
Dark haired fair skinned wizardess in a tunic kneeling in a royal court with bloodied wounds and scratchmarks on her arms
Mendy returns to Court by Midjourney AI

Scene #64: Immersion-NPC-Rough
Liam and I crumple to the ground in the royal gardens outside the White Palace in Coravos. Guards cry out, “Who goes there!” as I rise to me feet, surprised to see Liam with me. “Mendy of White Tower. I am a friend of Prince Casin, His Royal Highness.” I hold out my hand so they can see the ring that I wear. It has changed from gold to a dull silver, the magic within it spent.

Q: Do they believe me? YES
The guards help us to our feet, their rough leather gloves on my arm reminding me of the death grip I just barely escaped.

“Where are we?” Liam asks, a fearful look on his face. “What happened to everyone else?”

“We are at the White Palace. I didn’t realize this magic could save anyone but me,” I say, turning towards him, “I’m sorry. They were good people. I never meant for this to happen.”

Q: Is he angry at me? Very Likely EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Are we taken to the throneroom? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: Is HIs Majesty there? YES
Q: The Wizard? YES Q: Aleelill? YES

He sighs deeply, and shakes his head. “It isn’t your fault. You couldn’t have known. Thank you for not abandoning them when you could have at the first sign of trouble.”

I try to muster a smile, but I can’t.

We are led inside the palace with a page running ahead, and handed over to an interior guard and courtier, who then escorts us to the Great Hall where His Majesty is holding court, with his councillers and guests assembled. At the king’s right hand is his advisor, the Archmage Renuleant. At his left must be his wife, the Dame Silverthorne. The crown prince, Casin, who granted me the boon that brought me here now, stands before his parents near the Grand Steward, Nevaras, the two playing host to those seeking to petition a royal favor. I notice Lady Aleelill sitting very close to her master on the king’s right side. Her face lights up when she sees me, for she is easily excitable. I try to stifle my own smile, for one must observe proper decorum in the presence of the crown, or so my master had warned me.

Q: Does Liam kneel? EXCEPTIONAL YES

“Mendy Blehar of White Tower,” announces the courtier, bowing before stepping out behind us. I curtsy and Bosun Liam kneels, and then remains on his knees reluctant to meet the King’s gaze.

“Rise,” the King commands. “I am told that you just appeared in our gardens, and from the looks of you and your bloodied companion, fresh from battle. Am I to suppose that our boon just saved your life?”

Bowing once more I confess, “Yes, Your Majesty, and for that we are grateful.”

“How grateful?” demands the King, a bemused look on his face.

I am surprised by the question, “As grateful as any would be when their life has been saved?” I suggest, haltingly.

Persuasion 13: Q: Is the King amused? Unsure-YES

His Majesty chuckles, “Very well then, our debt to you is repaid. We are not bound to you, nor you to us.”

A page steps in front of me, holding out his hand expectantly.

Q: does he make me an offer? YES E: New NPC: an Inquiry about Dreams

I bite my lip hesitantly, then pull the ring from my finger, placing it gently in the page’s hand. He then delivers it to the Crown Prince, who takes it to his father. The King smiles on receiving it, and then turning it over in his hand, he suggests, “Or perhaps you would bind yourself to us as our vassal, taking up an oath of fealty to serve our house?”

Q: Does Aleelil seem supportive? Very Likely-YES

I glance quickly over to Aleelil and she is nodding her head furiously, an eager smile on her face.

“I would be honored to enter into your service, Your Majesty,” I say, kneeling and bowing my head low to the ground. The king smiles. His wife regards me warily, his son with seeming disinterest, and the High Steward sneers briefly at my acceptance, but quickly masks his disdain with a sympathetic smile.

Q: Is the oath administered immediately? YES

“Steward,” the king commands, handing Nevaras the ring, “administer the oath!”

The steward bows towards his lord, and then turns towards me, the contempt clear in his eyes as he begins the oath.

I am sworn to House Fulwroth’s service, not as a knight or member of the court, but as a battle mage. Agreeing to serve the Crown in battle whenever called upon, and to perform other services as required, in exchange for the King’s protection, lodging and a monthly stipend. It seems that may days of travelling freely have come to an end!

Q: Does he send me away? YES Q: Is Aleelil granted permission to pick my room? YES

Upon completion of my oath, the ring is placed upon my finger once more, and the King tells his steward to dismiss me to my quarters. As he grins wickedly, I notice the Archmage whispering in His Majesties ear, and then the King Commands, “Our guest, Dame Aleelil, will take you to your room.” The steward lets out the faintest of sighs and Aleelil begins walking out from behind the head table, decorum observed but eager excitement plain as day.

