The Caves of Chaos

A small cave like barrow entrance in the woods.
Image by Samantha Lachs from Pixabay

–Weeding 27th 108 gp

Decide to return to the Keep, either alone or with Helmod. It turns out that Mavarek, his bodyguards, and the patrol are also returning as well, so everyone helps break up the camp, and Heldon and I borrow a horse for Wellan to ride back. The company, consisting of more than twenty men, only a couple of whom are wounded, makes good time getting back to the keep, and we are home by nightfall. I stop by Adwin’s apartment, but there is no sign of Cece there. I fill him in on events after I sent him back to the keep,a nd how the men demand a share of plunder. He scoffs and says, “They hired on for a wage, not for a share. Get your armor back and cut them loose!”

I go to the inn, and discover that Tasset, Ralphye and Fennilor are also missing, having left town with a caravan, and their gear, on the road to Southrod. She did not tell anyone at the inn or tavern why she was leaving, but I suspect it was to seek the Vault of Himero.

I return to my lodging in frustration.

–Weeding 28th 105 gp

The next morning, I go to the trader’s shop to talk to Khallid about selling my loot. I gain 208 gp, and keep the Encyclopedia Botanica, the Regional History Book, the Outdoor Survival Book, the Weather Book and Zeligar’s Diary. I split it coin in four shares, but with Tasset gone, I let Wellan and Helmod split her share, but I collect my gear lest the leave with it. After considering wages, the cost of the two healing potions, and the supplies expended, I lost money on this expedition.

–Weeding 29th-

I spend a week waiting for my companions to recover.I talk to people I’ve already met, and travellers passing through, listening for rumors of plunder and treasure, work and opportunities for fame. I visit with Wellan and Adwin, and am pleased to see that Cece has returned to his apartment. I also read the history book hoping to find a clue about some nearby lost city or tomb, but I don’t find anything particularly useful or interesting

–Heyday 1st 135 gp (paying out 1 gp/day food, plus 4 gp/day wages)(plus 240 gp in the bank for 30 days wages), (157 gp Adwin) (44 gp Cece) (27 gp Helmod, and 27 gp Wellan) 15rations, +1 Greatsword, 3 healing potion, 30 charges Healer’s kits.(Rent paid) (Chainmail, chain shirt, 2 shields, 2 longswords, 2 light crossbows, 2 spears, 1 explorer kits, 1 dungeoneer kits, 1 extra bedrolls, 1 tents, Encyclopedia Botanica, the Regional History Book, the Outdoor Survival Book, the Weather Book and Zeligar’s Diary)

After one week of rest, I hear rumor of another treasure nearby. I was eating lunch at the Stretched Goat when I notice a tired looking dwarf at the table next to me talking to four out of work caravan guards (so many seem to linger here) trying to persuade them to explore some sort of secret temple nearby. The men, probably nearly penniless, are balking at his promises of treasure within and a reward, so I turn my chair around and order the lot a drink, “Pray tell, old man, I wish to hear more of this!”

“Harumph! I wasn’t talking to you!,” the dwarf replies sourly (my persuasion roll was a 2+5…mythic says, yeah, he’s pissed!)

I quickly apologize, and suggest that, while the men he is speaking with are unlikely to help him,, I’ve had a bit of experience exploring old ruins lately and am looking for a way to refill my dwindling purse.

The dwarf regards me warily, yawns, and then takes a long slow drought from the fresh mug of ale I’d had brought over. “Well then, down to business. In the caves north east of here, halfway between Farwatch and Southrod, there was a hidden temple, dedicated to the Null…Destruction.” He pauses to let the words sink in. “The temple was built when the land was still wild. It drew evil hearts from all around, but was allegedly destroyed when the cult of the Null was put to the sword in the great purge some 60 years ago.”

