks on.
Image by Albrecht Fietz from Pixabay

–Weeding 4th 88 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan who died and is lost in the Cave)(4 men) 44 rations (8 people for 6 days), 2 healing potion -(Beril still exhausted)

The next morning, we break camp, and securing the secret room behind us, make our way back out the exit of the compound. The shields of the broken statues cry out a warning of doom as we pass. Beril is moving slowly, still not fully recovered from his wounds. Sundi has fully recovered, and the rest of my men are in good shape, none the worse for the trials we have faced.

“There is still glory to be found here!” suggests Giles. I agree with him, but point out that we are laden with loot, and having lost two of our company perhaps we should report back to the Castellan. A patrol is only of use it it returns with news. The rest of the men agree, and I lead the company back towards the keep.

We arrive in the evening, and are glad to hear the crash of tankards in the tavern,the murmur of friendly conversation. Giles is soon regaling the patrons with tales of his glory in battle, while I am considering how best to explain the death of Altartan to her master. The corporal on watch has undoubtedly reported my arrival to our lord.

I’ve barely eaten, when an officer arrives and informs me that my audience is required. I command my men to follow, as I may need witnesses, and also Beril and Sundi.

We soon arrive at the Great Hall, and are greeted warmly by our lord.

“It is good to see you safe and sound Berick,” declares his lordship, “but where is Altartan, Kagga, and who are these others with you?”

I introduce my hired men, and Beril and Sundi from Southrod. Then I explain what Altartan had discovered of Kagga’s purpose, how Kagga died, and of what happened at the wish stone. Marivek is furious that we lost his apprentice.

“You should have stopped her! She was not to take such risks!” he shouts, but I tell him that she chose to eat the stone, that she knew more about it than any of us.

Lord Marisol concurs, and reminds Marivek that we know more about the place than we ever did before, and that her loss, though regrettable, is the risk he took when he sent her. Another apprentice can be found.

Marivek then demands his share of the plunder, and I tell him that we’ve just arrived in town, and that I haven’t had a chance to sell anything yet.

Lord Marisol says that his agents will take care of that and summons his tax collector to make an assessment of the local resale value of the goods. Including my share of the coinage we found, I am given 250 gold crowns for everything and told to keep the healing potion and magical blade as well.

Beril and Sundi are questioned for a bit, and then told they will be escorted back to Southrod by the next patrol.

I am then dismissed, and I tell me men to meet me at the tavern tomorrow. I then head back to the lumber cabin to ask about lodging. My old friends still have a bed for me!

–Weeding 5th 322 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan who died and is lost in the Cave)(4 men) 44 rations (8 people for 6 days), +1 Greatsword, 2 healing potion

The next morning at the tavern, Mulles asks, “How long to you plan on keeping us on as your men? Are we heading back out? If so, when? You going to keep paying us in town?” I tell them that I am willing to keep paying them, but I’m going to hold onto the gear i bought them, in case they decide to leave town or find another employer before we set off. That way, they aren’t bound to me, nor I to them should they find a better offer.

I add that I am planning to sit tight for the next week, while I look for a spellcaster who might be able to help with the locked door. I then give them each a full week’s wage and tell them to meet me back here on the 18th for fresh orders. They hand over their armor, shields, blades, packs and crossbows which I haul to the smith’s for repair, and bring back home when that work is done.

–Weeding 12th 218 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan who died and is lost in the Cave)(4 men) 44 rations (8 people for 6 days), +1 Greatsword, 2 healing potion (Chainmail, 3 chain shirts, 4 shields, 4 longswords, 4 light crossbows, 4 spears, 2 explorer kits, 2 dungeoneer kits, 2 extra bedrolls, 2 tents)-

A week passes, and I have no luck finding anyone eager to join in a second expedition to Quasquatten. Adwin returns. He tells me of his captivity at the hands of his brother and the oath he was forced to take renouncing all titles, stipends and inheritance in exchange for his freedom, and I tell him of my adventure. After after careful consideration, we decide that we both need to venture into Quasquatten and find more treasure, but that if we want a spell caster to join us, we’ll need to go to Estkap and recruit one. It is a much larger town than Farwatch, after all.

I inform the men that I won’t be needing them anytime soon, and that they should feel free to take other work in the meantime, and I secure most of the group supplies in the logging cabin. Then Adwin and I begin traveling south to Estkap.

We join the caravan of Mudo Blackjade, a dwarven trader of gemstones. To call it a caravan is a bit of an overstatement, as he has only a single wagon. He carries a sturdy, locked chest, prresumable full of gemstones, but the rest of his wagon is filled with dwarven ale, cheeses, steel and woolen clothing made in the dwarven fashion. His two guards look like hardened veterans, and a younger dwarf, who I take to be his son, drives the wagon. They welcome us to travel alongside them, as extra security is always appreciated. They have also welcomed many others to tag along, as there are pilgrims returning home, former soldiers tired of working for the Castellan seeking less risky posts, and farmers visiting distant relatives. Maybe twenty additional people on foot, mule or horse!

