Friendship is Fickle

Weeding 4th-Lordsday-49 degrees, feel wind on skin, leaves rustle, weather vanes begin to move-13 days rations

A dark haired, slender young woman with a mishappen face standing in a swamp under moonlight.
Alynn from Dall-E AI art generator

Immersion: Sound-Talking

The next morning, Alynn and I check on Hain, bringing breakfast up to his room to make sure he is doing alright. The place is abuzz with talk about the change at the Sanctum! Knocking on the door, Lightning Hain bids us to enter.

Q: Does he eat well NO Q: Does he want to go back? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“Hey friend,” I say as Alynn and I bring Hain his food. The man pulls himself up trying to muster a smile. His color a bit better than last night. He has little appetite, but I force him to eat some of the stewed rabbit and a bit of bread. “You crossed the veil and came back home! Not many can say that.”

He shakes his head, “Not many would wish to. How did you manage to bring me back?”

I shrug my shoulders and explain what we tried, and that it didn’t seem to work, but that when the curse on the island was broken, and the altar destroyed, somehow his life returned. I mention the door we couldn’t get through, and suggest there may be more within the structure, as it seems much larger than the area we were able to explore. He says it was wise to turn back, once the altar was destroyed. He’s certainly eager to get away from this place. I tell him that Alynn and I will being hitting the road soon on our way Brewitch through Garnhold, and that if he ever manages to catch up to us, we’d be happy to share drinks. He smiles and thanks me for my help. I ask if he has enough coin to stay here while he recovers. He nods and says he should be alright. With that, we bid Hain farewell, and Alynn and I collect our things, retrieve our mule and hit the road!

-on the road again-
immersion: Smell of rotten meat Q: Other people leaving? NO Q: They already left? NO
Q: Does Alynn gag? NO Morning Encounter-Patrol Q: Do they trouble us? EXCEPTIONAL NO

Alynn and I head out of town, curious as to why the sick and unwell seem to be lingering in town. It is as though they aren’t yet willing to give up their dreams of healing. One man that we pass by on the road out of town, smells foul, like he’s suffering gangrene, and the flies and maggots buzz around. Alynn and I look away uncomfortably as we pass him by.

On the road to Esbon, we are passed by a large patrol of soldiers out of Garnhold. The noble and sergeant nod as they pass, but the men look us over as they file by, a few leering at us or nodding appreciatively, most of them turning their eyes after they get a closer look at Alynn’s face. She tries to ignore it, but it hurts. I wonder what it was like growing up and having so many turn away. No wonder she hoped for a miracle!

We reach Esbon early for lunch, and are disappointed to discover there is no tavern and no shrine to take shelter in while we eat. Instead, we sit at the edge of the village and eat some hard bread, dried fruit and meat, and let the mule graze for a bit. Corvus flies about and catches himself a bug or two. “There is a spell in one of your books,” Alynn says, “it can be used to change one’s appearance. I think that’s what I want to learn next.”

I shake my head, “I thought you wanted to learn to conjure beasts and things. That spell wears off pretty quickly. It won’t keep people from staring or looking away.”

Alynn replies sharply, “It will for a short span of time! Longer than ever happens otherwise! Don’t you understand?”

I sigh in resignation and agree to help her learn it, because no, I don’t understand.

-Farmland dressing-abandoned stage- DMG framing event for the month-Arrival of a Circus. Immersion roll-smell-beeswax
Q: is there a menagerie? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: lots of demi humans? YES

We continue our journey, and are curious to see a small stage in the fields of one of the hamlets we pass through.

We arrive at Garnhold late afternoon. The town’s squat walls look imminently more practical than the polished stone that guards Corvosa, and the guards look rougher. Grapevines line the roads and bees dart across the meadows beyond. Workers and slaves can be seen in the vinyards and fields that surround the town. The guards pay us little mind as there is a group of travelling performers arriving at the gate as we do.

Alynn looks curiously at the travelling performers and their train of caged beasts. Bears, wolves, tigers, a manticore with bound wings and a trimmed tail, a feral looking woman with wings and eagle’s talons in a cage, a trio of tiny, colorful dragons, and helping escort them, performers of many races. Elves, and half elves, several half orcs, a couple of demonspawn, and even a dragonman! It reminds me of the sacrifices brought to Corvosa for the games.

