Gandrel AI and the Unnamed Rogue

During another Dungeons and Dragons Solo Adventures Facebook conversation regarding AI dungeon masters for Solo Games, Robert Aikman invited group members to try his fledgling AI that he is training to serve as a GM. This program is called “Gandrel” and my initial experience is reflected in the transcript below. This seems to be a very promising work in progress, but right now, based on conversations with Robert, it seems that it can only recall about 4000 words (tokens) worth of story before it seems to lose track of things.

Pretty blonde peasant girl with a blonde braid, light freckles and a serious expression on her face.
Unnamed Rogue, who will become Sariel, as Imagined by Midjourney AI

Gandrel:My name is Gandrel the Wise. I have traveled to this plane to be your Dungeon Master. Ready for an Adventure?

Adventurer:Yes! Yes, I am.


Great! Let’s start by creating your player character. You can choose your race, class, and background. Once we’ve done that, we’ll begin.

Roll a 20-sided die to determine your character’s starting ability scores. Roll four dice and drop the lowest for each.

Adventurer:I don’t understand. Roll a single twenty sided dice, or roll four twenty sided dice? Are we using d&d 5e abilities?


Yes, we are using D&D 5e rules, and you need to roll four twenty-sided dice for each ability score, and then drop the lowest of the four rolls. You will do this six times, one for each of the six abilities: strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma.

Adventurer:Four twenty-sided or four six-sided? I’m okay either way, but d6 is traditional


I apologize for the confusion. Yes, traditionally we use six-sided dice for determining ability scores. Please roll four six-sided dice to determine your ability scores, and drop the lowest roll for each. You will do this six times for each of the six abilities: strength, dexterity, constitution, intelligence, wisdom, and charisma.

Adventurer:Variant Human, Rogue, , Urchin– Rolls of 4d6 dropping low, arranged by preference for a Rogue: Strength 8, Dexterity 18, Constitution 13, Intelligence 11, Wisdom 15, Charisma 12, Bonus Feat for Human Variant-Alertness, Bonus Skill-Perception, Stat Modifiers, +1 on Constitution (so Constution is 14) and +1 on Wisdom (so Wisdom is 16)


Great! So you are playing as a Variant Human Rogue with the Urchin background. You rolled four six-sided dice and dropped the lowest, and your ability scores are as follows:

  • Strength: 8 (-1 modifier)
  • Dexterity: 18 (+4 modifier)
  • Constitution: 14 (+2 modifier)
  • Intelligence: 11 (0 modifier)
  • Wisdom: 16 (+3 modifier)
  • Charisma: 12 (+1 modifier)

You also get a bonus feat for being a Variant Human, and you chose Alertness. Additionally, your bonus skill is Perception, and your constitution and wisdom scores were further increased to 14 (+2 modifier) and 16 (+3 modifier), respectively.

You are now ready to embark on your adventure. You find yourself in a dark, damp dungeon, with a faint light coming from a torch on the wall. The air is thick with the smell of mold and mildew, and you can hear the sound of dripping water echoing off the stone walls. What would you like to do?

Adventurer:Do we identify the rogue’s other skills now? Or just start playing? Race and background list should be Perception, Stealth, Sleight of Hand. Added class skills: Insight, Persuasion, Acrobatics and Deception. Steatlh and Perception are her focus areas. I think Urchins also get proficiency in thieves tools.


Yes, you are correct. As a Rogue, Variant Human, Urchin, you have proficiency in Perception, Stealth, and Sleight of Hand due to your race and background. Additionally, as a Rogue, you have expertise in two skills of your choice, and you chose Perception and Stealth.

You also have proficiency in Thieves’ Tools due to your Urchin background. Your class skills are Insight, Persuasion, Acrobatics, and Deception.

Now that we’ve gone over your skills, let’s get started with your adventure.

You see a faint light coming from the end of the dungeon corridor. It seems to be coming from another room. The dungeon is silent except for the sound of water dripping off the damp stone walls. What would you like to do?

Adventurer:I quietly begin sneaking towards the light, straining my ears for any unusual sounds besides the dripping water, or any irregularity in the rhythm of the dripping sound


Great! You start sneaking towards the light, moving carefully and trying not to make any noise. As you walk, you strain your ears to listen for any sounds other than the dripping water. You notice that the dripping sound seems consistent and there doesn’t appear to be any other sounds in the dungeon.

As you approach the room with the light, you see that it is a small chamber with a table in the center. On the table, you see a small chest with a lock on it, and a piece of paper lying next to it. The room is dimly lit by a single lantern, which appears to be the source of the light you saw from the corridor.

What would you like to do?

Adventurer:I quietly slip inside the chamber and then move cautiously around the edge of the room to the left, looking for any signs that there may be a hidden occupant or a possible trap near the table.


