Is the Frying Pan on Fire?

White marble stairs and statues and pillars form the inside of a palace
Image by Laurent Verdier from Pixabay

Vingrow 5th thru 22nd

-Level up to 4th, and roll to learn new spells found in the spellbook, then automatically add the two unlearned 2nd level spells as Mendy’s choices for 4th level. They aren’t spells I’d normally pick, but they are already in her spellbook so it’d be a shame if she couldn’t use them.-

Q: Do I befriend an apprentice? YES Q: Noble? YES E: Remote Event: the Pursuit of Danger Q: Grosweal’s Daughter? YES Q: Is she betrothed? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Am I a courtly guest? NO Event Roll-A friend asks your help (decide it’s the new apprentice friend, having offended the High Steward, because I don’t want to introduce too many new characters right now!)

While a guest at the palace, I am free to visit most of the servant’s areas and am treated as a guest of one of the minor officials. I do not dine with the royal family or visiting nobles, but among lesser officials and more valuable servants. I spend a great deal of time in the gardens when I am (rarely) tired of reading, and get to know a few of Master Roneuleant’s apprentices, mostly younger noblewomen but also a few aspiring battlemages. The latter boasted of having been able to practice against rebels during the uprising, and enjoyed talking about the impact their magic had in battle.

I befriend one of the noble apprentices, a woman about my age named Aleelill. I stumbled across the young woman, who is about my age, deflecting the advances of the Grand Steward. It sounded like he was suggesting she should marry him and she could enjoy priveleges of wealth that even her father could only dream of! As I passed them, I loudly wondered how rotting tree stumps adorned themselves with lovely flowers when they stink so much. He turned on me in a rage while she doubled over in laughter.

The next day, she found me in her master’s library and started helping me find inks and reference documents I might need. It turned out that she is Baron Grosweal’s daughter and was sent to the Capitol to learn battle magic as is necessary for a “woman of her station” who must be able to “serve as her husband’s right hand and defend his holdings against arcane threats!”. She’s not very happy about that as she prefers divination spells and the study of herbs and medicines. She also has met no suitors of interest to her, but she speaks highly of her father, her mother, and of her family line in general and seeks to do what is expected of her. She willingly allows me to copy the spell to bond a familiar to oneself from her book, and I allow her to copy a magical locking spell from mine. We often eat lunch together, though at dinner, she dines with the royal family and other visiting nobles.

I spend a little more than two weeks at the palace studying the spellbook gifted to me, transcribing the spells I could recall that weren’t in it, and practicing the unfamiliar ones that it already contained. There were several that are far more complex than anything else I’d ever mastered, but I look forward to unraveling those mysteries in the future!

I also arrange the sell of the pendant I was given and use that money to purchase two more healing draughts, the special inks need to scribe all of the spells I know into a secondary spellbook, a waxed bag to carry the books in, an iron pot, the herbs and ingredients to conjure and bind a new familiar.

With Aleelill’s help, I also discover there is a spell imbedded in the ring the Prince gave me! The ring is engraved with the words, “When Fate and Fortune meet, I will meet with you!” and it appears that it harnesses some sort of gate spell that will transport one back to the royal palace here in Coravos. The exact trigger is unclear, but I believe the spell recharges when the moons meet full in the sky…which is also the time that the gateway to the Emerald Citadel was said to open. She was curious about the ring because she says the rings worn or given by nobles are nearly always enchanted. Most signet rings, she says, are warded againtt enchantments. When they are forged, several drops of the owner’s blood are infused into the metal, bonding it to them and protecting them from charms and having their minds read. Master Telgast never told me that! He just told me not to bother trying to read the minds of noblemen. She said she wasn’t sure if that was true of lesser houses, but the families of the High Council, like hers, always gave such a ring to their children as they came of age.

When my spellbooks are finally in good order, I decide that it is prudent to take my leave of the Royal Household’s generosity. With the Royal Steward quite angry at me, and being in the position of living as one of his guests rather than that of the Crown Prince, I had already long overstayed my welcome.

Blonde haired princess in a blue dress in a windowed hallway
Image by Willgard Krause from Pixabay

Vingrow 23rd, Moonday, 37 degrees-Leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flags extended

Immersion: smell, excrement
Scene (Positive)

I wake and pack my possessions for travel, eager to see the world, or at least get out from under the High Steward’s gaze. My friend Aleelill knocks on the doors of my quarters, and I pause to let her in. She has a huge smile on her face, but…

“Do I smell horse dung?” I ask, as she steps inside. Red faced, she looks down and realizes that she has, in fact, stepped in something foul. “What were you doing outside so early in the morning?” I ask.