“Follow us, Liam,” I whisper, as the fisherman, nearly forgotten in all of this, rises and backs his way out of the great hall, bowing every few steps.

Scene #65 (Negative Alteration): Immersion: see something forgotten or discarded that I want!
Dame Aleelil eagerly takes me to a finely appointed room near hers, asking about my adventures and why I had used the ring, when we are met by two guards. “There are no unassigned rooms in the Palace. The Grand Steward requests that this newest member of the household find lodging in the city.”

Aleelil starts to object, telling the guards that the room next to hers is not assigned to anyone right now, but I notice a strange looking bronze coin lying on the floor behind a potted plant. With a flick of my wrist, the coin is in my hand. Turning it over, I see a face on one side, and the symbol of the wizard Dryannor on the other. I chuckle, shaking my head as I drop it into my pocket.

Aleelil loses her argument with the guards, but I wasn’t really paying attention, “It’s alright, I’ll find lodging in the city. If I’m not inside the palace walls when needed, the Grand Steward will have to answer for it. You and these guards are my witnesses.” I say with a smirk.

Reluctant to so quicky part company, Aleelil sees us to the door where we bid farewell with a quick hug. Then Liam and I head into the city.

-City Encounter- Circus-needing guards Q: Does he accept? EXCEPTIONAL YES

We pass by a small circus packing up after the day’s performance. Looking at Liam, they ask if he would be interested in giving them a hand. They are always on the look out for strongmen, laborers and guards. He looks at me, then shrugs his shoulders, “Sign me up. There is nothing for me here. Are you planning to go to Wedale anytime soon?” he asks.

“Hold up friend,” I say, grabbing Liam, as I pull a pouch from my satchel, “this is what I promised Asher. I suppose it’s yours now.” He nods, and takes the coin from me. I wish him safe travels as he departs.

A short time later, I find myself outside the Oaken Hearth. Stepping inside, I find Goberg there, looking up, he exclaims, “Mendy Bleher? It’s been awhile!” I grin and give him a friendly hug, because for some reason, I cannot resist. It feels good to be “home” again.

“Do you have a room for me?” I ask, hopefully.

Q: Does the Oaken Hearth have an empty room? Unlikely-NO Q: Will he arrange one? Very Unlikely-NO Q: Does he know a better place? NO

The smile gives way to a disappointed sigh, “Alas, no. I am blessed with a full house and decent lodgers. But I am glad to see you. Please, sit and eat, tell me where you’ve been the last two months?”

“I’d love to, my friend, but it will have to wait for another day,” I say, looking outside as the light fades quickly, “but right now, I need a place to lay my head for the night.”

He shakes his head, “I wish I could help you, but I don’t know anyone with vacancies right now. You’d best try one of the inns for just a night.”

I nod, and head back off into the street.

-city encounter-off duty town guards trying to start a fight-

As I head down to the docks, on my way to “The Happy Goblin”, I run into a group of watchmen harassing a group of dock workers. Everyone appears to drunk and boastful and itching for a fight. I duck down an alleyway onto a parallel street and avoid the coming row.

Q: Does the Happy Goblin have lodging? NO Q: Someone make an offer? EXCEPTIONAL NO

At the Happy Goblin, I am also turned away. There’s no way I am going back to the Rusty Sabre, and The King’s Eye is also out of the question. I had passed by it leaving the palace without even a thought of stopping there.

-Cities-Encounter-Three Adventurers trying to recruit a leader for their band-Chat GPT gives some names and rough stats, go to UNE for personalities- and Harken Speaks of Shelter regarding parents? How convenient!)

As I’m walking back towards the royal gardens, thinking to perhaps sleep there, a well armed man also walking the streets alone greets me, “Well met, miss. It’s a bit late for a woman to be walking alone at night isn’t it?” he asks, looking me over.

“Or for a well armed man as well,” I respond, allowing flames to dance between my fingers, “Never know what sort of trouble one can find in this late an hour,” I offer, shrugging my shoulders.

He laughs, “I like you! My name is Harken Eagleborn,” he says, extending his hand in greeting. I grasp it and introduce myself as Mendy of White Tower. “May I walk you home?” he asks, “To deter muggers, more for their safety than for yours I suspect.”

I laugh, “Well, I appreciate the offer, but I’m actually trying to find lodging right now.”

