Betrayed Yet Again!

Mist shrouded hills and valley
Image by Günther Schneider from Pixabay

–Vinetread 16th, 230 gp 6 sp, (2 gp per day if out of work), 10 day rations, 2 Healing Potion, Healing Kit 8 charges, riding horse, crossbow- Company Resources 133 days rations, 8 healing potions (7 per day/20 days worth)

We woke up to a hearty meal, eager to begin our journey. Well, at least, Sir Julian and I were. Magnus seemed a little less than enthusiastic. I am delighted to see Master Telgast when we arrive at the dining hall.

-Myth-Does Master Telgast Join us-Unlikely-Yes- UNE what does he want to discuss – Friendly/Mysterious-Sociable Moot, wants to speak of uncertainty regarding skills-

“Well, Sir Julian, is it?” Master Telgast begins, “praytell what makes you think you can breech the walls of the Emerald Keep when the moons are not aligned?”

-Myth-Does Julian share his secret-Unlikely-Exceptional No-

Sir Julian replies, “There are many mysteries to the world, Wise Master Telgast, and the means of entry into the Emerald Keep is among those riddles few have solved, though solved it is, as easily as you have replaced your apprentice. I gladly appreciate having your former pupil alongside us on this endeavor!”

-Myth, doe Sir Julian redirect the conversation-failed contested persuasion, so very unlikely-No-

“Honored guest,” Master Telgan replies ominously, “I do not believe you have solved the mystery of the Emerald Keep at all. I believe that you and your companions are likely to die in the hill country before you even reach the keep, and that even if you make it there, you will be unable to breach it. Do you have any assurances to offer that you could possibly succeed on this quest? Or perhaps I should I take you over my knee like the petulant child you are, and send you crying back to your father?”

-Does this cause Julian to back down? contested intimidation, Julian wins- No Way-No. Does the team follow him-Very Likely-Exceptional Yes-

Everyone stops eating, and side conversations end abruptly. All eyes flit between our captain and my master. Sir Julian looks into Master Telgast’s eyes, and says, with confident assurance, “I am not a warrior easily deterred, nor one who is intimidated by old men who spend their lives hiding in towers surrounded by moldy old books. We will reach the tower, and on my family’s honor, we will reveal its secrets. Thank you for the meal, and the night’s lodging, most gracious host,” he says as he rises. The rest of the party rises with him, though Magnus has to force Konrad to abandon his half eaten meal.

As they file out of the room, followed by Sir Julian, I feel Master Telgast’s eyes boring into me, “Be wary little frog, lest you get eaten by the wyrm,” he warns.

–Scene change-+1 Chaos-We saddle up and head northwest out of the tower, following the coast towards the rumored location of the Emerald Keep -(Random Event Something Negative happens to Falco the Scout, involving the Antagonizing of Plans= I decide that some maps are lost when Falco starts pestering me)-Three checks-Brown Bear in Evening-Immersion-sight-

We follow the coastline, riding along the sandy shore. I enjoy watching the ocean foam as it reaches up towards rocks that it can never claim, and the dance of the tiny little crabs that scuttle about looking for a stranded fish or scrap of food. I pull out my journal to make a note, when…

“Bah!” yells Falco, smashing my journal from my hand and causing it to fall into the sand. He holds a rolled piece of vellum in his hand and shakes it at me, “This! This is the only book we need! This map to the keep!”
-(myth-Does he drop it-no, does a bird snatch it-yes, add NPC-Eagle, Add Thread- An eagle has stolen the map)
But as he holds it out, an eagle swoops from the sky and snatches it it from his grip! “What fresh hell is this!” He yells, looking up at the bird, and then fixing his gaze on me. “This is your doing, witch!”

I sneer at him, “Not likely,” I say as I dismount and retrieve my journal. “Purifico,” I mutter, as I shake the sand from my book and let a simple cleaning spell ensure it is clean and dry. Then I look back up at the fuming scout, and suggest the he’d best be able to track that bird through the air if we truly need those maps. Otherwise, we are just following the coastline.

Sir Julian and Victor have ridden back to us, hearing the commotion. “Falco, what has happened?” his lordship demands.

-Do I get blamed? very likely-

Pointing at me, Falco says, “She’s trying to stop us from reaching the Emerald Keep! Jana warned me! Now she has conjured an eagle to steal the map from us!”

-Contested Falco’s persuasion vs Julian’s insight- 15 vs 3, Does he buy it? Sure thing-Yes exceptionally-

Sir Julian narrows his eyes towards me, “So your master wanted the secrets of how we were going to get inside, and he’s had you steel the map and the key for him? I knew I shouldn’t have trusted you!”

