A Day Late and a Crown Short

A stone archway
Image by shamboo from Pixabay

Gathering 34th,1003 Play resumes, 27 degrees, smoke rises vertically-67 gp.
-immersion, Mood-Confusion/Anxiety

In spite of the cold snap this morning, we expect the weather to start warming soon. I sit at the table after breakfast thinking things over. I have learned that i have no real friends in this city, and likely never will. Plus, I need to rebuild my spellbook, so…I’m looking for an opportunity. Ideally one that does not involve the cold blooded murder of an innocent man!

Well, maybe I have a couple of friends. While Terrad’s family has moved on, Obus has looked after me. and Rognard seems to share my growing restlessness.

Q: Does Rognard have a quest lead? NO Q: Does Mwydyth ever repay me? YES Q: a gift? EXCEPTIONAL YES

A courier arrives looking for me. He carries a small parcel from Mywdyth. The note attached reads, “Though dreams oft lead one astray, always my debts I do repay.” Inside the box is a small clockwork spider. There is a compartment in its back that I can easily open with my blade, and within that is a small gem. It is dull, but mutteringa few magical words, I discover that it could be used to house a forgotten spirit, bringing the spider to life! I thank the courier and give him a silver coin for his troubles.

Two days left until my lease ends, and I’m not sure I want to renew it. I go outside, and run into a large group of heavily armed men blocking the street in front of the shipyard customs house where I work. “Go back home, woman!” one of them says to me, “No more shipping taxes! Guildmaster’s orders!”

I laugh at him, “What does that have to do with you or I? Sounds like the Guildmaster and the King need to hash that out! Until they do, let me do my job!”

-Random Encounters, Warriors, Enforcers for a Faction-my persuasion roll of 11 vs his intimidation roll of 7-Does he back down? Likely-No-

“Hey, I don’t want to hurt you, but I’ve got my orders, go home before things get messy out here,” the caravan guard says, “look, here comes the town watch now! Things could get rough. No place for a pretty little thing like yourself.”

I look up at him, and then at the approaching guards, and suggest, “Perhaps this isn’t the place for any of us, really,” and as I walk away, I hear the two groups beginning to argue. The watchmen trying to get the guildsmen to disberse, while the guildsmen try to take over the gate and the custom’s office.

Then it occurs to me, I could slip into the office right now, during the confusion, and perhaps still some of the taxes that had been collected before the embargo…but then I put the thought out of my head. I’d rather not spend my days rotting in jail if I get caught!

With the office closed, I head to the center of town when I bump into my friend Obus. “Have you seen what’s going on at the customs house?” he says, with desperate fear in his eyes, “They can’t do that! There will be chaos in the streets worse than the War of the Coin!” I try to calm the dwarf down, but it does little good. I suggest we go to his cousins so he can get himself a good stiff drink and settle his nerves.

Q: Does Gili welcome me? NO

I walk Obus into the Filthy Sabre, and order a couple of pints. Gili demands, “What’s a filthy dragon lover doing in my bar? Get out of here, wench! You’re not welcome!”

I toss her a slate for the two drinks and tell her, “Look after your cousin! He’s having a hard day!” Then I spit on the floor as I leave.

I go back to the Oaken Hearth, change into my new travel clothes, the old set having been ruined in the fire, pack my things, and then go downstairs and tell Goberg I’m leaving. “There’s nothing for me in this city! Thank you for your hospitality. Maybe I’ll be back. Maybe I won’t, but you might want to find a new tenant for my room.”

Q: Is he sad to see me go? YES

“Well, that’s disappointing. I’d hoped you’d stay on longer. You always pay your rent on time, and I enjoy those magic tricks you sometimes perform at dinner. And a quiet tenant is always nice! If you do return, stop by and I’ll see if I can find a room for you.” He sincerely responds.

I smile and shake his hand. Then I go look for Rognard.

(Encounter-Special-One of the suggestions is that the characters get caught up in a political coup, so…) Q: Do I reach Rognard before this happens? YES Q: Is the Guild making its move against the king? YES E: Remote Event: the Judgment of the Mundane

Passing through one of the lower markets, I spot Rognard across the square and call out his name. Unfortunatly, he cannot hear me because apparently the protest at the docks has spread throughout the city. There are laborers and guildmen shouting at guards, and even soldiers from the Royal Army are now on the streets. I notice a troop of a dozen men riding their armored mounts through the street in perfect precision, led by a man in gold trimmed armor with royal violet robes. When suddenly a crossbow bolt strikes him through the eye and he topples from his mount!

