Friends and Favors

A princess or mystic holding a crow in her hand while another flies to perch on her shoulder
Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay

Level Up: Okay, so 50 xp for tax day, 133 xp for the Bandits and Roch’s betrayal. And I figure 150 xp for the benchmark of successfully making it to Caravos and delivering the tribute. One session of play should be enough for a character to hit 2nd level in my opinion. I may play it tighter later, we’ll see.–
As a 2nd level Wizard, I’ve decided to go with Abjuration. While Evocation is a solid go-to, I don’t know how often Mendy will be with an actual party and able to benefit from it. Plus, her Master doesn’t teach battlemages. He gave her a book on Evocation, but his expertise, and therefore hers, should be something else. Transmutation was also tempting, but looking at my spell lists, I’m running Mage Armor every day (unmentioned, but I just consider myself down a spell slot), and shield can be a lifesaver. For her 2nd level spells, I’ve added Comprehend Languages, and Find Familiar. I don’t often run animal companions for a character, so it could be fun. Comprehend Languages is always potentially useful, depending on the story.

This next week is “down time” for my character to level up and get settled. I roll for weather events, just because, and then I roll for downtime events in the Cities book. I think Mendy will look for work, as I don’t have any real adventure leads at the moment. She’s also going to sell some things. I’m going to work this into a narrative.

It rains three non-consecutive days of the coming week, heavy storms, so that’s fun. Consulting the Cities rulebook Catchup Tables that I used for downtime: There are No Special Events, but I Successfully find an “Artisan” Type job. From the list, “Scribe” looks good. Mendy won’t be gambling, that’s not really her thing, so those are the rolls to determine the story for next week

Threshing 8th thru 14th, 28gp, (2 gp per day), 10 day rations, Healing Potion, Healing Kit 8 charges, riding horse, warhorse, mule, Sealed Tax Receipt, Chainmail, Longsword, crossbow, shield— start with 28 gp (-5 gp for courier, -14 gp for living expenses, +287 gp from the mounts and tack)

I spend the next week trying to get my bearings in Caravos. Staying at the Filthy Sabre, I pen a letter to Master Tegast, explaing what happend, and then hire a courier to take the letter and the sealed tax receipts to White Tower. I then sellthe mule and Roch’s horse, along with all of their tack, plus his sword and armor. I keep his crossbow, as I enjoy shooting them. This provides plenty of money for the foreseeable future.

I find work as a scribe for the tailor’s guild. Tracking their accounts is fairly straightforward, and perhaps if I make a few friends, I can get a discount on clothes. They even mend my riding clothes for me!

It is cool and dreary, with three waves of storms passing through. So I stay indoors in the evenings, poring over old notes. I finally master a spell that allows me to read foreign languages. And I also figure out a spell that allows me to communicate with the crow that now perches on my desk most nights. If I focus, I can seee through its eyes and guide this familiar through my thoughts. I call him Corvus, which simply means crow. He hasn’t earned a better name yet.

So, the character has a good stake of coin, and I could just declare, “well, you’ve heard about this quest”, but I like fiddling with random tables, and I want to see if Mendy will meet a friend. So I mess with another month in town, and also with a scene check in Mythic, after adding the threads” Win Friends. Find a Quest” and the NPCs “The High Steward” “Tavern Guests”, “Tavern Staff” and the PC “Corvus”

Threshing 15th thru 22nd, 294 gp, (2 gp per day), 10 day rations, Healing Potion, Healing Kit 8 charges, riding horse, crossbow

I spend the week, getting settled, enjoying the sights and sounds of the city, but find I dislike the noise of living in a tavern.

Threshing 15 through 22nd–Rolling on City Table-I get the event “offend a government worker” I earn 14 gp and manage to save 10% after expenses and entertainment. (add Government Worker to Mythic.) I’ve offended him due to a misunderstanding. to Mythic, I’ll name the character later)

–Threshing 23rd through 29th-No events, no savings.