–Do they decide to arrest me? likely- Yes Random Event A Setback to the thread ‘An Eagle has stolen the map’ occurs, involving the Communication of Goals= Clearly, the eagle works for somebody,-Mythic says–Chygryss–

“Bind her up!” Sir Julian commands, Magnus and Konrad, somewhat reluctantly, follow his order, binding and disarming me, Konrad even asking if perhaps we should just go back home without the map. His suggestion is dismissed out of hand. Fortunately, they do not gag me, but instead Konrad is charged with leading my horse.

Towards evening, we come across a half eaten whale on the beach. Judging by the massive chunks of flesh taken from it, I am guessing some sort of sea dragon must have gotten hold of it. Then I see the deep claw marks, and I am certain that Chygryss grabbed it…the carcass is too far from the waterline to have been merely washed ashore.

As we draw close, he hear a loud roar, and a great bear steps from behind the remains and challenges us to leave it to its prize!

Sir Julian chuckles, and Victor slides from his mount, drawing his blade, eager to follow his master into battle! Oddly enough, the bear also seems to want to fight! As it charges us the moment it becomes clear its challenge dit not cause us to retreat! The fight is over in seconds as the bear is no match for steel armor and powerful swords. “A mighty trophy, Victor! Honor to my house and to your tribe!” The wild man yells in triumph.

I roll my eyes. I thought this was a mission of discovery, not a hunt for glory. I notice that neither Jana nor any of the others seem disturbed by this. Well, if Sir Julian seeks a fight, I am sure Chygryss will give him one, and that I’d be lucky to be eaten whole! I start struggling with my bindings anytime nobody is watching.

(persuasion 16 vs his insight 8, but I am telling the truth, does he get in trouble? exceptional yes)

The smell of the salt air is a reminder of the good times of my childhood, before the sea devils came!

We set camp that night at the mouth of a shallow seacave. It is the wrong time of the month for the tide to reach us. My bedroll is laid out for me and I lay down on top of it. My arms somewhat sore from being bound behind me for so long. “Hey, Konrad? You mind letting me stretch for a bit? Toilet myself? And then you can bind me back up?” Realizing I’m sincere, Konrad unties me, only to have Falco spot him and Sir Julian to berate him saying that is no wonder the custodians sent him on this mission, he’s a dimwitted, gullible pig! He gives me a sad, beaten down look as Magnus takes over as my guard, refastening my bindings, only to have Falco tighten them to the point where my hands nearly start to turn blue. It’s going to be a long night!

–Vinetread 17th, 1002 Lord’s Day-57 degrees, no wind- 230 gp 6 sp, (2 gp per day if out of work), 10 day rations, 2 Healing Potion, Healing Kit 8 charges, riding horse, crossbow- Company Resources 126 days rations, 8 healing potions (7 per day/20 days worth)

-new scene- positive alteration-who helped d6-Victor, objections likely-yes, does julian intervene-yes-

The next morning, I wake up, my arms, shoulders and wrists sore from being bound, and I am eager to get back on the road, and perhaps to escape from my companions, when I feel rough hands behind me. Victors gruff voice says, “Don’t betray us or make me a fool. You shouldn’t be bound like this,” and I feel my bonds cut free by his blade.

I hear Falco shout an objection, and even the mild mannered Konrad asks who’s letting the barbarian decide a captive should go free. But Sir Julian says that Victor has pledged to keep watch on me, and that’s good enough. I look at my rescuer, who is a head and half taller than me, and say “Thank you, my friend.” He smiles, and pats my head like he was petting a dog, reminding me again to “Be a good girl.”

-immersion roll-touch- no encounters on the road-pass survival check to stay on course-

We generally follow the coastline northwesterly, the sound of the sea always present, even if we cannot see the shoreline. My thighs ache as I haven’t ridden this much in over a month, and yesterday was especially rough as I had to squeeze the saddle tighter with my hands bound behind me, unable to easily handle the reins. But today, my hands are free, and I find myself constantly rubbing my wrists in gratitude.

-does the crow see the eagle-very unlikely-yes, activity, duration, follow back?-

But around midday, Corvo spots the eagle in the distance, following us, watching us in our travels for most of the day, but when the eagle finally soars out of sight, Corvo cannot keep up with it to find its nest.

Towards evening, Falco spots another good, sheltered place for us to rest. This time, I am able to climb into my own tent without a guard, and am soon asleep by Jana’s side. She says, “Sorry they bound you. They still don’t trust you.” I nod and ask if she does. She doesn’t answer, but instead, turns to go to sleep.

–Vinetread 18th, 1002 Hay Day-53 degrees, smoke drifts slightly to indicated direction- 230 gp 6 sp, (2 gp per day if out of work), 10 day rations, 2 Healing Potion, Healing Kit 8 charges, riding horse, crossbow- Company Resources 119 days rations, 8 healing potions (7 per day/20 days worth)

-immersion 6th sense-claustrophobia, wild hogs in evening-

We travel throughout the day but the beach is visible less often as we find ourselves passing through narrow gullies and ravines carved, not from earth, but from ancient coral beds that seem to have been thrust up from the earth. I’ve had my foot caught in coral before, and cut up pretty bad trying to pull it free. as I see the jagged edges looming up on either side of me, I shudder at the memory, and imagine myself being trapped once more.