The guards are similarly intrigued and simply wave us past as we approach the gate.

-encounter-Beggar in trouble with thieve’s guild-

Once in town, Alynn and I stable the mule, and then start looking for Elijah’s Inn. The stablemaster told us that was the best place for us as the other inn was also the town brothel. On our way to the town square, we see a couple of men yelling and beating a crippled man on the street. “Pay up or get out of here, old man!” they shout.

Q: Are these big men? YES Intimidation DC 15, Success Q: is arcane legal here? YES (asked after i used it!)

“Hey! Leave him alone!” I shout. Alynn pauses, looking at me in surprise, then at the two large men who slowly turn to face me. The cripple also looks up, able to lower his arm from his battered face for a moment. They start to step towards me, but Alynn stands her ground at my side, and I let my hand begin to glow red with warming flames. The men falter as their eyes drop to my hand, then turn heel and run. The beggar then gathers his blanket and cup, along with a few spilt coins, and crawls away as well, fear in his eyes.

I shake my head, and Alynn asks why I bothered, when we could have ended up in a fight over nothing! “I can’t really explain. I just hate to see people getting pushed around or beaten,” I respond, tucking a loose strand of hair back behind my ear. “I’ve never been able to stomach it. Like those captive beasts. They are used for mere entertainment. They can’t really be free since they would undoubtedly kill people if released, but I hate to see them imprisoned as well.” Alynn asks if it would be better just to kill them then, but I don’t really know how to answer that as I don’t yet know the answer myself.

We arrive at Elijah’s Inn, a two story stone structure with a tile roof that looks like it was once a military barracks. There are only a few customers present when we arrive, but they are a loud and cheerful bunch. Weapons and shields are mounted along the walls. The bartender, and older man, looks skeptically at us, as though we don’t really belong. “Two rooms for a week,” I say, as I approach. “What is the lodging like?”

“Adequate” he replies tersely, and walks us upstairs. The rooms are small, almost like prison cells to me. Each one has a small wooden cot, and an arrow slit window. I can see where there used to be a second cot mounted over the first. There are pegs for hanging cloaks and clothing, and a small trunk. I pay an advance on our lodging and Alynn and i settle into adjoining rooms. I let her borrow the book the archmage gave me so she can begin studying her masking spell.

a book with a magical light and letters flying from the page
Image by charlotte_202003 from Pixabay

Weeding 5th thru 11th- (some downtime tasks, rolled to check on sell prices, generated the personality of the buyer)

Over the next few days, Alynn stays holed up in her room, studying the spellbook she borrowed. In the meantime, I introduce myself around town and meet a sage by the name of Huldort, who owns a curio shop. We speak at great length about the Black Coven and Drouzal but he has no useful information about them for me. Still, he is eager to buy the warmasks and sacrificial dagger from me, and also the enchanted devil’s horn. He ultimately offers three pounds of gold coins and trade league script for another twelve pounds of gold. I’m not fond of script, but cannot really carry fifteen pounds of gold, so I accept the offer.

Q: Does he have any information for me? NO Q: Does he have any magic for sale? NO Q: Does anyone have a magic wand for sale? NO Q: Do I enjoy the circus? EXCEPTIONAL NO

Damesday 6th is actually my birthday, and I spend the day at town’s ancestral shrine, called Edna’s Apron. I offer of up prayers in memory of my parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and other ancestors whose names I learned to recite as a child. I wonder about my own fate, having become a travelling wizard, instead of marrying and raising children. When I die, will I become one of the forgotten? Or will my siblings teach their children to recite my name so my soul can join the Celestial Chorus? That evening, I attend the circus alone. While part of me detests seeing great beasts in captivity, I am also enthralled by the beauty and power they represent, and enjoy studying how they move, wondering how much deadlier they must be when not restrained. The dancers, acrobats, and other performers demonstarate tremendous skill on the trapeze, riding exotic beasts and performing great feats for the audience. But ultimately, I feel disappointed at the end. I am alone in a crowd, watching captives and outcasts perform for the charity of those whose lives they will otherwise never cross. It saddens me.