Armored and helmed knight bowing his head
Image by Manfred Richter from Pixabay

There is a cry of shock amongst the people, and the second in command begins shouting orders! The riders lower their lances and charge into the mass of angry guildmen.

I see Rognard grab a small child off the street and whisk her into a nearby shop lest the kid get trampled in the chaos. I begin weaving my way through the chaos towards the fallen officer

-Perception DC 15 to spot danger ( a horse running past) , Athletics DC 15 (to get past the guildmen), Acrobatics 15 (to get past the guards) to get through the chaos unscathed, each failure is a fight with one faction or the other-

Trying to weave through the crowd, I am knocked to the ground by a massive warhorse, shattering my protective ward. As I get back up on my feet, a guldman confronts me, “You’re one of those filthy tax collectors aren’t you!”
(1-2, bandit, 3-4 thug, 5-6 seasoned man at arms!) -I get a thug!
He lunges at me, blood in his eyes! I unleash two salvoes of force darts at him as he swings a massive club while I leap this way and that, trying to keep the remains of a market stall between the two of us. Unfortunately, he’s quick, and he hits my left shoulder, hard, sending me sprawling to the ground, but I roll over and unleash one more blast of darts, sending him flying backwards. He is still lying motionless on the ground when I get up and continue my dash towards the fallen officer.

I run headlong into one of the soldiers who, seeing blood on my clothes, yells, “Rioter!” and tries to run me through with his spear!
(1-2, man at arms, 3-4 seasoned man at arms, 5-6 veteran man at arms!) -I get a regular one!
I quickly slip to one side of his thrust, and unleash yet another salvo of arcane darts, holding nothing back as it rips through his armor as well!

I finally arrive at the wounded officer and see a soldier and a custodian trying to pick him up. The soldier, having just seen me blast one of his squadmates, draws his blade as I am pulling a healing draught from my belt.

Q: Can I persuade him to let me try? YES

“I’m not here to fight, I’m here to help! Just let me pass,” I say, holding up the drought.

Reaching the fallen man, the custodian looks at me and says, “The Prince is already dead. That vial won’t do a thing. We have to get him back to the temple if there is to be any hope of saving him. Help us!”

I place the draught back in my belt, and help them get the man over one of the horse, and the three of us lead the animal through the growing chaos across the city. We are soon confronted by an armored caravan guard and two armed laborers. The three of them fire crossbows at us, and I have to invoke a sheilding ward to deflect one of the bolts. The three men rush at the soldier leading us and I hurl flame at our foes. There is a clash of steel as the old veteran faces off against three armed men…alone! The custodian hangs back, with the fallen Prince, and I hear her mutter a healing prayer to help sustain our champion. I blast one of the laborers with a bolt of flame, and this distracts the guard for just a moment, and our champion cuts him down in that instant! The third then hesitates,and another bolt of flame leaves him in the dust!

We then rush past our fallen adversaries as we press onward towards the Temple. There is a barricade up ahead, and several rioters shouting at people. THe veteran asks me, “Are you a battlemage? Can you scatter them?” I shake my head no, and then point towards an alley. We duck down it looking for a way past.

Q: Are we able to slip past down the alley? YES Q: Is this street quieter? YES E: Remote Event: the Hard Work of The public

We emerge on a parallel street, and continue our journey, but come to another barricade. “They’ve cut off access to the temple and palace!” the veteran snarls.

“Sewers?” I suggest. He looks at me incredulously at first, and then agrees, saying it may be the only way!

We climb down a stormdrain and drag the Prince’s body with us. THe veteran carries him, while I light the way with magic. The noise of fighting above is incredible,

Q Is it quiet down here? very likely, yes! Something Positive happens to Mendy Bleher, involving the Opposition of Dreams

We move quickly, but quietly down through the sewer. The frozen filth doesn’t stink as much as it would in the summer, but it is still disgusting. We travel nearly a mile through the sewers, the Custodian occasinoally taking a peek out to get her bearings.

Q: Does the stormdrain lead us to the Temple perimeter? NO Q: The gardens? NO Q: To a chaotic street? NO
Q: A quiet street? EXCEPTIONAL NO

Finally, she says, “We can’t get there from here!” The veteran asks what she means, and she points out that the grand arena is between the us and the royal district. I take a peek and tell him that it looks safe to make a dash for the arena. Then I clamber out of the stormdrain to get a better look.