Late that afternoon, we see a small herd of while hogs drinking from one of the small freshwater ponds we occasionally pass. On seeing us, they flee into one of the coral ravines. In spite of the lure of fresh meat, nobody pursues.

-Any objections-Yes, and A Setback to the thread ‘Sir Julian must explore the Emerald Keep’ occurs, involving an Inspection of Jealousy-

Amidst these ravines, it is easy to find a secure and easily defensible position to set camp. I mutter some warding spells, but Falco insists that his warning traps are sufficient, “Keep your witchcraft to yourself!” he snarls, yanking my spellbook from my hands!

“Are you insane!” I demand.
-Nat 20 to intimidate him! Nat 20 for him to intimidate me back though, both characters have a +2 modifier-

We stare each other in the eye, me looking up to him, and him down at me, my book in his hand held just out of reach, my hand beginning to burn with the rage I feel in my heart. “You…will…not……books…ever…again!” I say, each word echoing out like thunder…which suddenly cracks across the sky!

A dragon flying over a forested hillside at sunset
Image by Tomáš Lhotský from Pixabay

Looking up, we see a shadowy blur, and then a massive dragon with blue scales lights atop a wall of coral nearby. The mighty beast, Chyrgyss the Remorseless, speaks in the dragon tongue, and as he does, arcs of lightning leap from one fang to the next, and pulse between his mouth and the fingertip that are his wings.

The dragon waits, expectantly, shifting his gaze slowly from one to another of us, as we cower in his presence. Then he speaks again, more firmly, but in the same strange tongue. Sir Julian looks wary, but afraid. Victor determined and resolute, Konrad, Magnus and Jana cower behind the mules, two offering up prayers and the third fumbling with his hip flask. falco is just as stunned as I am, and Stefan is nowhere to be seen.

-does it view me as hostile-no, understand the spell-no, allow it to continue-yes-

Trembling, I take my book from Falco and open it to a spell that can unfold ancient words. I begin recitign the lines, slowly, and precisely, so that I might understand what the dragon says. It’s eyes narrow as it focuses its attention on me. After what seems like an eternity, the spell is complete and the dragon’s words become clear.

“You who seek the Emerald Palace! You shall pay homage to me, or die!” Chyrgyss thunders, and the lightning arcs from his wings to the ground as he says this. “Ransom your lives with tribute, or perish!”

“He wants a ransom,” I warn Sir Julian, “a tribute for our safe passage.”

-Did he bring something-yes-

“Victor, the red coffer from the mule,” Sir Julian commands. The massive barbarian retrieves the box. It looks tiny is in his hands. The barbarian then hands it to me, and nods for me to take it up to the dragon.

Gingerly, fearfully, I step foward, opening the box to reveal the gems and jewels inside it.

-is the offering sufficient, unlikely- No- does it kidnap me- no-

“Worthless baubles and trash!” the dragon snarls. “Honor power, with power!” he demands.

“He wants something magical,” I warn Sir Julian.

-does he have any magic to offer-exceptional no-

Sir Julian commands that I tell the dragon he has nothing more, but I warn that I cannot speak draconic.

-does falco push me forward-yes!=

Falco yells out, “Take her then, she’s magic!” as he shoves me towards the great beast. I easily keep my balance, and hold up the coffer of gems once more. The dragon then snatches the coffer from my hands with a clawed hand, and rising up to the air, grabs hold of me with a clawed foot. Soon I am shooting skyward, as the dragon hurls down stream of lighting at my former companions who dive for cover as the dragon flies into the waning sun.

We fly for what seems like hours as the sun drops down past the horizon. Jagged rocks, deep ravines and windswept hills pass quickly beneath me, and my stomach grows sick fromt he sight. The wind whips my hair as a mighty storm, and the sound fills my ears like a shell held in place too long. And my skin tingles and numbs, as pulses of lightning course across the dragon’s scales. Then just as we break out over the whiteheads of the ocean I’ve known since youth, the dragon turns inward and towards a great mountain riddled with caves. Then he rises once more towards the sky, and then plummets deep into the mouth of a great cave…the mouth of an ancient volcano, no silent from age…but not quite dead. For I see little puffs of flame here and there as we dive even deeper into the abyss. Then I realze, those are campfires for the slaves of this mighty wyrm!

–scene change-negative alteration–

We plummet down through the darkness and then the dragon abruptly swings upward into a great vault, the sudden change of direction snaps my head backwards and I feel the dragon’s claws dig deeper into my waist as it holds tight. A headache and a bit more blood might be the least of my concerns!