–Threshing 30th to Vinetread 1st-Ooh! I am invited to a party and meet 1d6+2 people with a chance to make friends, or enemies. This is a good hook! No savings though. I meet 7 people,, and apparently make quite an impression as nobody leaves “neutral” Two are offended by me, and five become friends! For the offenses, I learn there is an imagined slight, and jealousy.
–They are:
Offended: Another Government Worker, and a Townsperson
Befriended: A merchant, A government worker, Another government worker, my landlord, and a religious leader.
–I add names and professions for future use to my records, and in mythic add “personal friends” and “personal foes” I can roll a subtable if they come up. The “Religous Leader” has a possible quest to “Hide a Castle”. I have an nascent idea on how a 2nd level wizard might pull that off.

–Vinetread 1st through 8th-Earned 14 gp and saved 30%.

I spend a month enjoying my independence. One night though, after leaving the guild house, I realize that I had forgotten to leave a letter that the guildmaster had requested, but when I returned to the hall, it was already locked up. As I repeatedly tried the lock, a watchman spotted me and mistook me for a common criminal. I was protesting his attempt to arrest me when one of the journeymen came by, late with his master’s dues. The journeyman was able to vouch for me but now, every time Nikos the Watchman sees me, he gives me a nasty look.

Another night I went to a party that Gili, the Innkeeper, was hosting at the Filthy Sabre in honor of her cousin Obus’s birthday. I performed several minor magic tricks for the dwarves, much to the delight of their gnomish friend Mwydyth, who is a jewelry maker! She and I would have lunch a couple of times the following week as her shop is not far from the guild hall. I also met Rolin, an Ancestral Custodian at the Temple of the Celestial Chorus. He was there to offer a blessing for Obus, and the two of us talked at great length about my pet bird, as crows are said to be the messengers of Ravenna the Judge. I also danced with a watchman named Axel. The number of human guests were relatively few and Axel approached me as soon as the minstrel started playing. Lasse, the man who has been taking care of Celeste, seemed to resent the intrusion as I think he also wanted to dance with me, but perhaps didn’t ask quickly enough? And there was another woman there, a half-orc named Lore. He could have danced with her!

I fleshed out my initial ideas for the quest, outlined the NPCS, prepped a wandering encounter table for the route, also determined personalities for the NPC’s from the party event using UNE

Vinetread 9th, 296 gp 6 sp, (2 gp per day), 10 day rations, Healing Potion, Healing Kit 8 charges, riding horse, crossbow

After work, I met Rolin the Custodian for dinner at the Filthy Sabre. It is quiet, as usual, and Gili is complaining about it as usual. “The Eyes of the King! Their fancy stone work and fancy plates, and silken blankets…all the luck! I bet they’ve made a pact with a dragon or something to get the gold to buy all those things! Makes it hard for an honest woman like me to compete!” I complete in time with her. It’s the same complaint she shares almost every night, and she always smiles when I finish the final line of it with her.

“I am afraid I must ask an urgent favor of you, Mendy,” Rolin says urgently in a hushed voice, “I don’t know who else I can count on, but your talent with magic might help save my sister’s life!”

He looks deadly serious.

The door to the tavern slams shut as another patron enters, shaking the rain from his cloak as he goes to sit at the bar. Gili goes over to serve him.

I look into Rolin’s eyes, and press him to continue. He tells me that his sister, Jana, has volunteered to accompany Sir Julian, a Knight of the Shield, in exploring the Emerald Citadel.

History DC 15, pass

I lean back in my chair and laugh, “They won’t find it! The Citadel can only be seen under the combined light of Fate and Fortune, the moons only shine together like that during Great Harvest, so you’ve got almost a year to talk her out of it! And even if they could see it, nobody knows how to enter it. Master Tegast says many have tried and none have been able unlock the door before the light fades.”

Rolin lets out an exhausted sigh, “Sir Julian believes he has some sort of key that will allow him to access the keep, and enter it, even if only Fate allows. She believes he may be right, and will not pass up an opportunity to see the legendary castle if there is any chance his key might work! I need you to stop them!”