On the 7th, I have a deadman’s chit made for me and wear it around my neck. Perhaps if I die childless in some strange place, someone will know my name and remember me in their prayers. I spend my remaining time reading.

Q: Does Hain join us? NO Q: Is Hain alive? NO Q: Does Alynn prank me? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: take a test drive? EXCEPTIONAL YES

On the 10th, I return to the inn and notice a handsome man flirting with a raven haired beauty in a very familiar looking dress. Recognizing Alynn’s voice, I quickly realize that she has mastered her transformation spell, and can now appear as anyone she chooses. She seems to be thoroughly enjoying the attention of her admirer, so I do nothing to give her away. Instead, I retire to my room to read. After all, we plan to resume our journey in the morning. I hope she has fun tonight!

-Alynn leveled up to 3rd, so she is only one behind Mendy at this point. Of the contents of Mendy’s books, Alter Self makes the most sense for Alynn’s first new spell given her personal insecurities. Also in that book is Cloud of Daggers, a conjuration combat spell.-

Weeding 12th-45 degrees, leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flags extended

-Immersion-Sound Crash-Scene E: Positive for Alynn the Apprentice: the Vengeance of Pleasures Q: a suitor? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: companion? NO Q: a gift? NO (Typically, you only ask the first three questions that pop into your mind with Mythic, then you just need to come up with something…I think Alynn has gained confidence in herself (a Charisma gain is a positive) and rather than being down on the idea of love and romance, will become flirtatious when disguised as her alter self-

After enjoying a week in town, Alynn and I set off eastward to continue our journey. Alynn wears a magical disguise, and walks with a spring in her step! She smiles at every young man we pass, enjoying their attention as she walks past. None look away from her in disgust anymore. And few men even notice me at all, their eyes fixed on her!

On the road, we pass by a large group of crippled and sickly people, nearly three dozen. I ask where they are going and they tell us the Sanctum of Mypione! I tell them that Mypione was a hag, an evil deceiver born of hte tyrants and she was slain. They curse and yell at me for being a blasphemer but I am quick to withdraw my accusation and only have to endure curses and insults as we pass them by.

Encounter- Pilgrims Q: Going to Mypone? YESQ: Do they get pissed? EXCEPTIONAL YES: Progress on ‘Arcane Magic is outlawed in Coravos and Estkap’: the Recruitment of the Spiritual Q: Do they attack? NO Q: Is Mypione reborn? NO Q: Her sister arrived? NO (The laws against lowborn practice of magic in Estkap and Coravos have been repealed upon the urging of the High Custodian and appeals to the tales of the Celestial Chorus members who wielded magic in defense of home and hearth. Added Thread-Alynn courted by Mypione(s sister)-

Immersion-Two NPC’s haggling over something- Scene-

Arriving at the Gleaming Rose in Sortholme, we hear the barkeep haggling with a wine merchant whose wagon is parked out front about the price of the shipment. Eventually, it seems as though the merchant is disappointed at having to accept a lower price than he’d initially expected, but it matters little to me. Alynn and I enjoy a warm bowl of stewed sausage and some walnut bread. Then Alynn begins to flirt with some of the patrons, her mask is on and she enjoys the attention, especially that of a handsome fair haired bard who turns his attention and songs towards her, he is visibly distraught when i grab her arm and insist that we get back on the road. He follows her to the door, singing of how he’d like to teach the girl things only wedded brides learn, but thankfully he is halted by the door slamming into his face as we depart!

“You know it’s not real, right? Just a spell, a transmutation that quickly fades!” I warn Alynn as we follow the road towards Rydone and Brewich. Her eyes drop, and she kicks a rock to the side of the road. She stares down towards her feet, stewing, and refusing to respond to my challenge. I step in front her her, grabbing her arms and forcing her to look up at me. “Alynn, this isn’t right! You are my friend, and it should not matter what you look like. Anyone who knows you understands our worth. Your strength and your courage! Don’t hide behind your magic anymore!” I plead. She breaks my grip and walks past, continuing on our journey.