The team of mules pulling the wagon seem to be carrying on their own conversation, braying at each other continuously, while the bells on their harnesses jingle and klang. Likewise, the other travelers joke and laugh, or sing traveling songs while one man plays a flute.

Adwin walks his horse alongside me, as I have no mount. We talk about swordsmanship, and what we’ve each learned over the last few weeks. Me in battle with trogs, and him in tournaments and military drills.

That night, as we are setting up camp, Adwin starts to suffer from a wracking cough. It is so bad that he can barely catch his breath. I ask if there is a healer among our group, but nobody has any knowledge of medicine or herbalism.

I start looking around for some medicinal herbs, but can’t find anything familiar nearby, so instead I keep him sitting upright so as to keep his lungs as clear as possible. We get very little rest that night.

–Weeding 13th 218 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan who died and is lost in the Cave)(4 men) 42 rations, +1 Greatsword, 2 healing potion (Chainmail, 3 chain shirts, 4 shields, 4 longswords, 4 light crossbows, 4 spears, 2 explorer kits, 2 dungeoneer kits, 2 extra bedrolls, 2 tents)-

The next morning, Adwin’s cough is getting worse, so I insist he rides and we are soon lagging behind the rest of the caravan, as people do not want to be near him lest they catch whatever disease he has. Though much of my attention is on keeping him from falling from his mount during a coughing fit, I spot some Thyme by the side of the road, and cut it to make a tea should we be forced to stop before EstKap.

It was wise of me to do so, as eventually, Adwin’s wheezing and coughing become so bad that he cannot sit on the horse, or even stand. I carry him to the side of the road, and start a fire to prepare some tea. Thyme tea will often cure a cough, but perhaps not one this severe!

We sit, and I treat him as best I can while preparing our camp and tending his animal.

–Weeding 14th 218 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan who died and is lost in the Cave)(4 men) 40 rations, +1 Greatsword, 2 healing potion (Chainmail, 3 chain shirts, 4 shields, 4 longswords, 4 light crossbows, 4 spears, 2 explorer kits, 2 dungeoneer kits, 2 extra bedrolls, 2 tents)-

Between villages, it isn’t much of a surprise that nobody wanders past over the course of the day. Adwin’s looking pretty rough. I ask him if he’d like me to go fetch a healer. Between coughs he wheezes out, “No, stay with me,” so I continue to tend him, making tea and broth. Trying to keep him comfortable.

–Weeding 15th 218 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan who died and is lost in the Cave)(4 men) 38 rations, +1 Greatsword, 2 healing potion (Chainmail, 3 chain shirts, 4 shields, 4 longswords, 4 light crossbows, 4 spears, 2 explorer kits, 2 dungeoneer kits, 2 extra bedrolls, 2 tents)-

After yet another long night, Adwins breathing finally starts to clear up. He is able to stand up on his own two feet and walk a short distance before I make him sit back down. I continue to treat him as I had the last two days, letting him get some real sleep for the first time since the cough started.

–Weeding 16th 218 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (88 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan who died and is lost in the Cave)(4 men) 36 rations, +1 Greatsword, 2 healing potion (Chainmail, 3 chain shirts, 4 shields, 4 longswords, 4 light crossbows, 4 spears, 2 explorer kits, 2 dungeoneer kits, 2 extra bedrolls, 2 tents)-

Adwin wakes up, feeling like a new man! His lungs are clear, and though he is a little weak, he easily keeps pace with me as we walk the rest of the way to Estkap. Along the way, we pass a small gang of goblin slaves being forced to repair a bridge. The guards seem disinterested, and I worry that the bridge might not be the safest one to cross when it is complete, but I suppose the labor is free.

The sight makes me wonder what will become of the Troglogyte eggs we left behind. Had we brought them back, the beasts would have grown up as slaves, or been traded to distant lands where fighters spill their blood in great arenas for the pleasure of bloodthirsty spectators. But left behind, will they grow up and savage these lands? Or will they die like the abandoned eggs of a bird?

We arrive at Estkap in mid afternoon. It is a modest sized town of maybe a thousand families. Adwin leads me to “The Devil’s Horns” for a drink. “I need something to help clear my throat,” he says, and I soon see why he picked the place. The owner, a tiefling, nods at him as Adwin enters, as apparently my friend is well known here. A barmaid brings us a couple of tankards and bowls of stewed sausage with some almond bread. She smiles at Adwin, and he thanks her while he looks around for familiar faces. On spying some he says, “Excuse me…” and then he walks over to the other table and says, “Deal me in!” and soon is engulfed in a high stakes card game!