The dwarf then pulls out a worn looking leather bound journal, with curled and yellowed pages, “High Paladin Johan Stonebreak writes that upon the great black altar, across which veins of blood pumped forth as though fed by a beating heart, was a great orb of red and black stone that radiated heat, and loathing. In it’s presence, men were frozen with fear, and could not draw close enough to destroy it. So the cave was sealed, lest it draw more evil to this place…”

“My employer wants that orb, or rather, to tap the power it contains, and will pay handsomely to anyone who can retrieve it for him!” the dwarf says, his eyes taunting me.

I ask how I am supposed to retreive something so powerful that men cannot even draw near. And why, by the gods, I would want to simply hand something like that over to a man who would want to possess something like that?

“Second question first, 3000 gold crowns for the relic.” The caravaneers’ jaw drops at the sum! Suddenly, they too are intrigued by the tale! “First question, well, perhaps only the truly holy are afflicted by such fear, and a black hearted mercenary might not feel such revulsion. Or perhaps, a bit of magic could dampen the effect for a bit. Or maybe, the power of it is exaggerated or has faded somewhat over time. A clever man such as yourself should be able to figure something out!”

I chuckle in disbelief that I am even considering this, but so I am. “How long will you be here? How do I collect my finder’s fee were i to be successful?” He tells me that he is heading to Estkap to manage some of his master’s affairs in that city, and that he will be staying at the Wyvern’s Roost, as he often does on such business. I am to ask for Stonebreak.” I raise an eyebrow, and he nods, “The son of Johan Stonebreak.”

It is then that I notice Helmod and Cece have entered the tavern. She is draped over him like a common whore over her John, and I wonder if perhaps, she prefers that lifestyle after all. On seeing me, they assume a different manner, as though I didn’t know what they were getting on about. I summon them over, and tell them of the proposal. They both scoff at the notion of pursuing such a relic. I suggest to her that perhaps, such an artifact might help her to better understand her powers, and that for such a haul as this, an even split of the payday is in order for Helmod and Wellan. She is now intrigued, but he says that there is no sum of gold great enough to make him want to set eyes on such a relic as I describe in such a temple as this is rumored to be. Cece pouts as he rises and walks away. “I’ll need my armor back!” I call to him, and he waves me off, promising to bring it by my lodging tonight.

I then track down Adwin and Wellan. Both men are eager to join the expedition, especially when I explain to Wellan that he will be getting a share of plunder. “I proposed, a double share for myself, as I will front expedition expenses, a single share for you, Adwin and Cece, and one more share to be split between any additional hired men we might secure as camp guards.” Wellan insists upon a wage, so I counter with a half share for him, plus a daily wage. He balks at losing such a prize, and agrees to work just for the share.

I return to the stretched goat to find the caravaneers and try to recruit them. Three of the men balk at the risks, but one, a swarthy skinned fellow named Kentai, whose accent I cannot place, agrees to join us.

I then purchase a mule so we can more easily transport supplies to the caves, and wounded back home. I am very wary of setting off with only four of us such a great distance from the Keep, but there is not much more I can do at this juncture other than appealing to the Castellan for aid. Aid only a fool would provide! I am able to buy another healing potion though, and that is a welcome aid!

–Heyday 2nd 55 gp

On the morning of the 2nd, I tell my roommates they should rent my bed out to someone else, as I am unlikely to be back anytime soon, and then head over to the tavern to see if I can recruit a camp guard or two to help us out. When I arrive, I see that Adwin and Helmod are yelling at each other and Cece is crying nearby. She is begging Adwin to forgive her indiscretion and that Helmod was just a fling, for fun! Helmod is angry at her for playing him, and Adwin is angry at him for having his way with the woman. She is begging forgiveness of both men, and they both curse “the adulterous whore” for playing them for fools, and Adwin demands that Helmod answer for his crime with a duel to prove that he is not the honorless cur he seems to be!

