Looking for Clues

Elven ship with a unicorn head on the prow.
The Argent’s Ship as imagined by Midjourney AI

—After hiatus, return to campaign 3-25-2023 having finally remembered that Alter Self solves the “how does Mendy explore an undersea site at her level” predicament–

-Heyday 3rd thru 11th, 1003-A short draught

Scene #53:
Mendy decides to spend some time researching the sinking of the Argent]
(Two weeks of Cities Downtime (Generating a Chance to Invest in Week One, and Offered a Dangerous Mission in Week Two, plus some specific events)
Q: Do I find some lodging? NO (Rardi-UNE generation for interests/motivations, Persuasion Roll 20 to see how well we get along).
Q: Does he know much about the Argent? NO

For the next two weeks, I live out of the Barking Eel. The innkeeper, Rardi, is a good and pious man who is fascinated by history. Unfortunately, while he knows something of the Battle of Hellsrage, he doesn’t know much about the sinking of the Argent other than that it happened somewhere off the coast. Still, it is nice to see a friendly face at breakfast and dinner.

-Investigation DC 20 to find a precise location of the Argent’s sinking, one roll per day, Days 3, 4, and 8 hit-
Q: Does the Jolly Manuscript have anything? YES
-Persuasion 21-Jolyon and I are becoming friends it would seem-

But Rardi is not the only friendly face in town, I spend many of my waking hours at the Jolly Manuscript, poring over old histories that Jolyon’s father had acquired for the shop before passing it on to his son.

On the third day, I cross reference the logs of three different captains who fought at the Battle of Evershin Shallows in 853. By studying their journal entries, I have a pretty good idea where exactly the battle took place, and where to find the wreckage of the ships that sank that day.

The fourth day, while I am looking through some hundred year old journals and log books, Jolyon and I start talking about the Rotting Swamp, as he is fascinated by the story of my adventure there. Another patron of the shop overhears our conversation and inquires if I am the one who brought out the star stone that the Duke has commissioned talented smiths to craft into weapons. I shrug my shoulders and admit to having sold the stone we found to him.

-Generate Rarin, a potential investment partner, in UNE, and then the potential investment on Chat GPT-

“So, Mendy was it?” the new patron asks, “My name is Rarin, and I believe that we could help each other out. I understand that you are a mage, correct? One who understand the value of such things as the Ghost Orchid, Fairy Bell, BloodRoot, Starbloom and Nightshade right?”

Intrigued, I nod, “Pray continue.”

Rarin smiles, “These were all cultivated together for a time by the hermit Ionor, who lived on an abandoned lighthouse on a bluff overlooking the ocean, halfway between here and Cliffwatch. The lord of Cliffwatch has offered to let me take over Ionor’s lighthouse and the gardens around it if I pay him 500 crowns to relinquish his claim. But I lack the money, and…perhaps you could help me out and I could repay you in goods or in coin?”

-Insight-3-This guy seems as honest as the day is long!-

I muse over this idea for a bit, and eventually decide that it sounds pretty good, “Tell you what, Rarin, tomorrow, you need to take me to this lighthouse so I can see for myself that these plants really do grow there. And if they do, then I’ll buy the land and you’ll raise the plants and we can split the profits.”

Rarin grins at me, “I’ll meet you here first thing in the morning!”

Q: Are there any complications checcking out the lighthouse? EXCEPTIONAL YES

I spend the rest of the day studying the journals I had found the day before. One of the captains actually fought against the Argent himself, and described the elven Prince’s vessel as having on its prow the figurehead of a golden unicorn, the horn of which radiated a blinding blue light hat seemed to ward arrows and bolts aimed at the ship.

I purchase all three of the journals that interest me, much to Jolyon’s delight.

That next morning, Rarin and I head out to visit Ionor’s lighthouse. He walks at a brisk pace, but one which I can easily match. His quarterstaff thumps against the cobblestone path every second step.

“How did you come an agreement with the lord of Cliffwatch about this property?” I ask my companion.

Q: Is he related to the hermit? YES Q: son? YES

Rarin smiles, and replies, “Ionor was my father. The only reason there is a question about inheritance is that I joined the temple instead of staying at home. And his lordship didn’t really care for my father, nor does he know me. But he also isn’t a gardener, so…he sees an opportunity and I’ll take advantage of it.”

A few miles outside of town, we leave the main road and strike north. As the sound of the ocean crashing against the cliffs grows ever louder, the shattered base of a lighthouse comes into view, and as we begin to trek through an overgrown garden looking for signs of valuable plants, so does something else.

-Road encounter from 100 Roadside Encounter ideas– Q: Is Rarin expecting this? NO

Along the path leading through the garden is a series of wooden spikes driven into to the ground, each with a severed human head impaled upon them. Eight heads, four on each side of the trail. Rarin stops in his tracks, his face turning to ash. My dagger is already in my hand and I scan the area for danger. “When did your father die? How long has this place been abandoned?”