Q: Does she argue with me? NO (No encounters so I rolled for a random farmland event) Q: Is he a good sport EXCEPTIONAL YES

As the day rolls on, we spy a group of farmers working in their fields. One of them, a young boy, runs over to us wearing a bucket on his head and brandishing a large stick. “You shall not pass until you pay the toll or best me in battle!” taunts the boy. Alynn looks at him increduously, but I smile and grab a large stick from the side of the road.

“Prepare to be vanquished foul bandit!” I yell, and lunge at the boy. I quickly disarm the child and swat him genly on top of his helm. The child laughs in delight and challenges me once more. Soon, we have fought half a dozen skirmishes while his father and brothers watch from their field. Eventually, the grey bearded man and one of his older sons walks over to greet us.

“You’ve delayed these ladies long enough son,” he chides, “where are the two of you heading.”

“Off to a great adventure!” I say mischevously, to the boy’s delight. “We are seeking the Obelisk of Dryanno, to plunder the lost treasures within!”

The old man looks us over, and warns, “Treasure hunting leads to an early demise. “Last year, one of them the lord’s man, broke into the Crypt of Ukral and was killed by a demon, according to our village custodian.”

“Wait? Why would there be a demon in a local crypt? Whose crypt was this?” I ask. The farmer tells me how a black coven had broken into the crypt several years ago and used it as a secret temple, until they were discovered and arrested. Though the crypt was resealed, the sergeant broke into it and must have disturbed something while trying to explore it. The crypt was resealed, only to be discovered opened once more a few weeks later. It was then resealed a third time.”

“Did anyone search the crypt before it was resealed?” I ask, and the farmer shakes his head and says that nobody was curious enough to risk their lives doing so.

Q: Does Alynn want to? YES Q: One of the youths? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: tavern in Rydone YES E: Progress on ‘The black coven seeks the books of seven seals’: the Befriending of Leadership

“I’ll do it,” Alynn suddenly says, breaking her silence. The old man and his sons look at her with trepidation. He warns once more that we shouldn’t do that. I look at her and warn that there is no reason for us to become ordinary grave robbers. She mumbles that she would be an “extraordinary grave robber.”

We resume our journey to Rydone, stopping for a meal at the Sour Lover Inn, and enjoy a meal of honey glazed venison with boiled carrots and onions. Alynn and I talk quietly about what to do when we reach Brewich when blind man approaches our table and asks us for money. The barkeep, who until then seemed to be paying little attention to anyone, allowing his wenches and servants to do the work, rushes over and ushers the man outside, apologizing profusely about all of the cripples coming through the town on the way to the Sanctum of Mypione. I start to warn him that the Sanctum is cursed, but when I do, I notice that Alynn gives me a strange look, a warning look. The man ignores me, and goes back behind the bar.

Q: Does she give herself away? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“What’s wrong with warning people about Mypione?” I ask Alynn. She reminds me of the pilgrims earlier and says it would be best to just let people find out for themselves, and not get in the way of them and the favors they might ask of the gods. “Tyrants, don’t you mean?”

Alynn shrugs her shoulders, “In other lands, they worship and pray to gods who grant miracles. Here we pray for our ancestors so we can help them. Perhpas the other way is better!”

“But miracles are granted through the Custodians,” I challenge. She laughs and says that such miracles are only helpful if a Custodian is around, better to seek a god who will help you directly.

I notice her natural face is showing, and she says that she is saving energy for our arrival in Brewich. She’d rather look herself there than in a village like this. I tell her that she does look herself, and the spell is the lie. She says it won’t be.

“What’s going on, Alynn?” I demand.

“I believe in miracles!” Alynn replies, and then gets up from our meal to return to the road.

I follow here outside and we are soon walking swiftly towards Brewich, expecting to arrive before nightfall. As evening draws near, we see fewer workers in the fields Eventually, the walls of Brewich come into view, but we notice a large bonfire alight in the fields off the road. A group of young boys run past us, and one asks, “Aren’t you coming to the meeting?”

“What meeting?” I call out, but he is already gone. I look at Alynn, and then start following the boy across the field to the bonfire.