You slip into the room and carefully move around the edge of the chamber to the left, surveying the area for signs of any traps or hidden occupants. You notice that the lantern is the only light source in the room, and you can’t see any signs of anyone else in the chamber. You also don’t notice any traps in the immediate area.

As you continue to move around the room, staying close to the walls, you approach the table with the chest and the piece of paper. You notice that the lock on the chest is of a simple design, and could be easily picked if you have the right tools.

The piece of paper next to the chest appears to have writing on it. Would you like to examine the paper or attempt to pick the lock on the chest?

Adventurer:I pick up the piece of paper and examine it. First a quick glance to ascertain language, and then I’ll attempt to read it if it looks like ordinary writing.


You pick up the piece of paper and examine it. You can see that the writing is in common, which is the language spoken by most races in the D&D 5e universe. You begin reading the contents of the letter:

“Greetings, traveler. If you have found this letter, then you have already proven yourself to be a person of some skill and daring. The contents of this chest are yours to take, but know that they come with a price. If you take what is inside, then you become bound to us by ancient oaths, and we will require a service from you in the future. If you are willing to undertake this task, then open the chest and claim your reward. If not, then leave this place and never return.”

What would you like to do?

Adventurer:Hmmm…I look at the chest, trying to see if there are any sort of designs, inscriptions or artistic motiffs that might indicate who crafted the chest and to whom one might become oathbound by opening it. Some masters are kinder than others, after all!


You examine the chest closely, looking for any designs, inscriptions, or artistic motifs that might provide insight into who crafted the chest and to whom one might become oathbound by opening it.

As you study the chest, you notice that it is of a simple design, with no discernible carvings or inscriptions. The chest appears to be made of high-quality wood, with metal fittings that are well-crafted and show no signs of wear or rust. You also notice that the lock on the chest is also unmarked, which could suggest that the chest was deliberately designed to be both unremarkable and difficult to pick open.

Without any further clues to guide your decision, you are left to weigh the potential rewards against the unknown price that comes with opening the chest. What would you like to do?

Adventurer:Well, I take oaths to seriously to take them lightly. I set the piece of paper back on the table to tempt the next interloper, and I begin looking for another way out of this room.


You set the piece of paper back on the table and decide not to risk whatever future obligations the chest may entail. You begin to look around the room, searching for an alternative exit.

As you continue to search the room, you notice that there is a stone door on the opposite side of the chamber that appears to be hidden within the stone walls. You approach the door and attempt to push on it, but it does not budge.

You study the door closer and notice a small groove in the stone, which could be a lever of some sort. You pull the lever, and the door slides open, revealing a small tunnel leading out of the chamber.

You proceed to enter the tunnel, which twists and turns before emerging into a dimly-lit chamber. The chamber appears to be an ancient crypt, with small niches carved into the walls that once held the remains of the dead. The air is thick with the smell of dust and decay, and you can hear the faint sound of dripping water.

What would you like to do?

Adventurer:I go back to the first chamber and retrieve the lantern that was sitting on the table. A light will certainly come in handy! Then I return to the crypt and begin examining some of the niches in the wall.


You head back to the first chamber and retrieve the lantern that was sitting on the table. You light it up, and head back to the crypt, cautiously moving between the niches on the walls to examine them further.

As you shine the light on the niches, you notice that some of them contain remains of the dead, but others appear to be empty. Your rogue instincts also kick in and you examine the walls and floors of the crypt looking for any signs of traps, but so far you don’t see anything that indicates danger.

After a few minutes of searching, you notice that one of the niches has a small object sitting at the back. It appears to be a small pouch with a drawstring. You could reach into the niche and take the object, but it could be trapped or guarded. What would you like to do?

Adventurer:I move the lantern around near the edge of that niche trying to get a better look at the “pouch”. I am trying to see if it is attached to anything, or worse, not even a pouch after all.


You shine the lantern towards the edge of the niche where the object is located, taking care not to move too close in case of any hidden dangers. As you inspect the object, you can see that it is indeed a small pouch with a drawstring, and it appears to be made of high-quality material.

You carefully examine the pouch to see if it is attached to anything or has any other hidden dangers. After a thorough inspection, you conclude that the pouch is not attached to anything, and appears to be harmless.

Feeling confident that the pouch is not trapped, you reach in and take it out of the niche. As you open the pouch, you find inside a handful of gold coins and a valuable gemstone. You add these to your inventory and continue to search the crypt for anything else of value.

After a few more minutes of searching, you find a small trap door in the floor that appears to lead to another area of the crypt. What would you like to do?

Adventurer:I set the lantern down next tot he trap door, and try to open the door as quietly as possible


You carefully set the lantern down next to the trap door and attempt to open the door as quietly as possible, not wanting to alert anyone or anything to your presence.

The trap door is surprisingly well-oiled, and it opens with only a soft creak. You use your lantern to peer down into the hole, which appears to contain a ladder leading down into the darkness. You cannot see the bottom of the ladder in the dim light, but the sound of dripping water tells you that there must be another underground chamber or passageway below.