–it the vault lit-yes Something Positive happens to Mendy Bleher, involving
the Activity of a Path-

Lightning seems to pulse across the walls of this vault, like streaks of sunlight reflected across mirrored slates in the wall. There are eggs as large as me, and several that are broken, lying in clutches across the floor of this great cavern. Small piles of coins and gemstones glitter and reflect the light. And there are dragons, small dragons no bigger than I am, watching. Their eyes following me as their mother lands within her roost. Their tongues flicker and lightning flashes as they smack their jaws.

But as I am dropped to the ground, I look around the great vault, and can easily discern the trail that great lizardman guards take when travelling from the upper levels to their master’s domain.

Then I hear one of the wyrmlings coming close, and turn to face it.

The great dragon speaks, and the wyrmling hisses at me, recoiling and slithering back to its roost. The other wyrmlings watch me with hungry eyes. I feel very exposed and alone. My hair is starting to stand on end, and my arms tingle, and the dragon is speaking in its own tongue which I no longer understand.

It glares and repeats itself, then tapping its claw on an old book that is lying on the ground. I approach the book, but it bares its fangs and issues a gutteral growl.

I then tentatively pull my spellbook back out of my pouch, and as this seems to be what the beast wants, I repeat the incantation that allows me to understand my captor.

“Well then, magical treasure, what service can you provide that will bring me wealth, honor and glory worth more than a half filled belly?” Chyrgryss demands.

I bow my head, and ask what service she would demand of me, knowing that Chygryss fully understands my words, yet pretends not to speak the trade tongue of men.

Q: Does Chygryss halt its child? YES
Q: Does it have other captives? NO
Q: books? YES
Q: Does he want a slave? YES
Q: Does he need a mission accomplished? YES
Q: item recover? YES
Q: stolen from her lair? YES
Q: in a nearby town? YES
Q: magiical artifact? YES
E: New NPC: a Delay of Weather
Q: recent theft? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Is he going to break me first? YES
Q: weeks? EXCEPTIONAL YES 2d4=5 weeks

Image of a blue dragon
Image by pendleburyannette from Pixabay

“The slave understands me once more,” Chygryss remarks, “she may prove a useful slave after all. But first you will learn to obey.”

The dragon has her foul smelling troglodyte slaves strip me of all of my clothing and possessions, save my spellbook. Chygryss understands that I do not need my spellpouch to recite my comprehension spell, and when I object to being left naked, she laughs and says, “A naked human is exposed to the elements and likely to perish should she escape, and a spell caster is powerless without her tools.”

I begin serving the dragon as best I can. Which is a strange thing to do as the dragon has no real need of me other than to speak of his bravery. I start reading books to her that she has accumulated over the centuries. Old titles worn by the elements and from having sat exposed in this ancient cave. I find a carved dragonchess set, and manage to defeat her at the game, causing her to scatter it across the cave so that it takes several days to find all of the pieces! But mostly, I focus on trying to learn her language, for she refuses to speak in mine.

The troglodytes bring down food from above each morning, using the walking ledge. Mostly fish they’ve caught in their nets, so they must trek down to the shoreline every night. Occasionally, they will bring a couple of live hogs. The dragon commands them to bring down some driftwood that I can use to keep a firepit going, so that I can cook some of the fish for myself. I’m not allowed a knife to scale it, and gutting the things with my bare hands is messy.

About a week after my capture, Chygryss returns from his hunt bearing a battled helm that I immediately recognize as having belonged to Sir Julian. This is confirmed when the man’s head rolls out of it. “You come with me!” he snarls in delight.

I grab hold of her claw and hold on for dear life as she flies to the western coastline. As we approach, crows and other scavenging beasts scatter and I can see the torn remains of my former companions, their horse, and pack animals. “You know what has value to me! Gather it all and I’ll return you to your home!” he hisses in delight. “Your betrayal is avenged,” he laughs as he sees the horror growing on my face.

Custodian Jana has been bitten in half. I have failed her brother! Victor’s head is missing and his chest ripped open. Konrad has been flattened against a wall of ancient coral. The others have met similarly gruesome fates, but even Falco’s well deserved end brings me no joy.

I collect a handful of potions, some minor magical artifacts, Sir Julian’s enchanted blade, some of Jana’s scrolls, and quite a bit of gold and jewels from the bodies and from their pack animals, then I return to my master. I put these all in one of the sacks that I find. “You have what they sought, please let me return home to tell Jana’s brother of her fate?”

The dragon laughs! I never knew that a dragon could laugh, but she does, rearing back and loosing a bolt of lightning towards the heavens as he does so! She then grabs me and carries me aloft once more. Twirling and swirling through the sky, tossing me from one claw to the next as though playing a game, delighting in my angusih and regret. With each throw, my terror grows lest she decide not to catch me after all! My flesh is bruised and cut from the tiny pricks of her talons upon my bare skin.

Image of female elven ranger in leather garb with a cloak and bow.  A 3D printable miniature from Hero Forge.
Brawna the Huntress from Hero Forge

A couple of weeks later, Chygryss returns with a soaking wet elven woman wearing a leather jerken and adorned with blonde hair. She is cold, and frightened but she bears herself with grim resolve.