They draw steel while I pull Cece away and other bystander watch in shock and horror. They battle rages as Helmod, in his rage, drives Adwin back with great fury. For a time, it seems that the sellsword will prevail, but suddenly, Adwin turns the tide and with two swift blows leaves Helmod lying in a bloody heap on the ground. I release Cece, and she runs over to slap Adwin across the face. I tend to Helmod’s wounds and manage to staunch the bleeding. It seems he will live!

I have Kentai and Wellan help me carry Helmod over to the chapel where he can be more properly tended to. While the men curse Adwin’s temper, they also think that Helmod was a fool to mess with another man’s woman, in spite of what else she might also be.

When we return to the tavern, Cece is nowhere to be found, and Adwin is sitting glumly in a chair, drinking, and stewing in his anger.

“I take it you’ve lost me a sorceress? And a hired man? Done enough damage today?” I ask, pointedly.

He starts to chuckle, “Well, perhaps my brother is right. I am too foolish and impulsive to be worthy of land or titles. Let’s just get on with it. Find this orb and seek your fortune. Mine certainly isn’t to be found here!” I shake my head in frustration. Four men against the unknown.

“Not today, get some rest. We’ll set off in the morning,” I reply dourly.

–Heyday 3rd 51 gp (offered 3000 gp for recovery of Orb of Dread).

The next morning, I got together with the men for breakfast at the tavern, hoping to head off first thing in the morning towards the Caves. I spot Ellas eating breakfast without his friends, and ask if he is for hire. He kind of laughs at me and says that he’s going to pass this time around.

The rest of the men show up, we gather our equipment and start heading towards the dreaded Caves of Chaos!

We march the better part of the day, our packs heavy and our boots pounding down on the hard packed earthen road. Oddly, we encounter no travelers, occasionally spook some hare or a distant deer, but otherwise reach the curve in the road near the caves without incident. I find a secure place to pitch our tent while Adwin sees that the mule is tended and our waterskins filled. Wellan gets the campfire going for our dinner while Kentai keeps watch. We are soon eating dinner and Kentai is asking me about Ellas, and why the man might have refuesed to join us. I tell him about our expedition into Quasquaton, how fierce the fighting was and how, though successful, we did lose a couple of people. He shakes his head and grins, “What is life without risk? Only the bold achieve good fortune and great wealth!”

We douse the flame before nightfall, and rest, a little chilled, but undisturbed.

–Heyday 4th 47 gp

The next morning, we push on towards where the Caves are said to be. We hack our way through thick undergrowth as the trees take on a more frightening visage, increasingly gnarled, warped and almost sinister looking. Suddenly, we break into a great ravine where there is only the sparsest vegetation and a handful of trees…all of which seem to have a humanoid face in their trunk! A great murder of crows takes flight, drawing attention to the bleached bones scattered amidst the stoney floor of the ravine. A large vulture looks down on us from the top of one of the trees, undisturbed by the flight of his fellows…watching us, almost in anticipation! Looking up the walls of the ravine, I see a few distinctive dark spots, probably entrances to one cave or another. And I hear a whistling sound, as the wing blows across them…and the rustling of leaves. I crouch down on the black stones at the edge of the ravine to watch for a bit…looking for signs of orcs, goblins or gnolls said to live here, and wondering where I can find the Orb of Fear. I tell everyone to ready their crossbows, and we wait. We wait for almost an hour…aside from the returning crows and the waiting vulture, there is no movement. No signs of life.

“Alright then, let’s get started. First cave on our left. Follow me!” I start moving towards the cave entrance. As we move forward, I can see another cave on the opposite wall of the ravine also at this low level. The other visible cave entrances are higher up, but their may be several more concealed by the thick copses of trees.

Entering the cave, Adwin switches to sword and shield, while I carry a blade and torch. The hired men keep their crossbows at the ready, backing us up. A natural cave entrance quickly gives way to worked stone.

Suddenly, we hear the cry “Bree Yark!”

Goblins! Calling for help!