 A bonfire at night by a lakeside
Image by David Mark from Pixabay

Q: Is he speaking of Mypioene? YES Q: Does Alynn testify? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Do I notice her discomfort? NO Q: Is the assembly broken up? EXCEPTIONAL NO

Soon, we arrive at the assembly, villagers of all ages, and a man stands by the bonfire on top of a cart encouraging people to visit the Sanctum of Mypione, to bathe in the sanctuary’s healing waters and to have their fondest wishes granted. One man gets up and tells how his leg had been cut off during the goblin wars, but then he bathed in the waters, and his leg completely regrew. Another tells how she was on the brink of death, her body shook and rattled with every breath, but the waters of Mypione healed her. Others bear witness to her healing powers and several ask to be led there.

I watch in amazement for several minutes, and then shake my head, and pull Alynn away with me. We are at the gates of Brewich a short time later.

-I generate some details about Brewich on and one thing I learn is that there is a new cult in town. Makes sense given the previous scene! I also generate the ruler, and he is a stalwart of the Celestial Chorus, but old and decrepit, out of touch with reality-

Immersion, Alynn reminding herself to be quiet- E: Remote Event: the Attainment of Legal Matters Q: have the local custodians endorse her? NO Q: Do people reject the custodians? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: None come back? NO Q: IS there lodging at the first inn? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: ls there a room at the second inn? NO Q: Do people look at us oddly now? YES Q: Does Alynn stay? NO Q: Is she wary of mypione NO

We arrive in Brewich and I notice Alynn, who now looks lovely once more, trying to curb her excitement at arriving in town. “Mypione’s blessings upon you!” a guard greets us. Alynn seems excited, but I am worried.

“Who is Mypione?” I ask, cautiously.

“She is the healer! She works miracles. Water from her sacred spring can cure any ailment,” the guard exclaims confidently.

“How do you know this?” I ask.

“The Children of Mypione tell us! They went to her seeking healing and have returned fully restored,” he replies confidently.

“What do the custodians think of her?” I ask.

The guard says, “Not yet, but they will! They will see the truth soon! She is of the house of crones after all.”

I notice Alynn grinning from ear to ear. Her excitement vanishes when she realizes I am watching her. “Let’s find lodging for the night,” I suggest warily.

The Spirit and Stag Inn is full, so we go to the Scalded Bull Inn instead. Like many other buildings, the inn is rather rundown, but when we enter, I see arcane wards against evil scribed on the walls, and prayer tacked beneath the windows. There are no rooms for rent here either, but I am able to secure permission to roll our beds out on the floor in the hallway. Alynn is frustrated by this.

“I don’t feel right sleeping here,” Alynn shifts nervously, looking at the symbols on the walls.

“Why not?” I ask, “Is there something wrong here?”

She sweeps her arms around, “This place is filthy! Infested by rats! I am a noblewoman, staying here is beneath me! I should seek lodging in the keep!” she boasts.

“What’s wrong with you!” I demand. “Ever since Mypione, you have been different!”

The inn guests grow silent and look at us. “Something happened to you,” I warn Alynn, “I’m not sure what it is, but you have become obsessed with your appearance. Moreso than before. We stay here, within these wards.”

She looks at me intently, and then makes up her mind, “No! No, I won’t.” and she turns and leaves. I grab her but she quickly pulls away, and warns me not to try to stop her again. There is anger in her eyes. I raise up my hands, and let my friend go.

I go back insided to the innkeeper, “So tell me about the Cult of Mypione. Is that why you have these wards up?”

The woman, heavyset in her fifties shakes her head, shakes her head, “No I’ve had these wards up for years. To keep out witches and demons, nightmares and evil spirits. Anyone who takes offense, like your friend there, is welcome to leave. This Mypione thing? I don’t know much about it. People expect her to work miracles, and some say she has. It’s been going on eight years now, and just getting stronger. More travellers means more money, but I never see anyone who went return to my extablishment on the way home. So either that place is full of corpses, or people go home by another route.”

“None come back through?” I ask skeptically. She concedes that a few do, but not many.

As the evening grows long, I climb into one of the hammocks in the common room, where many other travellers are preparing to sleep, and I slowly begin to drift off.