I greet her after the dragon nudges her towards me. “I am Mendy,” she looks from me to the dragon, warily, and tells me her name is Brawna. She is taken aback by my nudity, but her eyes linger. It makes me uneasy. I ask if she came from a ship, and she nods and tells me how the dragon attacked and sank the vessel. I ask where she is from and she say Evertree, the elven land my people once tried to claim. She asks how I came to be here and I told her my story of betrayal and of the fate of my former companions. She shakes her head in disgust at what my friends forced me through.

I ask if the dragon would like me to inspect the wreckage of the ship as I had the remains of Sir Julians party.

-Deception 19 vs Insight 14-

The dragon grins, and warns that it is in the waters, and it will be hard for me to collect his due. I worry that there may be sharks and ask that she keep an eye out for them. The dragon seems unsure…suddenly wary of my offers of help.

“If you try anything, I will kill your new friend here!” Chygryss warns…then licks Brawna’s face with a flick of her tongue, and then mine. “But she’ll sate my palate, so nothing will really be lost, and perhaps I’ll devour you as well.”

The dragon snatches me into her claws and soars upward through the mountains vent. Looking down, I see the troglodytes stripping Brawna of her possessions as they had mine. I shake my head in pity.

-Q: is the water clear? YES-
-Q: is the wreck shallow? EXCEPTIONAL YES-

My hear falls when we arrive at the wreckage. The wreckage is less than thirty feet below the surface, and the water is clear as glass. Dozens of sharks of varying sizes circle the site, ripping at the handful of bodies still pinned within the wreckage. Others have undoubtedly been swept away with the tide, sharks following the easy meals.

The dragon flies low, chortling, “I’ll drop you in the ocean and watch you torn apart by fish!” she threatens, gently pretending to shake me loose.

Then she makes a second pass, ripping the water with her lightning breath. Dead sharks bob to the surface as I am dropped into the surf.

I dive cleanly into the sea, and immediately swim towards the wreck, unimpeded, as when diving for oysters as a child.

Q: Do I find any valuables? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Q: anything magical? NO
Q: portable? YES
Q: can If find a good length of rope? YES
Q: Is she pleased? YES
Q: Does she show me the loot? YES
Q: fashion show? YES

I make my way into the ship’s hold, and through the shadows, I am able to find a small trunk with heavy locks on it. It takes considerable effort, but I am able to pry it out from beneath the crates that had fallen on top of it, lash some rope around it, and move it to where the dragon can pull it out. Then I swim for the surface, my lungs not even beginning to burn yet.

I lay back on the surface of the waves, and begin fashioning a loop from my end of the rope.

Then Chygryss returns, grabbing hold of me, I quickly throw the loop around her other claw, so that it draws tight and she ends up hauling the chest from the wreck. The dragon snarls in delight, “Let’s see if you’ve earned the fish I’ve shared with you.” she says.

In the hatchery, she gently squeezes the chest until the crack, and out spill pouches filled with coins and carefully packed pieces of jewelry. Chygryss has me show her each piece in turn, having me don the necklaces, bracelets and other items to show her how they are worn. She knew already, of course, but she seems to enjoy commanding me to see how quickly I can obey.

scene: Brawna and I grow accustomed to our captivity, but i am still looking for a good way out
-Something happens Elsewhere, involving a Lie about Exterior Factors-
-Q: Does a trog lie? YES-
-Q: Does it draw Chyrgyss out? EXCEPTIONAL NO-

Brawna and I become friends, not so much because we would really like each other under normal circumstances, but rather because our circumstances are far from normal. I learn that she is a huntress, who was on her way to the Isle of Mists, rumored to be rife with unusual game, and perhaps even ruins of an ancient civilization, possibly predating the reign of her own people!

Suddenly, we notice a troglodyte racing down the ledge to our master, I hear him warn Chygryss of an army approaching, and of fleets of ships on the seaward size of the mountain. The dragon commands her slaves to prepare to defend the lair, and then she and her younglings climb up through some of the cave vents up above, no doubt to guard the various entrances her slaves use to come and go. Once theya re gone, I race over to where the main vent drops farther down, deeper than the dragon has ever flown. I peer down into the darkness. There is light!

Q: Is there light reflected below? YES

I gather a couple of heavy stones, “Brawna, find our things and bundle them into sack. I have an idea!” Then I race back over to the edge, and drop the stones.

Q: Is there a splash? EXCEPTIONAL YES

I smile, “Perhaps, there is a way out? Where is my pouch?” I say, pulling a tiny bit of moss from it when i find it. A couple of words, and there is light on the second rock. I then strap my dagger to my thigh, where it belongs when diving. Brawna dons her belt, unsure of how best to dress for a swim.