Q: Do I see any threats? NO

“We’re good!” I say, reaching down for the Prince,”let me help!” The two of them push the corpse up to me, thankfully, they are much stronger than I am! And I unceremoniously drag the body out onto the cobblestone by my side. My companions then climb out with me. The veteran then throws the royal’s bloody corpse back over his shoulder as we race towards the arena.

Man placing a crown on his own head
Image by Martin Ludlam from Pixabay

Q: Is the arena in friendly hands? NO Q: Do they see us? NO

Then we hear the yelling!

“We must take back the crown! Serador the foresaken is the true king. He is a friend to the common man! No more trade taxes! No more labor days! Each man will work his own land!” the agitator yells. His voice booms from within the arena, no doubt magnified by some glamer. The roar of the crowd within requires no such magnification.

“We get to the temple through the arena filled with revolutionaries?” I ask the Custodion incredously.
The veteran shakes his head no, “We can’t go through that.”

Q: Are there beasts housed below? NO Q: Is there a cart nearby? NO Q: Are there residences nearby? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: A tailor shop? EXCEPTIONAL YES

I look to the veteran, “When the games were held with those strange beasts, were they all slain? Or are some still held captive in the arena’s old pens?” Both he and the custodian shake their heads “no”. Then I point to a nearby tailor shop. The windows are broken out, but it is not boarded up, it does not appear to have been looted. We carry the corpse across the street and i slip inside the window to ulock the door.

Q: Has there been arson and looting here? NOQ: Is it occupied? YES Q: Am I confronted? NO

I notice the shopkeeper and his family huddled in the corner of hte store. He is armed with a crossbow, but he doesn’t say anything. “We need a change of clothes! Put down the bow and everything will be alright!”

Q: Does he attack? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“Just…just…leave us be!” the tailor says, “We aren’t political. We aren’t rebels. We aren’t royalists. We just want to get by and be left alone.” I smile and agree that I’m in the same boat.

Then the veteran and the custodian bring in the corpse of the Prince, and the tailor’s eyes go wide in terror. I shrug by shoulders, “But the neutral stance aids the aggressor. Ultimately, we all have to pick a side!”

Q: Does he side against us? NO

“Do what you have to do, and then get out of here! Please! Hurry!” the man says, terror in his eyes.

The custodian and I quickly remove the Prince’s clothes and pocket his signet ring, then dress him as an ordinary merchant, while the veteran chanes into the raimant of a common laborer. “Store my armor behind your counter. Dispose of the Prince’s clothing. Then hide!”

He then turns to me, “What’s your name, mage?” I tell him, and then he and the Custodian introduce themselves as Casimir and Halen. “Well Mendy, change out of those travelling clothes, put on a dress like you work as a seamstress or something. We need to blend.” he suggests. I quickly changes to one of my other outfits, grateful that everything I own fits in the satchel I’ve been dragging along with me.

The Custodian then takes time to bind our wounds and dress the prince to better disguise his identity and the nature of his wound. This allows us time to catch our breath, and with some of my arcane might returning, I place a warding spell upon Cassimir, since he is leaving his armor behind. He looks at me cautiously as I recite the incantation. “What does this do?” he asks. I say that it may turn a blade, but there is nothing certain.

We then emerge from the shop and head directly into the arena. The Veteran has left behind his weapons, carrying only a common dagger on his belt.

Scene and Event: Progress is made to the thread ‘Must get tot he temple’, involving a Change of Fears

We emerge from the tailor shop carrying our fallen friend towards the temple for healing. But just as we enter the arena, a great cry goes out that it is under attack, and from the panicked rebels within, we learn that a company of royal guards is now storming the place!

“Wow! Is everyone going to try and kill me today?” I wonder, as Cassimir glares at me.

“Let’s move!” he yells, “You two, we need to get our friend to the Temple. The damned guards shot him with a bolt!”

The laborers falter for a bit, but then respond to his commanding presence by helping us. THe Custodian, her robes affording us some measure of protection, helps lead us through the growing turmoil.

Just as we are almost through the arena, we are confronted by a trio of guards. The start to rush at us and I blast them with a thunder spell, sending chips of stone flying and the sound echoes throughout the arena. One of the guards then turns his attention towards me while the other two attack my companions.

The fighting is furious, and one of our helpers is knocked to the ground, but Cassimir and our other new friend fight their way through! Halen checks the fallen as we pass. All three of the guards are dead, but our ally may well survive if he is tended to quickly enough. She mutters a healing prayer and then races after us. Cassimir shakes head but says nothing. We still need the other man’s help!