“Well, by the Queen of Crows, it just so happens my house is right around the corner. I’ve got a spare bed you are welcome to, for the price of your story, of course,” he offers with a broad smile.

I shrug my shoulders, “I’ve paid more for less, and become him to lead the way. The Queen of Crows? You mean Ravenna the Judge, right?”

“Ravenna, Guardian of the Dead? Her messenger is the vulture,” Harken responds. “Pistis is the Queen of Crows, the trickster, the thief, the one who plays clever jokes. The one who, when my sister says it would be wise of us to find a wizard to help, allows me to blunder into one on the streets later that very day!”

“I don’t know that god, but your accent, you are from across the sea, yes? Land of the Sea Furies?” I ask, and he corrects me, telling me his people refer to themselves as the Barachi, sons of the god Barrachiel, the Invincible.

Q: Is it a nice home? YES Q: An empty bedroom? NO

He takes me to a small home situated over a cobbler’s shop. We walk into a sitting area, where he quickly lights an oil lamp. The kitchen area is visible off to the side. “Up those stairs are the bedrooms. My friend Eryndor shares the first room with my sister, Kethra. My room is above that one. You can either come upstairs with me, or lay your blanket down here. It’s pretty warm by stove, as I’m sure you can guess.”

“Thank you for your hospitality, I’ll make myself at home down here,” I say, and look for a place to set my pack while I roll out my bedroll and blanket.

“Sleep well, friend. We have much to discuss in the morning,” he says before heading upstairs.

I establish a warning on the steps, and fall asleep a short time later.

Heyday 17th-Lordsday-72 degrees, No rain, smoke drifts to indicated direction, leaves and weather vanes stationary

Immersion: See something beautiful through a gap
Scene #66 (Positive Alteration):

I am awakened by the sound of laughter as Eryndor chases Kethra down the steps. “Get back here! I wasn’t done with you yet!” says the half elf to the woman. Then noticing my presence, they stop short.

“Excuse us, Harken didn’t tell me he was having a guest over,” the woman says looking me over. “My name is Kethra, and this is my friend, Eryndor,” she offers, extending her hand.

A little embarassed by the situation, I still manage to take her hand and introduce myself, “Mendy of White Tower, or of House Fulwroth. I’m not really sure how to introduce myself right now.”

Then I notice finely crafted golden eagle amulet around the woman’s neck. Following my gaze, she offers, “Barachiel’s messenger. Do you know Barachiel?”

“No, I don’t,” I admit.

She explains that he is the god of war and wisdom, and that he has led her and her brother to Adelia in search of wealth and glory for his honor and that of their family. “If my brother brought you here last night, it can’t have been merely to sleep on the floor. Perhaps he means for us to ask you to join our company.”

Looking over at her impatient half-elf companion snuggling up to her from behind, I suggest, “Perhaps you are right, but perhaps there would be a better time to discuss this. Maybe I’ll come back another time.”

Still blushing in embarrassment at the situation, I collect my things and head out the door. As it closes, I hear the half-elf mutter, “about time,” and the sound of a light slap and a woman’s laughter in response.

-City Encounter-Magician-
Still somewhat distracted, and looking for suitable long term lodging, I inadverently bump into a passing merchant. I notice he has a wand tucked into his belt, so I assume he knows a bit of magic, as many merchants do.

Investigation 17+4=21
Q: Do i find a townhome for sale? NO Q: A private apartment to lease EXCEPTIONAL NO So-it’s a boarding House. ChatGPT gives me a write up, landlord and three permanent tenants. The remaining rooms are for short term guests

Asking around at various market stalls and shops, I am directed to Ginny’s Seaside.

I find the establishment on the opposite end of the docks from the Happy Goblin, near where the royal navy vessels are moored. A much more secure area where soldiers are more common than beggars, fishermen or common “riff raff”. Riff raff like me when I was young, I recall, surprised at myself for even having such a disdainful thought.

(Persuasion 17+2=she likes me!)
As I’d been told, Madame Genevieve does have rooms to rent. Generally, most lodgers stay only a few nights, consisting generally of well to do merchants and sea captains who visit whenever they are in town, but she does have three other “permanent” residents. I will be the fourth. After introducing myself and explaining my needs and situation, she shows me to a room on the second floor that overlooks the docks. There is a good quality bed with a down mattress, a sturdy looking trunk for my belongings, and even a small clay stove I can use to warm myself at night. I gratefully begin unpacking my things. I am thankful that I had been sitting with them on the deck when the attack took place, otherwise, my collection of books would have been lost at sea!