She giggles a bit, and then says, “Since you are so intent on leaving, I have found you the perfect horse! As you know my father raises horses, well, like most barons I suppose, but he’s known for his prize stallions! Well, Sir Caragon arrived with several spare mounts and I’ve decided to give you one of them!”

I look at her gratfully, but perplexed. “That’s not reall necessary, you know. A good warhorse is a rare and valuable treasure, and I’m not sure that your father would approve of you simply giving a prize steed away like that.”

Persuasion 17 vs her Wisdom (Willpower) roll of 6

She gives a pouty sigh, blowing strands of her long golden hair to the side, and agrees, “I suppose you’re right. But…why don’t you at least stay until the end of High Challenge? They are already preparing the arena and champions are arriving from across the kingdom. Perhaps you might find a young noble who catches your eye?”

I laugh at this, “You are the one who is supposed to be looking for a wedding match! You are an heiress to a baron. I am the daughter of a poor fisherman, and therefore, not quite the catch you would be!”

“But wouldn’t you like to see the worms some of these fisher boys have for their rods?” she teases.

“Should the daughter of a baron be speaking of such things? And should you malign your reputation by taking peeks or availing yourself of such unfettered attention?” I ask.

She shrugs her shoulders and says with a wink, “A fly on the wall can see as many wondrous things as she desires and none are the wiser.”

I remind ther that flies eat dung. She laughs and asks how many flies a frog eats, for I’d already told her of Tegast’s training. Then she beseeches me once more, “Please stay for the tournament! You know that my fellow students bore me with tales of hunts, and feasts, while you’ve actually explored the Emerald Hills! You’ve met one of the great dragons that threatens my father’s lands!”

-Her persuastion ties my wisdom-

“Lady Aleelil, as much as I adore your company, I really must be going. I’ve no interest in watching the greatest warriors of our land bash each other over the head with wooden sticks or try to unhorse one another. My room will be needed for guests of higher station than mine, so I must go!” I insist.

Q: Does she offer further objections? YES Conversation topic-Contacts

“Well,” she looks to the ceiling, “if you won’t take a horse from me, or agree to stay and help me select a suitor for either yourself or I, then perhaps you will stay to find a travelling companion to guard you on the road? My father’s man, Sir Caragon, has a promising young squire with him, a sergeant, and half a dozen experienced men at arms as well. Perhaps if you were to join me in cheering them on, and in hosting them during their stay in Coravos, you might find that one of them would be eager to join you in your quest to find lost knowledge in old forgotten ruins.”

-Aleelill rolls persuasion with advantage, as she is speaking Mendy’s language, and wins with ease-

“Well…perhaps you should help me unpack these bags then!” I answer to my friend’s joyous applause.

A knight on horse parading before a tent .  Other mounted knights wait in the background.
Image by Roman Paroubek from Pixabay

-Immersion-Sense of Elation-
Scene Aleellil and I go to the fair grounds to find her father’s men as they prepare for the coming tournament Something Negative happens to Mendy Bleher, involving
a Violation of Plans- Q: Are other ladies from the keep here? YES Something of Ambiguous significance occurs, involving the Praise of Good (I also look over my NPC list and realize that Squire Lenarant and Zolia the Shieldmaid would likely be here)

Aleelill and I go to the fair grounds to find her father’s men as they prepare for the coming tournament. Our mood is bright as we weave our way through the colorful tents admiring handsome and strong looking men and their beautiful, spirited horses.

Of course, Aleelill is not the only lady of the court here. Several other young dames studying under Master Ronuleant are here, either visiting their betrothed, their kinsmen or perhaps seeking a likely prospect. For these men, even those of lowly station, are among the best warriors in the land and those who prove themselves during High Challenge will certainly be well rewarded…perhaps even with titles and land where they might otherwise have inherited none!

Suddenly, I stop, and pull Aleelill close, “Do you see that?” My companion looks and her jaw nearly drops. At a nearby tent without livery, a man and young woman, both wearing gambesons, are polishing heavy armor. We stare for a moment as I marvel, “I’ve not seen a woman knight before!” My friend looks at me oddly, and assures me that they aren’t “that” rare.

“Any noblewoman who can’t master the arcane has to learn bladework instead,” Aleelill explains, “they just…aren’t really marriable, except by a nobleman who can’t lift a sword and studies magic instead. Someone has to lead the troops, after all.” she shrugs.

I decide to walk over to the two while she waits impatiently.

“Are you both competing in the challenge?” I ask, tentatively.

The pair look up at me. The man speaks, “Of course we are! We’ve both earned our place here and we aim to prove our worth to the crown! I am Squire Lennarat, and this is Dame Zolia. But you are no warrior, nor I see, a woman of gentle birth. So what brings you to our tent?”