“Wait! What? How? I can’t change someone’s will, and if the key works, it works! So be it!” I say, confused.

“Travel with them. Talk them out of it! Steal the key or something, just buy some time so Jana can come to her senses!,” he pleads. “Sir Julian has a few swordsmen, and my sister as a healer. He lacks a wizard, so if I introduce you, especially as Master Tegast’s apprentice, he’ll readily take you with them! We haven’t known each other long, but you were the only person I could think of who might even have a chance of saving her.”

I lean back in my chair, tracing the lip of my mug, lost in thought. Coming to a decision, I look up at him, “I will go with Sir Julian, and your sister, and I will do everything in my power to keep your sister safe, but I am curious about the Emerald Keep myself. if Sir Juilan is right, I’d like to see it. If I think the group is capable of handling any threats that may lie within, I might just join them. If I think they are foolish or weak, I will do everything in my power to convince Jana to return to Caravos with me and leave them to their fate.”

He looks as though I just punched him in the gut, “I was hoping you would help me. I’m sorry to have troubled you.”

“You will introduce me to Sir Julian, yes?” I ask hopefully. “No” is his answer, as he turns to leave.

When he is gone, Gili pipes in, “There’s a dragon in those hills you know! Chyrgyss, Lord of the Blue they call him! He soars among the clouds during storms, wreathed in lightning. I bet he’s the one supplying the King’s Eyes! With plunder stolen from ships dashed upon the cliffs during one of his storms!”

History DC 15, passed

Tegast warned me of Chyrgyss the Remorseless. He is one of the few dragons whose bloodlust outweighs his greed. Most dragons can be bribed. He cannot. Entering his territory is reckless, but truth be told, he could even swoop in on Caravos if he wanted to…his hunting grounds are that close! He does respect strength though, and for that reason alone, villages in the foothills go unmolested.

“Gili, do you know Sir Julian? Can you arrange an introduction?” I ask hopefully, the dwarf shakes her head and says that his sort is too high brow for her place. They like to be at the Eyes of the King.

“Well in that case!” I get up and walk down the street and around the corner.

City encounter check-Madman, fleeing a wizard and asking for help. Mythic ruled out any noble, my master, and a total unknown, so it had to be someone of good repute in the city but common birth. then I got an Exceptional Yes that I knew the person, so…a new character is created

I walk through the gentle rain, feeling a bit guilty at having turned down Rolin’s request, when my thoughts are interruped by a gaunt, ragged looking man with wild hair rushing up and grabbing me by the arm. “Help me! Help me!” he stammers, “I am cursed!” I try to push the man away in disgust, but he is much stronger than me and his face is inches from mine as I look into his bloodshot eyes.

“The Sorceress cursed me! Withered my hand, and taken my blood! I must escape! Help me!” he pleads. I look around, there is nobody pursuing him. His right hand does look withered, but that could be from a childhood disease!

“What sorceress?” I demand.

“Ullinea the Mystic,” he says, to my surprise.

“The potion maker?” I laugh incredously. “The little old woman who sells love potions and medicinal droughts captured you and withered your hand?” I laugh.

He looks in me in horror, and then backs away, pointing his finger accusingly, “You! You! You are one of her servants aren’t you! You help her make potions don’t you!” he says in terror, and then turns to run away down a nearby alley.

I am still wiping the tears of laughter from my face as I walk into the Eyes of the King. A word of magic, and my clothes are dry and spotless as i walk through the door. Surprisingly, the innkeeper who looked down on me as filth a month ago greets me warmly! He obviously doesn’t recognize me.

“Good evening Milady,” he says warmly…but still somehow seeming smug and self absorbed, “is it lodging you seek or the finest of meals.”

I smile, suppressing the urge to make him appear to soil himself, and instead ask if he knows Sir Julian.”I’m sorry madam, but I am not familiar with him. He must be a common knight, perhaps? Not from a leading famiy, I presume?”