Q: Do I see some jewels or a magical dagger? EXCEPTIONAL YES-

I smile, “Well, I’m dead anyway if this doesn’t work.” I quickly shovel a handful of jewels and coins, a nice looking dagger, and a wand into a second sack. “Let’s jump for it!”

E: Positive for Brawna the Shipwrecked: the Bestowing of Peace
Q: potions? YES
E: Resolution of ‘Mendy has been captured by Chygryss and must escape’: the Ruination of Power
Q: a wand? YES
Q: Does Brawna come with me? YES

Muttering a protective spell and then diving headfirst, I slice into the water below and quickly turn to halt my descent. Brawna comes down next to me, and we nearly collide on our way back up to catch our breath. “We are both laughing. With our bags tethered to us, we swim to the wall of the shaft, and I begin looking for another vent.

E: Positive for Mendy Bleher: the Harm of Expectations
Q: Is there a half submerged vent we can use? YES

“This way,” I say, swimming steadily towards a newly discovered cave. The elf is close behind. She is not as skilled a swimmer, but the power of her strokes make up for her lack of experience.

Q: Does anything live down here? YES

Black Finned Shark in the water.  Photo from Pixabay.
Image by darkeyed from Pixabay

I am shocked to see a dorsal fin cutting through the light ahead, and Brawna is pulled away as the shark nips her while passing by. A couple of words, and magic darts slam into the creature as it makes the tight turn for a second pass. Soon there is blood in the water as Brawna and I stab furiously at the shark, having become entangled with it and our tethered bags as it struggles to bite at us.

In the light of the tunnel, I see Brawna smile, “Well, I’ve never fought a shark before! Or killed one with a knife!.” I laugh, so glad to be on my way to freedom, it doesn’t even matter the danger i face now.

We carefully untangle our supply bags, and continue swimming.

Q: Do we find a breathable passage out? YES
Q: daytime? YES
Q: Is there a good place for us to rest outside the cave? YES

Thankfully, it is low tide, for when we emerge into the morning sun, I can see that this cave entrance is often fully submerged. That must be why it was unguarded! Brawna and I swim to shore, finding a small boulder concealed by a larger outcrop up above. There, we are able to get dressed, and I begin the laborious process of drying out my precious books with one cleaning spell after another. Brawna questions me, but I tell her, “These are my treasures…knowledge worth more than life itself!” She shakes her head in disbelief, muttering something about mortals as she begins going through the jewels we stole, pendants and brooches stolen from innocents over many years.

–Sowing the 20th, 1002 Godstay-50 degrees, leaves and twigs in constant motion, flags extended- 230 gp 6 sp, (2 gp per day if out of work), 2 Healing Potion, Healing Kit 8 charges, crossbow
–50 xp each from the shark–captured loot-2 Potions of healing, Potion of Fire Breath, Potion of Animal Friendship, Wand of Magic Missiles, Dagger with a Pearl inlaid hilt (250 gp), Steel Circlet etched with Arcane Runes (25 gp),Pewter Bracer etched with Arcane Runes (25 gp), Silver Pendant set with Blue Spinel and Peridot (25 gp), Steel Flower Brooch set with Chrysoprase (25 gp),Electrum Flower Brooch engraved with Draconic Scales (250 gp)-

Image of Mendy, a human wizardess in travelling clothes.  A red jacket and yellow breaches, heavy boots.  3D printable miniature from Hero Forge
Mendy with Dagger and Travelling Clothes-Hero Forge

Finally, our gear is cleaned and dried from the swim. It doesn’t take terribly long, but I am dreading the moment that Chyrgyss realizes we have escaped. She won’t rest until we are destroyed! It’s not just that we know where her lair is, but also that we have stolen from her. No dragon would suffer either indignity, but we have inflicted both! “Brawna? We need to get away from here as fast as we can!”

-does she agree? likely-yes, want to travel together-unsure-no-

Brawna looks at me, and shakes her head, “I think the odds of that dragon finding me are a lot lower if I strike off on my own. Thanks for showing me the way out, and drying my gear! Good luck, mortal!” she says, as she takes off.

I just stare, dumbfounded, as the elf starts climbing up the cliff face towards more solid ground. “Well…crap!” I say, as I start to climb after her. By watching what handholds she’s used, it’s an easy task (rolled a 20+1 on my athletics check!) and soon the two of us are up on a bluff overlooking the surf below. hill country stretches far in every direction, warped and stunted vegetation, scorched and blackened stone… bleached bones of men and beasts poke up through the ground.

The elf looks around warily.

I chuckle, “Yeah, good luck to you as well! Caw! Caw!” I cry out, and Corvus, who has long been absent from me, flies to my outstretched hand. “Show me the way, my friend!” I command as I hurl her back up towards the sky. Looking back at the elf, I say, “Pick a direction. She can’t pursue both of us at once!”

-Does this piss off the elf?-Likely-Yes-

She snarls at me, “Why didn’t you say you had a guide to tell us the way home?”