I then write a letter to Benar explaining what happened, and asking that he inform the Trade League in Wedale that any assets delivered in my name there are to be transferred to the Trade Hall in Coravos, as is the custom for many high ranking guild members who have assets in multiple cities and towns.

After arranging things in my new home, I head back to the palace to report to Ronuleant and to ask him to empower the ring once more, as His Majesty intimated would occur should I enter his service.

-City Encounter-hag offers advice-(Chat GPT generates some sayings)

While walking through the city streets, an old woman stops me and says “Death is not the end, my dear. It is merely the beginning of a new journey. Embrace it, and do not fear it.”

I draw away from her in disgust, unnerved by her words.

Q: Any problem with the guards? NO

I reach the palace a short time later, and the guards let me inside without difficulty. I head directly to the Grand Stewards office, this time, dressed more appropriately for business in the Palace than I was the night before.

Q: Is the Steward in his office? NO

As Nevaras is not present, I speak to one of his clerks. I introduce myself as Mendy of White Tower, inform the man that I am now one of the King’s battle mages, and that per the Grand Steward’s special instructions, I am to be issued a stipend of 200 crowns per month for the added expenses of being forced to stay in the city rather than at His Majesty’s convenience here in the castle.

My Deception roll is 7, but his insight was 5, so I guess he’s an idiot? Q: Was he instructed about me? YES

“No! He didn’t say that!,” the somewhat dimwitted clerk responds, “We were told not to give you anything so that you would simply leave.”

Intimidation roll 18+2=20, clerk doesn’t roll so well.

I smile, and thank the clerk for admitting to treason, “I’m sure the Custodians would be interested in speaking with you and your master before a candle of truth.”

He makes a notation in his books that my stipend is 200 crowns per month, with 50 crowns per month directly paid to Madame Genevieve for my lodging, and the remainder coming to me at the first day of each month, and immediate payment today for the entirety of this month, as a gesture of good will. On receiving my payment and seeing a runner off to pay for my lodging, I then head up to Master Ronuelant’s wing of the palace.

Q: Is Master Ronuelent expecting me? YES

Portrait of an elegantly dressed man with a short red beard
Master Ronuelant by Midjourney AI

“Ah, Master Telgast’s apprentice has come to me once more,” the wizard gloats. His robes are adorned with golden threads and gleam with an arcane glow. His red hair is long with silver beads braided down its length. He strokes his short beard as he takes a good look at me. “You carry yourself with greater confidence than the last time we met, and ward yourself better. Your mind is unreadable. Your presence undetectable. After you left the palace last night, no attempt to scry your location could find you. It is good that you have chosen to enter His Majesty’s service, for you could otherwise become a slippery adversary. Like a fish. Perhaps I should call you my little fish?”

I smile, “Master Telgast calls me his little frog, for he transformed me into one whenever he felt I needed a lesson in humility or escape.

Q: Does he laugh? NO

“Well then, I shall simply call you Mendy, “Why have you come to me?”

“Milord, I have become a sworn battlemage, but I lack the offensive magics that most battlemages share, for as you know, Master Telgast will not train people to become evokers. I was wondering if perhaps, I could be given a book of the spells you share with all of your students so that I might fulfill my duties when called upon to do so.” I bow, humbly at the end of my request.

Q: Is he willing to give me a book? YES Q: Has Aleelil told him about my quests? NO

“Yes, of course. This is most prudent request. Is there anything else,” the archmage asks.

I nod, “Yes milord, as for this ring, are you able to recharge it?” He smiles and tells me that on the 18th day of the Great Harvest, when Fate and Fortune are both full in the sky, the ring will regain its powers. But yes, he can restore the magic immediately if he so chooses. I bite my lip, then ask, “Will you choose to do so?”

“No. That is powerful magic, that I’d rather not expend unnecessarily,” the mage replies firmly.

I had intended to give him the Dragon’s Eye for safekeeping, but I wanted his support. Without that, I don’t know that I trust him with such a relic. Instead, I take the book that I am offered. Aleelil obtains a uniform for me, and we spend some time with the tailor taking my measurements to properly fit me.

I then return to my home. I witness a man being mugged by a gang of hoodlums, but choose to ignore it. When I have my uniform, I will simply be able to speak, and any idiot will fear me enough to stand down.

At home, I speak with Miss Ginny to verify that she has received payment for this month already, and then I retire to my room to study my new spellbook. (I learn Suggestion, Fireball, and Fly, finally having four 3rd level spells!)

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