Q: Is it clear sailing from here? EXCEPTIONAL YES

As the battle rages behind us, we are able to exit the otehr side of the arena and out through the gardens.

We race through the once tranquil maze of trees while the city is in turmoil behind us. By this time, I am drenched in sweat, more from fear than exertion. At every turn, one side or the other of this civil war is trying to kill me! Even choosing a side hasn’t cut my number of enemies in half! And who’s to say that I chose the right one.

We reach the temple, and though there was no wind earlier in the day, the chorus seems to be singing a lament for their fallen descendants. Man spilling the blood of their fellow man, for nothing but pure power!

There are several custodians, armed and armored, standing at the front of the temple. They do not wish to spill the blood of men, but they will not allow thier sanctuary to be violated by either side!

Q Do I see Rolin or the girl, No Q: Was it a soul stealer? NO Q: Can he be raised? YES

We carry the fallen prince into the temple, and Cassimir calls for the high priest. After he speaks to a senior custudian, we are led to the inner sanctum while our helper’s wounds are tended by a junior acolyte in an outer room.

The high priest joins us and Cassimir and I sit down, exhausted facing the altar where our Prince’s body was lain. As his assistant inscribe divine runes upon the fallen Prince’s body, and he begins reciting aa prayer of healing, I start to drift off…exhaustion overtaking me.

Gathering 35th,1003 Play resumes, 29 degrees, smoke rises vertically-67 gp.
-immersion, Smell Pine

E: Negative for Lore the Tax Collector: a Betrayal of Allies Q: dead? YES Q: traitor? NO

I wake to the scent of pine and see that the altar has been covered in fresh pine needles. The Prince’s body is no longer there and I am alone in the room. I stand up and stretch, and then walk out into the adjacent hallway.
(Q is the fighting done? No. 2d6 for how long it will last-5 days)

A young acolyte invites me to stay in one of the cells of the custodian’s dormitory, and I am provided a robe from the order. I carry my satchel down there, and soon find Cassimir talking to the Prince in a nearby cell. They are both disguised as acolytes, and I quicky retire to change clothes as well.

Joining them afterwards, the Prince takes a good long look at me. It makes me feel a bit awkward standing before him in these strange clothes. Then he speaks, “So…Mendy. It would appear taht I owe you my life. Captain Cassimir says that your help was absolutely critical in getting me to the temple. I wish to thank you. To repay you. What would you wish?”

I laugh nervously. He smiles. “Perhaps, your highness, you could restore what was once mine. I lost my spellbook in a fire, and my wealth to false accusation by Baron Selcrest and to a pack of thieves.” He asks if I did not just repeat myself. Captain Cassimir chuckles.

“Very well then,” the Prince says, “I will authorize one of my court wizards to help you rebuild your book, making his own tomes available to you along wih anything else you need. And perhaps, something more tangible as well.”

We stay in the Temple for the next few days until the fighting is over while the Prince slowly regians his strength.

Vingrow 4th, Heyday,1003 Play resumes, 35 degrees, leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flags extended-67 gp.
Immesion, swear at myself

With the coup supressed, Casimir, the Prince and I, escorted by royal guards, make our way over to the palace. The bodies of traitors hang from gallows on either side of the road. Sadly, I see Ragnard among them. I don’t know that he was actually political, but I could have just as easily been strung up as well, given that I fought anyone who got in my way.

We are welcomed into the royal palace, which i have not seen since the day I first arrived in Coravos to pay Master Telgast’s tribute. And after some bows before his royal majesty, reports from various captains and renewed oaths of loyalty by some nobles who have been brought before the crown, Cassimir and I are introduced and honored for our role in saving the Prince’s life.

After a few words are spoken honoring our courage, I am presented with four things. The first is a gift from the Arcmage Ronuleant, a rival or peer of Master Telgast, depending on the master’s mood, it is an ancient looking spellbook from his own library offered as a replacement for the one that I lost. Then I am given a pair of leather bracers etched with arcane runes of warding. Third, I am given four silk purses filled with gold coins, and a golden pendant on a golden chain with engraved with nymphs dancing in a circle around a new moon, a black ruby! The final gift is an engraved platinum ring that marks me as a friend of the royal family. While this could have some drawbacks concerning their enemies, at least my liberty to practice arcane magic will not be questioned.

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