“Because I’ve learned not to trust the treacherous,” I reply sarcastcally, as I start walking inland.

-Does Brawna follow? Unsure-Yes An Action is taken by Chyrgyss the Remorseless, involving
the Vengeance of Tension-

Suddenly, there is a crack like thunder and looking over my shoulder I see the great dragon rocket from the mouth of her volcanic home like fireworks on Dragon’s Day! The irony of the thought makes me laugh, but Brawna quickly pulls me down behind some rocks, “We mustn’t let her see us!” the elf hisses.

-Q: Does she fly our direction? Unsure-EXCEPTIONAL YES-Passive perception 22 vs our combined stealth of…well, 31/2=15 never mind

“She sees us!” I say, and I dash for the edge of the cliff and dive straight into the ocean below. The dragon swoops towards me,
(I am giving her disadvantage to hit because she’s not exactly a hawk used to catching prey midair, and this was an unexpected move-I’m still dead though, pretty sure-She rolls a 5 and 17 (+12 each) to hit my AC and—)

Chyrgyss stretches out her claw and “Scutum” I cry out as a flash of blue light turns her claw aside at the last momen.

-Can I twist back into correct diving position in time-Unlikely-yes-Is it too shallow-yes-

I hit the water perfectly and turn to break the dive, but the water was too shallow and I hit the rocks anyway. Another blue flash and the lingering ward of protection flickers out as I scrape my arm against the stones.

-Does it circle back for me? Very unlikely-Yes- is there a rock I can wedge into-likely-yes-

I break the surface of the water to catch my breath, and see the dragon circling back towards me! I dive back down and wedge myself in between some submerged rocks for cover. “I’m a frog” I keep telling myself, “hiding from a crane. I don’t need to breath, it’s all in my brain.” And I simply wait…and wait…until I pray the danger has passed and watch through Corvus’ eyes to see what the dragon is doing.

-Does Brawna get away? Stealth roll of 15 vs passive perception 22, but looking the wrong way-even odds!-Yes-

I smile as I see the elf slipping away. Sure, she was going to abandon me, but perhaps she’ll bring vengeance later.

–The dragon knows humans can’t hold their breaths forever, but she also knows dead bodies don’t float. But there are also riptides that can pull a body a long way away…she’s also circling which lets Corvus tell me when to surface for a breath..My odds of outwaiting her are very likely–Q: does she give up looking for me? EXCEPTIONAL YES==Q: Does she go looking for brawna? Likely-NO-Q: Are sharks drawn by the blood? Likely-YES Q: Do they poke at me? Likely-YES

As the dragon flies away, I notice a shadow in the water near me. A shark! Drawn by the smell of my blood no doubt. It’s a small one, like the one from the tunnel, but it draws ever closer. There is no way I can get out of the water before it takes a bite at me! I ready my knife to launch myself at it when it draws close.

-Can I break for the shore before it reaches me?-Unsure-No-The fight below was “instant replayed- using DM Yourself rules, after I remembered “surface and you can cast a spell dammit!-

The shark lunges at me, and I stab it near the eye and it swerves away. I break for the surface and hurl magic darts at it, striking the creature three times as it circles back towards me, but then it nearly grabs hold of my leg as it sweeps forward. I grab its tail and though my skin is torn on its rough hide, I am able to rip a long cut through its flesh…and the shark retreats in agony, soon bobbing to the surface a few feet away. I quickly swim to the shore before more of its kind arrive!

-Scene change-
I dry my gear on the shore for the second time today, hoping to get everything cleaned and stowed away so I can find some shelter for the night. Corvus keeps a careful watch, circling the area to warn me of any approaching threat.

Q: Do i get it all cleaned up? EXCEPTIONAL YES E: Negative for Brawna the Shipwrecked: the Transformation of Pleasures (I’ll resolve this if I run into Brawna again)

With my books and clothing all dry, I rebraid my chaotic hair and start climbing back up towards the cliff’s edge. It’s difficult, and I lose my grip once, sliding back down a bit, but I’m able to save myself and struggle up the cliff face. Then I start walking.

-Encounter check-Yes, Stirge-attack out of instinct- Immersion-Sight, you see something written or carved and you want it!- Q does the stirge attack Corvus instead? Very unlikely-yes-does Corvus see it coming-No!-

Suddenly, I feel a sharp pain between my eyes, and for an instant, I feel nausea as I fall to the ground, as six arms grip me tight, and a knife is plunged into my neck!

My vision returns to normal, and I race forward to see a stirge sucking the blood from Corvus’ body. “Ignus!” the flaming bolt flies from my hands and engulfs both of them. I kick at the remains, now I am truly alone!

Then something in the stone catches my eye. I notice that here, amidst the natural rocks, there are some carved stones.