A fair young woman with braided hair under moonlight.
Mendy by Dall E AI art

Weeding 13th (Feast of Topsy Turvy/Masquerade) -48 degrees, feel breeze on skin, weather vanes begin to move

-Immersion-sound-Rustling Scene-Negative alteration

I wake with a start, the warding on my pack triggered in my mind, and I hear someone rifling through my pack, stashed beneath the hammock. I roll out of the hammock onto my feet, hands blazing, “You don’t really want to do that, do you?”

(Intimidation 16, Q: Does he try to run? YES Q: Does he obey? YES Q: Does someone help me? YES Q: mercenary? YES Q: Did he get anything? NO Q: Does he know? NO Q: Am I familiar with topsy turvy? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: Is another procession met on the way? YES Q: Does our side win? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: Do I spot Alynn in the crowd? NO Q: Does the baron receive us? YES Q: Do I recognize Alynn among the guests? NO

With but a word, the area in front of the door is blocked by a wall of spinning daggers, and the other guests, just waking, are surprised and afraid of the sight.

“Now then, thief, take off your clothes, and walk over to the far wall. I’m going to make sure that you haven’t taken anything from me, and then the other lodgers will look to make sure you haven’t stolen from them either,” I say, glaring at the man.

Trembling, the scrawny little man starts to disrobe. He pauses at his loincloth, but I remind him that everything comes off, lest I flay him alive with my blades. The thief complies, and then a large man, who looks like a soldier, pushes the thief up against the wall, making it clear that the scoundrel should not try to escape.

I let the dagger spell fall, and go through my possessions, and also what the thief has taken. Nothing of mine it turns out. “Hey, thief, what’s this?” I ask, holding up a bronze miniature of a tower set on an amber base carved to look like flames.

“I dunno,” he stammers, “please let me go. You can keep the coins and other things, just let me have my clothes back.”

The big man looks at me, and says, “It is Topsy Turvy day after all. If you got all of your things back, best to let his majesty go.”

I laugh at the men, and make an exagerated curtsy, “Well met your majesty, but I had forgotten my manners! Perhaps you should lead our procession to the center of town in your most royal robes!”

I shoulder my pack, two men hoise the naked man up on a chair and and several of us follow them out into the street, proclaiming him our king and insisting that he be recognized as such. Similar processions must be taking place across the kingdom, but our king is perhaps the most humiliated.

But then, we find a rival procession from the other inn. A portly man with a sackcloth robe and a crown of flowers. The big soldier from the inn hollers out, “Two kings! That cannot be! A war of coins before there are three!”

A water troughs are spilt and people scoop mud and feces from the streets, and begin flinging it at the rival camp. The battle rages through the morning, and the walls of shops are splattered with the dirt. I hit one of our foes, an older woman with strange tattoos, who must hail from the Axblight. But then two people, dressed far too well to participate in this game, tag me with mud and shit!

But then the portly pretender is dropped to the ground as one of the men carrying him goes down with mud in his eyes. With a thunderous cheer, our naked thief is declared the victor, and we proceed to the baron’s keep for his annointing.

At the gate of the keep, the baron and his assembled courtiers and vassals, all finely dressed and wearing masks as the occasion demands, bow down to the king and bring him inside to join their banquet.

Nearly breathless from the excitement, I mutter a few words and my clothing and hair are clean once more. I sit down by the side of the road and redo my braid.

smiling man covered in mud
Image by Ri Butov from Pixabay

-Encounter-Peasants chasing conman-

As I finish cleaning myself up, I hear some shouting, and I see a man running down the street with a group of farmers chasing after him, yelling, “Stop thief! Give us back our money!” Spying a broom leaned up against a nearby doorway, a flick of my wrist sends it spinning towards the thief’s ankles, but he cartwheels over it in a stunning display of acrobatic prowess! His bewildered face scans the other people on the street, but he doesn’t seem to realize who was responsible. He soon disappears from view with his victims in hot pursuit.