Wellan cries out, “Targets!” and raises his crossbow. Bolts fly down the hall as spears fly back towards us. Goblins rush foward from our left, and Adwin and I rush to meet them, dropping my torch and pulling down my shield. Unfortunately, the torch fizzles out, and the passage grows very dark…I stab a goblinoid shadow that draws close and the creature’s cry of pain is cut short.

“Fall back,” I yell as we hear answering cries behind us. I then cut down two more goblins, and Adwin yells “Push through!” pointing towards the light in a room behind the goblin guards! “Push through!” I echo as Kentai rushes forward to join us, spear and shield now ready…

We cut through as the numbers before us grow and we hear enemies closing behind. Goblins hurl spears and retreat, those not fast enough are cut down, and Kentai suddenly breaks through to the guard room ahead! Wellan follows while Adwin and I struggle to hold the rear. We are battered and bruised by the relentless onslaught! Black goblin blood spills across the stone floor and I have to use a healing potion to stay on my feet! Adwin’s face is filled with fearsome resolve, as we hear something large coming down the corridor from behind us! “Come on!” Wellan shouts, fear in his voice.

Another three goblins fall, and I can see for a brief moment, they start to waver, and then “OGRE!” Wellan yells, sending a crossbow bolt into the beast’s meaty shoulder as it swings its massive club down towards me!, I dodge the blow and deftly avoid the slashing goblin blades and the thunderous crash of the ogre’s club while making the ogre pay for every mistake and wild swing. And then my foot slips, and I feel the mighty tree stump slam me against the stone wall.

I black out! (Nat 20 on the 2nd death save! Whoot!)

I must have only been out a few moments, for as I open my eyes, I hear goblins down the hall gloating, and then the ogre’s victory yell is cut short by a well placed crossbow bolt. I rise to my feet as a look of relief comes over Adwin’s face. “At them!” I say, standing weakly, and draining another flask of healing magic. We look towards where a trio of goblins stand over Wellan’s motionless body.

We rise up and put these last three goblins to the sword, and as we do, Kentai runs over to check on Wellan. He immediately begins binding a massive cut across the man’s shoulder and neck while Adwin and I come over to help out. “He’ll be alright,” Kentai says. “That’s a bad cut, but I think he’ll make it.”

We wait, and catch our breaths, looking around the little guard room where we finished our foes. Adwin relights a torch. I notice the goblins that were in the hallway were carrying sacks of food before they spotted us. Between Kentai and I, we collect a fair number of copper and silver coins, and on the ogre, we find a five pound sack of gold!

Beyond this guard room, there are stairs leading upwards, but we decide it is best to withdraw back to the entrance of the cave. With Kentai waiting with Wellan, Adwin and I check where the second group of guards and the ogre came from. There is another guard room with barrels of spears and a water keg, but also an open door that must have been very hard to see when closed. I peek inside and see that there is an exit outside the cave, and piles of skins…the place smells of ogre. Adwin and I fetch Kentai and our wounded companion, and head inside to search the place. We find sacks filled with coins, a hard cheese, a keg of brandy, and buried amidst a pile of bones and firewood, some finely crafted arrows, a potion of some sort, and a scroll.

Packing everything up, I gather the men and we retreat back to last night’s campsite where we tethered our mule. Kentai is on lookout, while Adwin and I carry Wellan. Sacks of coins lashed to our packs and Kentai carrying the keg. As soon as we reach the campsite, we rig up a rough sledge to carry Wellan back, and start on the road back towards the keep. We should arrive shortly after nightfall if all goes well!

And fortunately, it does! I have Adwin and Kentai get Wellan settled in at the chapel infirmary, while I run off to pay share of next month’s rent, before the lumbermen rent my cot to someone else! Then I rejoin my companions, to split up our loot. in the process, we notice that several of the coins are entire sack full in fact! After discarding them, each of my men receives 124 gold crowns, and I receive a double share. The remaining coins, the keg, and the arrows, potion and scroll remain in my possession…to be split up later. I give a tithe to the chapel, out of gratitude for past aid. Then I head back to my quarters to retire for the night.

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