The man’s arrogance disgusts me. “Ah, no. If Baron Selcrest’s heir won’t deign visit this establishment, then I shan’t waste my time here either!”
–My deception roll of five beats his insight roll of 3–

The man’s jaw drops open and his eyes bug out, looking like a very confused fish fresh drawn up from deep water. As he stammers out objections, I return to the street, kicking myself for having taken the low road. I earnestly hope I never have to visit his establishment again as he is certain to remember me next time!

Vinetread 10th, 296 gp 6 sp, (2 gp per day if out of work), 10 day rations, Healing Potion, Healing Kit 8 charges, riding horse, crossbow

The morning of the tenth is cool enough that I get goosebumps on my skin, so I go back inside and put on a heavier blouse. And it’s not that its even terribly cold, its just that some days are odd like that.

I head over to the Celestial Temple, hoping to find Jana, and somehow avoid running in to Rolin. It is a large temple with massive gardens so it isn’t that hard to avoid someone, but it also isn’t that easy to find someone either.

I marvel as I approach the temple. It is a magnificent white structure whose roof is supported by columns that depict generations of our ancestors, each supporting those above, in relief as though holding up the dome of heaven! Their mouths are all open, as if in song, and if you stand before the Celestial Chorus on a windy day, you can hear their voices raised up in song! Mywdyth says it’s a big whistle. That the columns themselves are honeycombed so the air catches from one mouth to another, like a whistle. Since she makes such things out of silver and gold, I don’t doubt it, but it is still a beautiful work of art!

City encounter-Prophet-Doomspeaker-

My reverie is interrupted by shouting. There is a man in red standing to the side of the temple, yelling at people as they go to offer prayers of remembrance to their ancestors, warning them that doom is coming upon us all. “The forgotten shall rise! Worse than any tyrants, they shall rise up and inflict their wrath one those have not paid homage! Those who have neglected their ancestors! Those who show no shame in living upon the lands they tamed while ignoring those who died taming it!”

The temple guards and a couple of acolytes are watching him, but while the man may be insane, he’s not actually saying anything out of line with the temple’s own teachings. It’s just that, well, nobody actually believes the forgotten can rise from the dead and wreak havoc on the living, unless they are aided by a powerful necromancer or something. That they would if they could is not in any doubt! That’s why it is important to remember one’s ancestors! But impending doom? Nonsense!

I walk on past, and approach the two acolytes. “Good morning custodians!” I say cheerfully, “Do you know where I could find Sister Jana?” The acoyltes tell me that she is in the hall of remembrance, offering prayers on behalf of those who have no living descendents, lest they be forgotten. They say this, gesturing at the prophet, with a bit of a wry chuckle.

I laugh a bit too, “Thank you brothers,” I say and head down to the Hall of Remembrance. I have been here only a couple of times since arriving in Caravos, to make sure that my parents names were on the wall. They already were, so it is clear that at least one of my siblings has been in the city, at least for a little while.

I soon find a female acolyte deep in prayer, lighting candles before the columbariums. When she ends one prayer, but before moving on to the next column, I interrupt. “Are you Jana, Rolin’s sister?”

“Yes,” she replies, visibly unsure of my intent.

“Your brother brother says that you will be travelling with Sir Julian to enter the Emerald Keep. I would like to join your expedition,” I say eagerly.

She regards me warily, “My brother begs me not to go, why would he ask you to join us?”

I laugh, “To stop you, of course! But when I told him that I wanted to see what’s inside the keep, you should have seen how angry he was! He really loves you and hopes to keep you from harm, but perhaps, if you and I travel together, we might discover something wondrous! And live to tell the tell!”

Persuasion DC 15. With advantage because I am telling the truth. nat 20 is good!

“I will recommend you to Sir Julian,” she says, smiling, “pray tell me about yourself.”

I spend the rest of the morning talking with sister Jana, and helping her with the prayers of remembrance. By the end of the morning, I have learned it by heart having recited it more than three hundred times!

Mythic GM Emulator setup showing the current list of PC's, NPC's. and Story Threads, also a list of the most recent questions.
Post session Mythic Character and thread list

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