“Curiosity, I guess. I’ve seen women skilled with bows before, but never met a woman of any rank who sought to fight in heavy armor with sword and lance,” I am abruptly cut off by Zoria.

“My father had no sons, and trained me to be his heir,” Zoria says angrily, “when he died our estate was given to a common sellsword because I was not yet married and not a man. I will prove to the crown that I am more than capable of holding my own and then demand to be given my birthright!”

Squire Lennarat, who has undoubtedly heard this refrain before, nods and purses his lips, buffing the shine on his boots. “Hmmm…well then,” I stammer slowly backing away, “I wish you the best of luck in the games then!” She glares at me as I depart.

We soon arrive at the Grosweal tents where Sir Caragon is playing chess with another knight, while his squire is polishing the man’s armor. The rest of his company are tending the needs of the horses, organizing equipment or eagerly waiting for a large pot of stew to finish cooking. On seeing Dame Aleelill, they all rise to their feet and then bow. She’s beaming with pride as she looks over at me, smiling. “It is nice to be shown proper respect sometimes!”

I giggle and give her a little curtsy, which causes her to roll her eyes. In the ways of magic, I am her superior and she knows it.

Helms and arms on a wooden rack
Image by Christian Körtke from Pixabay

-Conversation topic-treasure- Q: Do they know any rumors? NO

We spend the rest of the afternoon talking about the coming tournament and the prizes that Sir Caragon and the other competitors hope to earn. The good knight swears a great deal, and gives away his common birth. I learn that he is an orphan, though every time he starts to tell a story of how he came to be a knight, his squire, Galto, butts in to finish the tale. This not only irritates the knight, but also Aleelill and myself.

As night falls, we return to the palace, Dame Aleelill to the great hall for the evening’s repast, and me to my room…to find my possessions neatly packed once more and sitting on the floor outside my door.

Q: Is everything there? YES Q: Does the inkeep at King’s Eye recognize me? YES Q: Will Gili rent me a room? NO Q: Still angry? YES Q: Happy Goblin have lodging? NO

Carefully going through my pack and trunk, I see that everything is there. I shake my head and roll my eyes, “Time to go!”

I leave through the kitchen exit, grabbing some food as I pass through. Soon I have left the palace grounds and I am in the city on my own once more!

I walk across the square to the King’s Eye tavern, where the inkeep recognizes me immediately, “Get out! leave, I say!” he scowls, “You’ve made a fool of yourself here twice before do not darken my doors again!” he demands. I smile and shake my head

I head down the street to the Filthy Sabre, but Gili sees me and shakes her head, “Don’t bring your dragon curses around here! Death and trouble follow you and I want none of it!”

I then make my way to the dockyards and the Happy Goblin. Their private rooms are all booked up as well.

So I sit at a table, and ignore the drums and the jingle of the dancing girls’ bells, and I write a letter to Dame Aleelill explaining my sudden departure. I then hire the barkeep to have it delivered in the morning.

I then head over to the Oaken Hearth, and though Goberg doesn’t rent rooms out for a single night, for me, he makes an exception. My old room has not yet been rented back out, so he lets me return to it for the night. And I dream well.

Vingrow 24th, Lordsday, 41 degrees-Leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flags extended

Scene Change: Immersion: Sense, Cold. Event: Negative for Mendy Bleher: the Domination of Magic Q: A royal edict? YES Q: The the Black Coven try something? YES Q: In Coravos? NO Q: Does Goberg know yet? NO Q: Does anyone ask where I’ve been? NO Q: Across Ardeles? NO Q: Does anyone near me protest? EXCEPTIONAL NO

I wake to a bustling city, warriors and merchants from across the realm are pouring in, eager for the coming games. The excitement is palpable and I start to wonder if now is really the best time to leave. And then, suddenly, I feel a chill deep down in my bones…something isn’t right. Something dreadful is about to happen.

I collect my things and head downstairs for breakfast. The tenants are excitedly speculating about the games, speaking of champions they’ve seen in the past, and wondering about new challengers who have arrived. One even boasts that is cousin is a low challenger, seeking to earn his spurs if he can several bouts.

I find it odd though, nobody even greets me, nor do they ask where I’ve been the last few weeks since the coup attempt. They are lost in their own discussions, their own concerns, and ignore me as they always have. “The quiet girl with the books”.

hangman's gallows in the moonlight
Image by kalhh from Pixabay

Encounter-special-(last time, this was a coup, let’s do something in line with the proclamation-

I walk over towards the market square and notice a slight shift in people’s moods. Whereas before, there was a jubilant expectation, a celebratory fervor, now there are quiet whispers mixed in as well. Moslty between worried looking elders and tradesmen, many of whom lost friends or guild superiors during the purge of rebels.