The barmaid asks, “You aren’t joining the squire?” I shake my head no, and tell her that I’m actually in town looking for a wizard for hire. The maid tips her head towards a woman in a faded blue dress sitting off. “Her name is Bridda. She has some…unusual tastes and desires. i steer clear of her, but if you want a wizard.”

I thank her and go over to talk to Bridda.

The wizard leans back in her chair, tracing her long fingernails along the curve of her tight, but unusually low cut bodice as she does so. “I saw you talking to Hellana, and then you came to see me. See something you like?” she asks in a sultry voice.

“I’m told her are a worker of magic. I need an ironshod door with magical wards on it broken down some three days ride from here in an ancient ruin. Are you for hire?”

She sneers and says in a playfully contemptous tone, “I think I prefer to lock things up over unlocking them, and why travel so far when you and I could have so much more fun here?”

I sigh, “I am sorry to have wasted your time.” As I depart, she suggests that perhaps another time, I might want to play with her.

I join Adwin at the table, laying down fifty coin in wagers and end up winning 200 gold over the course of the evening. Hellanna is nearly hanging off my arm by the end of the night, cheering me on and she even asks me if I’ll let her help celebrate my winnings. I’ve been around long enough to know that she’s hoping to get me alone so some friend of hers can cut my purse, or perhaps my throat, so Adwin and i leave together and I tell him to keep a sharp eye that we aren’t followed.

We end up at the Wyvern’s Roost, a fine inn overlooking the market square. We pay for two private rooms, and warm baths. I am soon more relaxed than I can remember, and have the best night’s sleep in a week.

–Weeding 17th 416 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (136 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan who died and is lost in the Cave)(4 men) 36 rations, +1 Greatsword, 2 healing potion (Chainmail, 3 chain shirts, 4 shields, 4 longswords, 4 light crossbows, 4 spears, 2 explorer kits, 2 dungeoneer kits, 2 extra bedrolls, 2 tents)-

We purchase 2 Healer’s Kits (10 gp total) and 3 healing potions (150 gp total) from an alchemist shop called Powder and Pestle, and we ask about any wizards who may be for hire. The alchemist says that yes, he does in fact, but then he refuses to say who or how to find them. I ask why, and he says simply that he doesn’t like me. I tell him that I’m not terribly fond of him either right now and leave the shop.

We visit taverns and shops in the general area of the alchemy shop, asking around, but find no leads on a suitable spellcaster for hire. Or even one who isn’t for hire! In fact, we get the impression that magic is distrusted here even more than it is in most communities! Though, if Bridda is any indication of the norms for wizards in this community, I am not surprised they are regarded with suspicious distaste.

“Stefan! Stefan! Have you forgotten! You promised to remember and never forget!” a woman in rags calls to me as she takes my by the arm. “We must honor the dead so they bless us in the future!” she rambles on, madness in her eyes. I pull away and tell her that I am not Stefan. A spark of clarity passes over her eyes and she understands. “i am sorry good sir. Honor the dead!” I nod at her and continue on my way, checking my coin purse to make sure I still have it.

We spent the rest of the evening fruitlessly asking around about wizards and such, ate at a quiet little tavern, and then returned to our lodging.

–Weeding 18th 254 gp (plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (136 gp Adwin) (10 gp Altartan who died and is lost in the Cave)(4 men) 36 rations, +1 Greatsword, 5 healing potion, 2 Healer’s kits (Chainmail, 3 chain shirts, 4 shields, 4 longswords, 4 light crossbows, 4 spears, 2 explorer kits, 2 dungeoneer kits, 2 extra bedrolls, 2 tents)-

The next morning, we go back to the merchant’s quarter to see if another day of searching would bear more fruit. While Ardwin and I are talking with one shopkeep, I notice another merchant paying people for unloading his carts, but palming some of the coins shown to one worker who’s distracted by talking to his fellows. I shake my head at the dishonesty.

The shopkeeper tells us to head over to the “Naughty Buttocks” and ask for Cece. She knows a bit of magic. Adwin grins at the “tavern’s” name. I simply roll my eyes and ask directions.

“Hey you! Show some respect!” I hear as Adwin and I are walking down the street. I turn to see five heavily armed men, clearly deep in drink though it’s still early in the day! “Yeah! You two! We are the heroes of Brightwell!”

I nod and say, “Ah, well done and my regards!”

“Hey! Don’t think you can just walk away! You owe us respect!” one of the men says, “We slew the Terror of Brightwell! It’s nothing for us to put you in your place!”

I hold up my hands, “I mean no disrespect good men, but merely seek to be on my way, and you can return to your drinking!”