Once I am presentable, I approach the doors of the keep, and ask to see Alynn of Radkas

Q: Will they let me in? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Arrest orders? YES

“Are you Mendy of White Tower?” the guard asks. I tell him that I am, and that I am Alynn’s mentor. But the guards grow stern and say, “You are under arrest for treason and the murder of the prophetess Mypione of Aletra!”

I immediately turn and run, with the guards in close pursuit.

-DC 15=
Athletics vs Athletics for break away, Acrobatics vs Acrobatics to weave through crowd, Stealth vs Perception to Disappear from sight

I race across the square but the guards seem to trip over their spears at first, not having expected me to run I suppose, and I am soon running down a side street. I blunder into several people, slowing me down, but the guards have just as hard a time of of it. Finally, I am able to slip inside a shop, and I watch as they run past.

The men in the shop look up at me, perplexed. There are three men here, strong looking, shirtless. The eldest has a grey beard, and the younger two, his sons I would guess, are chiseling stone statues in the shape of winged ancestral spirits, the kind that adorn the great cathedral in Coravos.

I shrug my shoulders and smile, “A little misunderstanding it seems. Things are topsy turvy today after all.”

Q: Do they rat me out? NO E: Setback to ‘Cecil the undying wants revenge’: Guidance regarding a Stalemate (Cecil is stuck at Mypione’s shrine, I’ll meet him there if I return to it) Q: Do the guards seem to be looking for anyone? NO Q: are there guards at the stable? YES

“Get out of my shop,” the older man scowls, “I don’t care what day it is, leave!”

I quickly return to the street, pulling my cloak over my head and heading towards the gate to collect my mule. Arriving there, I notice some guards that weren’t present when we dropped off handed over our animal, the tent, and provisions bag. I have my books and my bedroll, so I decide to go ahead and walk past. The guards don’t seem to be looking for me, but they might know my name.

I head over to the north gate instead, and walk out with another group of travellers.

Q: Am I stopped? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: Do any pursue on foot? NO

“You there! Woman! Stop, we have some questions for you!” one of the guards says. I run! Crossbow bolts fly after me, and I have to invoke a shield to deflect one of them, but I am soon in the fields, racing through the growing wheat as one bolt after another whips by. Running fast, I take a brief glance backwards through Corvus’ eyes, and see that nobody is actually chasing me. The guards have remained at their posts. I nearly trip in the field, my attention focused through the crow’s eyes, but I catch myself and stay on my feet.

After several minutes, having run past a great number of bewildered farmers and slaves, I stop to catch my breath. I have no idea what is going on! Why am I a criminal all of the sudden?

-Encounter- Giant Rats-

As i walk through the farmland, I am spotted by a few workers, who generally ignore me. It is obvious I’m not trying to harvest any of their crop. I disturb a small nest of large rats, but they scurry away at the sight of me. They are so fat from the grain they steal that they don’t hunger for flesh, like they might if they were burrowing about some old crypt or something.

I soon find the road to Prolme, and reach that village by nightfall. My stomach is growling, so I decide to approach the gate.

-Immersion-Wind Blowing-Scene Q: Do the guards seem to react to my approach? YES

The wind begins to pick up as though a storm i on the way. I approach the village gate, hoping no warrant has been issued for me yet. But as I draw close, the guards seem to stand a bit straighter, and watch me with eager anticipation.

I pretend to stumble a bit, and then kneel down as though to fasten my boots. Then pretend to notice I must have dropped something, turn and head back down the road in the opposite direction.

-Performance roll of 6- Q: Do the guards walk after me? EXCEPTIONAL YES-

Two of the guards leave their post and start walking after me. “Mendy of Whitetower! You are under arrest!” I break into a run, and hear their footsteps following. They gain quickly on me in a straight run, but I leap off the road and they seem to have a harder time leaping across the furrows and weaving between trellices. I soon find my self down near the river, where the sound of the water masks the sound of my footsteps. I double back north and then swim the river, easily for it is not terribly fast, and I conceal myself on the far bank. Watching for the guards. They walk up and down the water’s edge for about five minutes, unwilling to try swimming across and unable to spot me. Some time after they leave, I begin drying my gear, though the waxed cloth did a good job of protecting my books!

I then curl up under my freshly dried blanket and drift off to sleep!

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