Then I come to the gallows in the market square. The bodies of rebels are long gone, but new ropes are being slung over and a page from the High Steward climbing the steps to the platform. He doesn’t seem to notice me. Which is fine, we don’t like each other anyway.

As he looks around the market, a trumpet is sounded. The vendors halt their sales and shoppers turn their eyes on him. “By Royal decree, the practice of all magic arcane is strictly prohibitted within the walls of Coravos by those not of noble blood or in direct service to the Crown or of a noble household. Lowborn practicioners of magic who violate this law shall be arrested and put to death!”

There is a collective gasp throughout the crowd. A group of bound men and women, in black robes and hoods are led up the scaffolds to have nooses placed around their necks. Many nod in approval, and people speak of the demons unleashed in Estkap and how all cities throughout the land should pass such a law. I bite my lip, lost in thought. Then there is a resounding cheer when the Grand Steward reveals that the bound captives are members of a secret cult that orchestrated the coup and sought to replace the rightful king with a demon lord. And that they and others of their kind will soon meet their fate.

I turn and head quickly towards the north gate.

Immersion, reflected sight, then it’s gone. Scene Change:
Q: A face? YES Q: diabolic EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: a person I’ve seen? EXCEPTIONAL YES
Encounter: urchin/beggar/thief hiring someone to find their master, out of town, old mine
Q: is it her? NO Q: did they respond to the call for help at a mine? YES Q: Did they take warriors? YES Q: Has she seen me before? YES Q: My face? EXCEPTIONAL YES

Walking ever more quickly towards the north gate, feeling as though the buildings along the street and the growing crowd are starting to close in on me, I bump into a woman about my age, dressed in similar travelling clothes. “Excuse me!” I say, quickly and quietly, but then we pause, meeting each other’s gaze and she gives me a strange look.

“You wouldn’t happen to be heading out of town, would you?” she asks. “I am looking for a companion to help me find my parents.”

“What makes you think I could help? Sounds like you need a warrior, or perhaps a custodian if they have taken ill,” I reply.

The woman shakes her head and sadly replies, “No, I don’t think what keeps them from returning home can be solved either through prayers or cold steel. But I saw what you did in the market, when the Prince fell, and you ran into the fray instead of from it. I need your help!”

I bite my lip as I consider her words. She seems sincere.
(18 persuasion or deception vs 17 intuition, sure, seems legit!)

“Alright, I’ll help you, but I am leaving town now! Either come with me now! Or you can meet me two miles up the road”

“Towards Kars!” she says excitedly, “my parents answered the call to to help Fardep before the first frost and haven’t returned. I have to find out what happened to them and the others that went with them.”
I stare at her in disbelief, “That call for help was sent more than three months ago! if your parents have been missing for three months, they are dead!”

She shifts on her feet uneasily, “I know. I know. But I can’t leave their bodies lying to rot in the bottom of some old mine. Please help me!” she begs, looking up at me in desperation.

I think back to my own parents, and how desperately I would have clinged to hope if I had not seen them dragged into the sea, and I relent. “I will meet in you on the road to Karsa.”

As I arrive at the North Gate, I pause by the water trough, and my breath catches in my throat! For an instant, I thought I saw a demon’s face reflected back towards me. But, not a demon’s. My face, in a diabolical visage. But when I focused on the water, my reflection appeared normal.

Grapes in a vinyard
Image by makotosun from Pixabay

Immersion, Touch Environment Fibrous Scene:
E: Remote Event: the Overthrow of Joy Q: Does Joseal arrive soon? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Does she arrive at all? NO Q: Is the consensus positive? YES Q: Do they mention other cities having passed this law? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: Do I go unnoticed? YES Q: Crowded upstairs? YES Q: Am I the only woman? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: Any problems overnight? NO

Scene #6:
I wait by the side of the road and watch the farmers pruning their grape vines. While such crops are easier to grow in the southlands, they are common here too. As I stare at the hardened vines, I wonder what it might feel like if such things were awakened as an enemy and tried to ensare you. The thought makes me shudder.

I wait through the morning, and as my hunger grows and I see workers heading home for lunch, I sit by the side of the road and eat some of the bread and cheese I had packed. After I finish my meal, I curse myself for having been duped, walk back to the North Gate, and then set off northward on the road towards Uttos that follows the Green River.

I follow the river, passing several caravans laden with trade goods, and also a great many armed men. It seems as though I am the only person travelling northward. Several greet me as I pass by and ask the news, I tell them of the proclamation and the men and women hanged. Everyone who hears this news seems to nod in approval, and I learn that in addition to Estkap, Colburn has also outlawed the arcane arts for lowborns!