That man looks at the bottle in his hand, nearly empty and says, “Yeah, our drinking…almost done with our drinking.” His eyes are glazed and he staggers too much.

“Yes! You deserve to celebrate your victory!” I gesture to a tavern up ahead, “We’ll buy you a round!”

The gang eagerly staggers after us…and into the Naughty Buttocks. Much to my dismay for I had hoped to leave them in some other place and continue on my business!

The place is crowded, but the sound of a lute and the clink of the bells on a dancing girl’s belt and hands are the first thing one hears. A girl on a table is showing her goods, barely draped in silk and satin, and undraped as she spins this way or that. The serving girls wear little as well, and crude men lust and leer. The heroes’ jaws go slack as they gawk at the girl who brings their drinks, and they soon are making loutish comments, jeering and whistling.

Adwin’s no better!

I ask the serving girl if Cece is here. “I’ve not heard the name,” she replies, “it is rare for a woman to visit here.”

I look around, and then approach the older fellow behind the bar. “I’m not sure I recall that name. You know my memory isn’t what it used to be.” he says. I chuckle a bit, understanding his meaning, and slide several gold coins across the bar to him. “But I think I might recall having met her…it’s kind of foggy really.” I slide him a few more, “ah yes, she’s the lodger upstairs Knock three times, then twice more at the door at the end of the hall. Perhaps she’s there.”

I thank him and head upstairs to the door, knock three times and then twice more. “Yes,” a woman’s voice answers, as the door opens a bit, “Don’t be shy,” she says alluringly, “I don’t bite.”

She’s a lovely woman, with auborn hair and a silken robe that covers little. “I’m here to discuss a different sort of business,” I suggest slipping inside, “I need someone who can weave magic. I need a door unlocked, guarded by magical wards. I was told perhaps you could help?”

“I have no idea what you are talking about. I cannot help you with that, but there are other services I could provide of a more…personal nature?” she whispers suggestively as she tracers a finger upon my chest.
“An interesting idea, but as I said, I am here on other business. If not you, then perhaps you know another who could help me?”

“You’re serious aren’t you?” she asks and I nod, “Not just a ploy to have me arrested?” I shake my head.

“The site is the legendary Quasquaton, about one day’s march northeast of Farwatch. A former companion discovered an ironshod door we found was warded with some sort of conjuring spell, and suggested that there was magic that could breach it.”

“And she could not do it?” Cece asks warily.

“She said she had found a spell in the book of another wizard who had been with us, but died in battle, but that she would need time to learn it. Then she was slain by some sort of magical trap upon a wishing stone.” I say grimly.

“That’s uh…not very promising,” Cece says with concern, “you seem to lose allies rather quickly.”

I nod, “Tagga’s death in battle was unfortunate. We were ambushed and she died before anyone could reach her. Altartan, well, she chose to experiment with magic I don’t think she fully understood, and died from it.”

“Farwatch? Quasquatan? I’m intrigued and I’d rather take my chances with you as a full partner plundering old ruins than live safely in this town as a whore,” she drops her silken robe to the ground, “help pack.”
She gestures towards some things to put in a satchel for her while she dons attire more suitable for travel.
She then turns and asks mischievously, “So tell me, did you like what you saw? Or are you otherwise inclined?”

I laugh, “I am very well inclined to like what I saw, but I’m not inclined to indulge so freely.”

“Ah?” she asks, “Married? In love? Inept?”

“I long for the second leading to the first, but right now, there are fortunes to be won.” I say as I hand her bag to her. “You weren’t here long I’d guess.”

“Three weeks,” she says ruefully, “and three weeks too long!”

The two of us head downstairs where Adwin is waiting for us, or rather, watching one of the girls dance while drinking with the heroes. I tell him it is time to go, but he says he’ll catch up tonight. I tell him we are leaving at dawn. Cece says, “Why not now?” and I point out that it’s already mid-day, I’d rather spend one night on the road than two, just in case but that I’d get her lodging at the Wyvern’s Roost

As we walk towards the market square, a group of swordsmen hail us, “Ah! That’s one of heroes of Brightwell!” their leader says and they give me a cheer. Cece looks at me strangely, I shake my head, “Long story.”

We purchase some traveling clothes a healing kit and a proper pack for her.

At the Wyvern’s Roost, I ask for another room, and they say I am lucky to have one at all! They’ve been offered double rent from a client if they kick people out for his party!

I pay double for my room and say, “The lady is my guest, draw us a bath.” She innkeeper sneers and says he’ll send up the buckets.

As she follows me upstairs, Cece jokes, “We could have done this earlier without the need for pretense.” I laugh, and ask that she behave herself.

I offer her the bed, while I use my bedroll on the floor. It is still more comfortable than a rockstrewn field.

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