What would you like to do?

Adventurer:I lash the lantern to my belt so that both of my hands are free, and I begin slowly climbing down the ladder…checking the strength of each rung before putting my weight fully on it.


You secure the lantern to your belt and proceed to climb down the ladder, taking extra care to check the strength of each rung before putting your full weight on it. The ladder creaks slightly as you descend, but it seems to be sturdy and holds your weight without issue.

As you continue descending, you notice that the air is becoming colder and damper. The sound of dripping water grows louder, and you sense that you are getting deeper underground. After a few more minutes of climbing, you reach the bottom of the ladder and step down onto solid ground.

You find yourself in a small, circular chamber, with walls made of rough-hewn stone. There appear to be two exits from the chamber, one to your left and one to your right. A faint light can be seen emanating from the right-hand passage, while the left-hand passage appears to be dark.

What would you like to do?

Adventurer:I briefly set the lantern down beneath the ladder draping my cloak over it to conceal the light and prevent me from casting any shadows, and I creep over to each of the exits in turn. I listen carefully for sounds from either direction, and look for any shadows created by the light from the right hand passage that would indicate something, or someone, moving about that way.


You set the lantern down beneath the ladder, draping your cloak over it to conceal the light and prevent you from casting any shadows. You then proceed to move towards both exits in turn, listening carefully for any sounds that might indicate danger or movement.

As you approach the right-hand passage, you can hear the sound of footsteps and a faint murmur of voices. You also notice that the passage is well-lit, suggesting that there might be a fire or other light source ahead. You take care to stay out of sight, and peer around the corner to see if you can catch a glimpse of what lies ahead.

As you look down the passage, you notice a group of three humanoids huddled around a small fire, cooking a meal. They appear to be heavily-armed and on alert, as if they are expecting trouble. You cannot make out their faces or features due to the flickering light of the fire casting shadows on them.

Moving over to the left-hand passage, you do not hear any sounds, and you can see that the passage is dark. However, there seems to be a faint light coming from its end. You can’t discern if the light is from a magical source or something mundane. You listen closely again, but still, you do not hear anything coming from that direction.

What would you like to do?

Adventurer:I quietly retrieve my cloak and lantern, and using the cloak to conceal the light from my lantern and try to ensure it can only be seen from directly in front of me, proceed cautiously down the left hand passage, using the “hooded” light to help me keep an eye out for tripwires, pressure plate, or things lurking in the shadows or on the cieling.


You carefully retrieve your cloak and lantern, and use the cloak to conceal the light from your lantern, making sure that it can only be seen from directly in front of you. Using the hooded light to help you keep an eye out for traps or any lurking danger, you proceed cautiously down the left-hand passage.

The passage gradually widens, and as you move further down, you can see that it opens up into a large chamber. You notice that the light you saw was coming from within the chamber, and you can now see that it appears to be coming from a large crystal formation that is glowing with a soft, blue light.

As you approach the crystal, you can see that it is of an exquisite and intricate design, with many facets and inner workings. It appears to be magical in nature and very valuable. However, you sense a strange presence coming from within the crystal, something that you cannot quite put your finger on.

What would you like to do?

Adventurer:As I did in the first room, I hug the wall and circle around to the left, quietly and carefully looking for traps or hidden occupants. As I pass by where I might be seen from the entry corridor, I conceal my lantern so nothing further behind the way I came in will see the light pass by.


You hug the wall and proceed cautiously around the chamber to the left, taking care to conceal your lantern from any potential threats. As you move slowly through the chamber, you can’t see any signs of traps or hidden occupants.

However, as you approach the opposite wall, you suddenly sense a chilling presence emanating from the crystal. A voice whispers in your mind, urging you to come closer and touch the crystal, promising power and knowledge beyond your wildest dreams.

You recognize this as a primal urge, likely coming from some spell or magical trap surrounding the crystal. You continue to move around the chamber, keeping your distance from the glowing crystal.

As you make your way back towards the entrance, you hear the distant sound of footsteps coming from the right-hand passage. The group you saw earlier might be on the move. You must act quickly if you want to avoid a confrontation.

What would you like to do?

Adventurer:Does there appear to be another way out of this chamber besides the one I entered through?


As you survey the chamber, you notice that there does not appear to be any other obvious exits besides the way you entered. The glowing crystal is the only source of light in the chamber, and the stone walls and floor appear to be solid and unyielding.

The only option you have is to retrace your steps and head back towards the ladder that brought you down to the crypt. If you hurry, you can try to climb the

Adventurer:I quickly race back towards the ladder, hoping to reach it before I am cut off!

Adventurer:explain these tokens to me

Adventurer:I quickly race back towards the ladder, hoping to reach it before I am cut off!

The prompt is too long! It contains about 4126 tokens (estimation). The model turbo only accepts a maximum of 4096 tokens.

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