It is near dark when I arrive at Uttos. I walk directly towards the tavern in the center of the village, a bustling establishment with the symbol of a dancing horse on the plackard. The stables behind the inn are full, and many pack animals are tethered to posts outside, while carts and wagons litter the village square. Guards are plentify, both from the ruling house, and from the caravneers themselves.

I step inside the tavern, and find there is barely room to stand. I push my way through the crowd, the stink of sweat thick in the air, the other patrons, mostly fighting men, tower over me. Thankfully, most of have their arms in with the rest of their gear so I don’t find myself tripping over anyone’s scabbard or feeling a mace head bang up against my knee.

Due to the crowd, my physique and innocuous manner of dress, these fighting men, who are ogling the serving wenches, barely even register my presence, supposing me to be some lord’s squire perhaps. I discreetly tuck my braid inside my cloak and raise the top of my hood a bit to help me remain unnoticed.

The old woman behind the bar gives me a curious look, but I am able ot procure one of the upstairs cots for some rest. After eating a quick meal two slices of bread with some boiled egg smashed up between them, I retire for the night.

There are several men laying down on their cots, and a couple of men spreading out bedrolls between them. Looking around, I quickly realize that I am the only woman up here, which makes me a little uneasy, but what am I going to do? I have no friends in the village. I lay down, nervously, fully dressed, and pull my blanket over me. At least the room is warm!

Elven patrons in a tavern
Image by Mystic Art Design from Pixabay

Vingrow 25th, Lordsday, 39 degrees-fee; wind on skin, leaves rustle, weather vanes begin to move

Scene-Positive Alteration (quest elements pulled form Donjon)-

I join the rest of the patrons eating breakfast, no longer really worried about concealing the fact that I am a woman, and then I overhear an old elf talking to some of the men at a nearby table.

Q: Does he tell the truth? NO His deception 10, my insight 20. Q: Does he confess? NO Q: Does anyone else approach me after this? YES Q: Does he think it was worth it? YES Q: Anything cool in Lansell? NO

“Look, I need your help exploring the ruins of Wadun. That ancient city is still filled with lost treasures, and your odds of retiring young and wealthy with a cache of first kingdom gold is far greater than your chances of winning a noble title in the High Challenge! Besides, with wealth, you can buy any titles you’d like!” an elf tells a couple of seasoned fighting men.

“Those ruins have been known for generations. Everything easily removed has already been taken, what is it you are actually seeking there that has not been plundered?” I ask, curiously. The elf turns and studies me carefully, choosing his words with care…”I believe there are still countless treasures yet to be unearthed. For the depths of the sunken city have not fully been plumbled.”

I regard him wareily as I lean back in my chair. “There is something very specific you believe to be hidden in the city, isn’t there?”

The two soldiers are at the edge of their seats, shifting their gaze between the two of us.

The tension is broken by his laugh, as he throws his hands up, “Well, believe what you like. I am merely an ordinary treasure hunter.” The men look between the two of us, seemingly unsure what to think.

“He’s right, you know,” and old man says as he sits down next to me. “A lot of people go into those ruins and return with great treasures. A great many more don’t return at all.” I look the man over. he’s wearing a woolen tunic an breaches, like almost every other farmer one might meet, but he’s got a scar on his face and he’s missing two fingers from his left hand.

“Have you been there before? Seeking your fortune?” I ask.

He shakes his head and tells me of the Barrowmaze far to the north. “In the Bleak Bog lies a great tomb from ancient times when the dragonkings ruled. Guarded by legions of undead creeping around in the dark, as though guarding something…some great tome or gateway to the abyss. I travelled there in my younger days, seeking my fortune, guided by Custodian Alamar and Battlemage Calhullan. My brother and three other men. We found some gold. We found death. I made it back home, so did Astrik, our scout. The rest, including my brother, joined the growing legion of fallen who guard whatever treasure lays there. If I were to risk my neck, I’d go someplace where the rewards merit the risk. I lost my brother, but gained a small fortune.” He slams back a drink. “A fair trade! My brother was an annoying little twit,” he says bitterly.

I realize that I am staring at him open mouthed, and snap out of my reverie. “Excuse me,” I say as I get up and leave.

I follow the road north and reach the village of Lansell before lunch. Constant travellers along the road heading southward. They greet me as the day before, but I don’t feel much like talking anymore, so I simply exchange the barest of pleasantries as we pass by.

After a brief meal, in Lansell I reach the the marshland where the Green and Blightwash Rivers meet. I can see the ruins of an ancient tower in the distance, over the haze of the cool marsh air. Other signs of the sunken city are visible here and there. Even the bridge across the river makes use of an ancient frame left over from that bygone era. As I stand and look out across the swamp, it intrigues me.