Q: Is there a visible structure here? YES random structure-bridge, is it intact, unlikely-no-

I walk towards the stones, and then realize that I am approaching a massive gorge. Peering over the edge of where the bridge once spanned this gulf, I see water far below, maybe a hundred feet or more! No wonder my legs are sore, I’d been climbing ever upward in my trek! The gulf itself is at least seventy feet wide. It seems that i will not be able to easily cross it with a collapsed bridge. So i sit down to think.

And that’s when I notice the markings on one of the stones.

-series of questions determine the writing is from the Age of Dragons, 900 years before the age of Man began, 150 years before the second dwarven rebellion, and they are too faded to read. Mendy rolls a 1+5 on History, so-

I kneel down and with a few words, the dirt and grime of the ages begins to fall from the ancient glyph. The markings, the handful I can make out, are of the clawed patterns common to the Draconic alphabet. But years of rain, ice and win have worn them all away. I get the feeling that I am looking at something very ancient, and that perhaps it tells me the name of the bridge or of a destination, but it is hard to guess. But a bridge must lead somewhere, otherwise, it would not have been built! And sure enough, as I bury my boot into the dirt, I find a few inches below, some old cobble stones that have been buried over decades…or even centuries!

Then it occurs to me, there must be a settlement nearby. Or there must have been. A way station at the very least. in civilized lands, there is always something every twenty to thirty miles or so even it the land can’t be tilled. I start looking for remains of an old way station or tower, someplace to rest for the night, even though it is only midday. Hopefully, I can find something to eat as well.

-survival checks (DC 15 to hunt, DC 15 to find a safe shelter), rolled a 4, guess who’s hungry? This girl! And a 17, at least no wandering monsters tonight! Q Are there settlement ruins nearby? unlikely-Exceptional no-

As the sunlight wanes, I give up. I have water, but no food. I knew I should have taken that stirge with me, and Corvus as well. Charred food is better than no food! But I comfort myself in the knowledge that I found a good little crevice in which to roll out my blanket and rest for the night. For the first time in weeks, I am able to write in my journal, scribing my experiences with the dragon, and my betrayal at the hands of Sir Julian’s men, and of their fate. After recording these things, I drift off to sleep.

–Sowing the 21st, 1002 Marketday-50 degrees, leaves and twigs in constant motion, flags extended- 230 gp 6 sp, (2 gp per day if out of work), 2 Healing Potion, healing kit 8 charges-
–150 xp from the sharks–2 Potions of healing, Potion of Fire Breath, Potion of Animal Friendship, Wand of Magic Missiles, Dagger with a Pearl inlaid hilt (250 gp), Steel Circlet etched with Arcane Runes (25 gp),Pewter Bracer etched with Arcane Runes (25 gp), SilverPendant set with Blue Spinel and Peridot (250 gp), Steel Flower Brooch set with Chrysoprase (25 gp),Electrum Flower Brooch engraved with Draconic Scales (250 gp)-

-New Scene-positive alteration-

I wake up within sight of the ruined bridge, glad to be free, but unsure how to find safety. Thankfully, I see a couple of wild hare nearby when i wake up. I weigh my odds, and then hurl a bolt of flame at one of them. The firebolt strikes it dead as its companion bounds off across the hillside. The hare is skinned and turning on a spit a few minutes later, my mouth waters in anticipation!

Tucking the leftovers away for later, I start moving inland, opposite the flow of the river. There will be no safe crossing on the coast.

-3 encounter checks, game-fowl midday-Immersion check-speech-Is the source of the river a spring? yes, Hillside-yes-Settlement present-no-

Around midafternoon, I spot some pheasant, and I am able to kill one with another bolt of flame. I really should have brought a sling! But at least I have another meal! As i continue walking, I realize I’m singing the pearl diver song to myself.

“Pearls for the girls in satin and silk,
Their skin as white as a mother’s milk.
In palaces tall and strong and proud,
never spat on by the market’s rude crowd,
Courtiers in robes and on fancy thrones,
Never know fear of losing their homes,
A pearl for their power in golden chain wrought,
While poor girls like we are just left out to rot!”

Then I come to the source of the river. The water seems to pour out from the side of a cliff. I’m not really sure why that would be the case, but the land continues to rise beyond the cliffside, so perhaps there is an underground river that feeds it? I expected to see a settlement here, but there are no signs of even a watchtower. it is very strange to me.

I find a likely place to rest and bed down for the night.

I waken suddenly, when something brushed against my face. I wake to see a nasty stirge hovering over me, and I feel a sharp pain in my leg as a second one has latched onto me! “Impetu!” I shout and they are both vaporized by magical darts!

I sit upright, rubbing my leg. I try to clean the puncture wound as best I can. It’s more worrisome than the scrapes and the lacerations from the shark, but so far, none of the injuries have been that deep or severe. I’ve been lucky so far! “I need a guardian,” I mutter, wishing I had brought the incense necessary to bind another familiar to me.

Image of current status in Mythic GM Emulator taken from Artifex's Flash version of the tool
Artifex’s Flash Mythic GM Emulator image-pause point for Mendy

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