Bandit waiting along a narrow pass
Image by Petra Šolajová from Pixabay

-encounter-Bandits-prepared ambush (GM Miscellany-I roll a d6 for the number of bandits and get a 1, so I decided, that’s unlikely. Two bandits and a thug!)

“Hey! You! Girl on the bridge! Through your purse on the ground and we’ll let you walk away unharmed!” I hear a man cry out from a tree some distance away. He has a crossbow in his hands, but I don’t see who this “we” is that he is referring to.

“And why should I give some fool in a tree my hard earned coin?” I taunt, “If you were any good with thaat thing you’d be off exploring these ruins and finding ancient treasures or something. Or maby robbing one of the armed noblemen who will undoubtedly pass this way soon, eager to find and save a damsel in distress or something!”

Intimidation 16, vs will target of 12

The man fidgets, “Come on! Make it quick!”

I see movement at the edge of the bridge on my right as a big looking fellow steps out of the brush with a knife in his hands. Another man sticks his head up some distance from the treebird, with a second crossbow now leveled at me.

“Right!” I say, and leap over the side of the bridge into the river below.

“Where did she go!” the men yell, as I quickly swim beneath and to the other side of the bridge. “There she is!” one just manages to say as I lift my hand and send a bolt of flame to strike him down.

“Bitters! Ancestors protect us, she’s a witch!” the other man yells as I race across the bank to get an eye on my next foe. I hear the big man racing across the bridge and then clambering through the brush to get down to me at the waterline.

Seeing him, I blast him with an orb of flame, and swim back across the river to the opposite bank. Mere child’s play for me, until I have to conjure a sheild to deflect the crossbow bolt the first bandit fires at me! I curse at him while his friend flounders in the water trying to reach me. I hit him with fire again, but then slip in the grass as i try to back further away. He lunges at me, his knife driving straight towards my heart, when I summon a shield between us. He then tries to slash at my throat but the shield moves to intervene.

“Overconfidence is one’s downfall,” I mutter to myself, repeating Master Telgast’s oldest warning.

I roll to the side and hurl a bolt of flame at him, which misses entirely. He pursues, slashing at me, but hitting branches and tearing through the brush as he continues to pursue me. Then as he reaches me, I hurl a bolt of flame into his face, and he reels backwards, screaming as his skin blisters and his eyes are seared shut!

Then as the first man yells in fright, his crossbow bolt slips through the boughs reminding me of his initial threats. i focus on him,a nd send a string of four force darts his way. He tumbles from the tree and lays motionless on the ground!

I get back on my feet. Clean myself and pull my books from the wax covered back that protected them inside my pack. As I hoped, only a couple of minutes were needed to dry the edges where a bit of water seeped through the opening. I draw the string tighter now than before.

I roll the big man into the river, and the other one that was near the bank as well. the first bandit, who was in a tree some distance away, I leave behind. I don’t wish to remain at the scene of the crime too long…as magic is now suspect at every turn!

I ignore the ruins and head north to Radkas on the other side of the marsh. Stopping there will be a short day’s travel, but better than a long walk through the night!

Scene #8: No modifier E: Negative for The Steward: the Informing of a World Does anyone approach me? Yes Event: Something Negative happens to The Steward, involving a Development of Weather Q: The keepers? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: Is he well dressed? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: armored? YES Q: scarred? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Is he a mercenary? NO Q: Does he serve Radkas? NO

I take shelter at the Queen of Swords, feeling confident after my victory earlier in the day but glad to have a safe roof over my head and warm food for my belly. The establishment is built of stone, looking like a veritable fortress. Inside, polished weapons and sturdy looking shields hang from the walls. A tall, muscular woman some twenty years my senior stands behind the bar. Her hard look and her scars remind me of the female soldier I saw the two days before. She wears a heavy flanged mace on her belt while she tends to her duties! “Sit traveller!” she calls to me as I enter the crowded place.

I join the other patrons for a plate of salted sausage, which I slice up and dump into a bowl of vegetable stew. There are men a few tables over passing wagers over an arm wrestling match. There are soldiers from across the kingdom here, and sellswords too, knowing they need to reach Coravos by tomorrow night if they wish to enter the games.

A grizzled old soldier limps over to my table, “Might I join you young miss?” He asks politely. I gesture for him to sit. He takes the chair across from me and lights up his pipe. “I’ve heard the news that Coravos has outlawed lowborn magic.” This statement immediately gets my attention, “and I figured that a number of mages might be leaving the city.” Seeing my surprise, he says, “you entered alone, so you are confident enough to travel by yourself. You obviously aren’t a custodian. You obviously aren’t a warrior. That means you are either a cutpurse or a wizard. You wear no signant ring, and your pack seems very heavy. I’m guessing you are a lowborn mage. Am I wrong?” he asks, skeptically.

I try to conceal my smile behind my tankard as I chuckle at his observation. “Alright, now let me try you.” I say, looking him over while he leans back in his chair. “You are also lowborn, no signet ring, and of no great wealth, judging from your tunic. You wear armor, which is unusual in a tavern, but your face is unscarred, but you walk with a limp. Your are a veteran sellsword who fought in the goblin wars?”

He laughs, shaking his head, and then he leans forward conspiratorially, “But I can offer you protection, power, and tremendous wealth. If you are willing to lend us a little help retrieving soemthing from the sunken city.”

“Who is us and what would we be retrieving?” I ask, intrigued.

He purses his lips and says, “I have a few men. Good enough blades, but not much use otherwise. We are seeking the Shards of Echtad, and ancient tome of magic that auguries have indicated may be hidden within the sunken city. I would like the help of a mage to retrieve it, and to help unlock it.”

I lean back in my chair, “You mean, the Fiendish Shards of Echtad, correct?” He cocks an eyebrow when I cite the full title of the book, “One of the keys to the seven seals that binds the gate between worlds? Why do you seek it?”

“Power, of course. My employers seek to tap the secret magics within the book,” he begins before I cut him off.

“Employers? You said you weren’t a mercenary,” I challenge. He smirks and explains that he merely meant that he is not currently available for hire.

-Do I buy this nonsense? My insight vs his deception 14 vs 4, no way!-

I think back to the elf, and why he wouldn’t tell me what he was seeking. These two men seek the same prize, and there is no good reason that it should ever become unhidden. The seals should never be unlocked!

“I think not,” I have urgent business up north where I am to meet some companions in Farwatch. I’d rather not tarry here longer than I have to.

A terrible monster of indescribable form
Image by Vlad Min from Pixabay

=does he buy my nonsense? Insight 20 vs deception 10, no way!=

A serpentine smirk crosses his face as he looks at me. “Well…I hope you rest in peace tonight. It’s a long road…ahead.”

He says this stroking his neck with finger and thumb, almost drawing them across where a blade would fall. The look in his eyes reminds me of that of a snake poised to strike when I was but a frog. I have just gotten myself involved in some sort of war I’d rather avoid! I need allies fast!

Q: Does anyone follow me? YES Q: Coven members? YES Q: Low muscle? EXCEPTIONAL NO (so, two Seasoned Men at Arms)

I step outside for a breath of fresh air and two men follow me out. They aren’t even trying to conceal that they are following me as I walk across the village square and down between a couple of farmhouses and their gardens. The men’s footsteps sound heavy, and glancing back, I can see their long scabbards and the glint of steel from their mailed shirts.

I turn to face them, smile, and then duck down the road. They immediately give chase!
(Athletics, Mendy 9, Cultists 18, and 16 after modifiers)

Both men are faster than me, so I cut through a garden hoping to dash through the narrow space between two houses, turning ever so briefly to hurl a bolt of flame at the closest pursuer.

He yells as the bolt hits him, but he and his companion close quickly, and instead of deterring my pursuers, the pause let them get closer still, and I have to conjure a shield to deflect the burnt man’s blade!

Realizing I won’t make it to the alley with enough time to stage my defense, I turn and blast them both with a the fan of flames. The burnt man falls to the ground in agony while my second pursuer shields his eyes and swings blindly at me. I easily leap out of reach of his sword, and then hurl two pairs of arcane bolts at him. They rip through flesh and bone, so that both men are now sprawled out on the ground.

Q: Any witnesses? YES Q: Village guard? YES Q: Do I have time? YES

“Stop! Witch!” I hear a man call out. I look towards the sound and notice that several children and a woman are playing or working in the gardens between the houses where I was running and a village guard is now shouting at me.

I look down at the badly wounded men, and quickly search one for amulets, rings, and a coin purse. No ring, but he wears and amulet which I take, and his purse. Then I run for it, away from the guard.

Q: Does he chase me? NO (so he checks the wounded men. I frequently roll a d6 for fallen humanoids if it matters, 4+ they die, 1-3 they survive. Both of these men lived through the attack, but will likely be out of action for a couple of weeks even with care. All three of the bridge bandits were killed…this simply truncates death saves for non-party NPC’s, but doesn’t mandate “instant death at zero” which is kind of odd since PC’s don’t suffer it)

Q: Any villagers get in the way? YES (Intimidation, specific threat for advantage: 15 high, vs Confidence (Ch) save 4)

I run southward out of the village, the children shouting, while their mother tries to hurry them inside.
A big farmhand leaps from the porch in front of his house to stop me, and I hold up my hand, engulfed in flames and warn, “Don’t make me burn down your house!” The man backs away with his hands in the air.

Q: Is the gate manned? YES Q: unarmed still? NO

But as word spreads of a witch on the loose, I see the village gate down the street being closed, and I know I cannot easily leap or climb even this community’s low palisade. There is a lone guard, but three of the farmers have already joined him, and they must keep their spears near the doors of their homes for they are all armed. And there is a tavern full of fighting men behind me!

I race across the street towards the river, but as I duck between two houses, there is an old farm hand with two youths steping out of their house with spears and hunting bows.

The older man yells at me, “You! Stop!” while one of the lads knocks an arrow. I shift on my heels and rush past them between two other houses, but an arrow slams into a wall near me, and when I break into the street, another flies overhead.

The big man is hot on my heels, and I know that my choices are down to killing an innocent man, or facing arrest.

I hold up my hands saying, “Lower the spear, nobody else has to die tonight!”

Q: Does he lower the spear? YES Q: Does the coven leader arrive? EXCEPTIONAL NO

He halts, glaring at me, hatred in his eyes as his two sons come to join him, bows at the ready. A minute later, a couple of town guards and the manor lord have arrived. Other villagers arrive as well, and men at arms from the tavern, but I don’t see the man who threatened me.

-Scene Altered-Positive-
I stand before the manorlord and his frightened tenants, accused of witchcraft and murder, when a voice yells out, “she was defending herself! They attacked her!”

Q: Did the watchman see it to? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: House man testifies? YES

I look and see the woman from the garden with a couple of her children having followed along. The watchman also speaks up, “Yes, I saw her running from the men and when to see what was happening. They had drawn steel and she fought them with flame like a battlemage would. Then she took something from around the neck of one of the men. The other wore this!” and he holds up an amulet. I look down at the identical one in my hand. “What does it mean?”

The blind lady of justice leaps through the air with a sword in one hand, and her scales in the other
Image by Sergei Tokmakov Terms.Law from Pixabay

Q: Does anyone recognize it? NO (my arcana nd history rolls both whiff, as does the guards)

The Manorlord looks at me, “Who are you? What is happening here?”

I explain that “I am Mendy of White Tower, apprentice to Master Telgast of White Tower. I was on the road travelling north when a man apprroached me in the tavern asking for my help to recover the “Shards of Echtad”, one of the books that holds the key to unlocking the seven seals binding this world from the abyss. WHen I refused, he threatened my life and those two men followed me out from the tavern. I assumed he sent them to kill me.” I hold up the amulet the other one wore, an octopus like symbol that makes me a little nauseous to look at. “There may be others wearing this mark. And there is certainly one other company preparing to enter the sunken city to seek that book. I ran into an elf in Uttos who also tried to recruit me to find something in the sunken city, but he was less forthcoming about his goal.”

“Do you have anyone else who can vouch for you?” the manorlod says, stroking his chin thoughtfully. I show him the ring that the Prince gave me. He seems impressed. “Very well. Come with me, we have much to discuss!” I follow him too the manorhouse while he sends his men to collect my wounded assailants.

As we enter the manorhouse, I catch a glimpse of myself as we pass by a mirror in the foyer,and once more see a diabolical mirror self like I saw in the water trough. I instinctively gasp in fear, and my host turns towards me with a puzzled expression.

Obviously rattled, I shake my head, “Nothing…I just…just thought I saw something in the mirror, but its gone now.” He lets it slide as he guides me towards his audience chamber.

Q: Is he looking for a battlemage? NO Q: A trainer? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: blacksheep? YES Q: youngest? EXCEPTIONAL YES

We talk for awhile. He has heard of Master Telgast and wants to know more about my skills. In particular, why I am not working as someone’s battlemage. I explain that I lack the instinct for combat magic and prefer to travel right now. He challenges that notion given that I just laid low two experienced soldiers on my own, and then asks if I would consider taking his daughter under my wing as an apprentice.

I explain that I am still very much an apprentice myself and was in no position to train anyone.

His mood changes suddenly, “Perhaps I am being unclear. You may either be sent to Coravos for trial under charges of withcraft, where I am sure you will be exonerated…eventually. Or you may take my daughter as your apprentice and wear a sigil indicating that you are a battlemage under my employee. This will allow you freedom to travel and provide my daughter the opportunity to grow up and make herself useful to someone, as she is presently no use to me.”

I sit there in stunned silence for a moment, and then, collecting myself, I agree to his terms. His smile returns and he offers me lodging in his guest room. It is probably the nicest room I’ve ever stayed in, better than the servant’s quarters in the palace at Coravos, but not quite as nice as the guest quarters I saw there. A few warding spells, and then I am sound asleep.

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