Q: years? YES E: Ambiguous Significance: the Ruination of a Burden

“Five years,” Rarin mutters, then turning quickly, “But I’m sure I can restore the plants and the garden, with just a bit of time.” Then looking back towards the severed heads, “and help claiming it as my own.”

-(What can this be? Has to be something that can stay hidden, and has hands, how about a Redcap? Found some stats for one on https://blackcitadelrpg.com/redcap-5e/ )-
Q: Is the redcap alone? YES Q: Does it make its presence known? NO

Elf like creature with a red cap and heavy boots
Redcap as imagined by Midjourney AI

“Let’s get out of here,” I suggest, pulling Rarin backwards.

“Yes, let’s,” he stammers, his eyes still wide with shock.

“Oh, mere mortals, stay and play, don’t let my cap grow sad and grey?” a shrill little voice cries out.

I mutter a curse beneath my breath as I hear the heavy footsteps come towards us from behind. I turn, expecting to see a massive ogre, but instead, there is a tiny man with a dull red cap on his head, and a bloodstained sickle in his hands. His grin broadens to show his sickly yellow teeth.

“We mean you no harm,” I start to say as the creature shouts in glee as he begins running towards us, his sickle catching the morning sun’s reflection as he waves it over his head.
Rarin tries to leap through some nearby shrubs to escape the creature’s path, but stumbles and falls flat in the trail. I hurl a bolt of acid at the creature. It screams in rage as it vaults towards me, its iron boots heading straight towards me. Fortunately, I am nimble enough to leap out of the way.

Rarin clambers to his feet, and runs deeper into the garden, leaving me to face the little fiend on my own. Looking to see the badly scarred monster climbing back to its feet from the flowerbed where it had landed, I point towards it cursing “Impetu”. A trio of darts spring from my hand and slam into its tiny body. The fiend’s eyes grow wide with shock as it falls backwards…and then its carcass shrivels into nothing.

I pick up the sickle and turn it over in my hands.

“Rarin? Tell me you haven’t wandered into more of these things?” I call out, annoyed to have been abandoned by the man.

Q: Is there other trouble here? NO

The former custodian returns, looking frightened, and sheepish. “Sorry…I shouldn’t have run away like that.”

I shrug my shoulders, “Well, I’ve learned not to count on people. Tell me you’ve found some salvageable plants.”

We begin searching the garden area, slowly working our way towards the lighthouse.

-I roll 5 Investigation checks, DC 20, 1 for each type of plant. I find some living Starblooms, the rest will have to be reseeded-

At the center of the garden is a blue crystal obelisk. It stands about five feet tall, and I can feel some sort of magical energy radiating from it. My eyes are transfixed, but I dimly hear Rarin say something about “Starblooms,” as he rushes past me towards the surrounding bushes adorned with tiny white flowers. I close my eyes, and feel the energy of the stone reaching into me. It seems to ebb and flow in sync with the pounding ocean waves, and the power of my protective ward seems to strengthen with each ebb, and return to normal as the crystal’s power recedes. I smile.

Quickly pulling out my spellbook, I begin to recite my divination spell, and am able to see more clearly that this stone has the power to magnify protective spells cast nearby.

“Was your father a wizard by any chance?” I ask Rarin.

Q: Was he a wizard? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“Absolutely not!” Rarin snaps harshly. Then, wilting under my eyes, he mutters, “No, he…didn’t trust magic. Not the arcane traditions anyway.”

“Then why did he cultivate these plants?” I ask, gesturing towards the Starblooms.

“He thought one could use potions to mimic the powers of a wizard if needed, but without spending years of ones life detached from living and engrossed in books, or bound by unholy pacts.” Rarin replies.

“How long has this obelisk been here?”

Q: forever? NO Q: in Rarin’s childhood? YES Q: Was it a gift? NO Q: magical appearance? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“My father brought it here after returning from a long trip when I was about twelve years old. He never revealed where it came from of why he brought it here, but the Starblooms began to grow shortly after he set it here.” Rarin answers.

I cut a few blooms from the plant, and put them in my component pouch. Then lead Rarin into the lighthouse itself to take a look at the old man’s living quarters.
Q: had the redcap taken over the lighthouse? NO Q: mundane living quarters? NO Q: wards? NO Q: locked? YES

Rarin unlocks the door with a key that he says belonged to his father, and inside the base of the ruined lighthouse, we see a well stocked laboratory with jars of dried ingredients, beakers, burners, books and tables all covered in dust and cobwebs. The old man’s bed, dressers and stove wear a similar shroud.

“Where did you sleep?” I ask, and Rarin indicates a corner where perhaps a straw matt once lay. I begin looking through things, nodding my head as Rarin also begins pawing through his father’s effects.

Q: Anything of value to me? NO

Botanical guides, alchemical formulas, dried plants of mundane nature. Nothing of any immediate value to me as far as I can tell. Not unless I want to take over the garden for myself. “Well, Rarin, it looks like you might be able to get this garden back in order, but you’ll need some security if you are going to live out here by yourself. Lest another little devil appear and take your head!”

Rarin nods in agreement. We spend the rest of the day getting the house in order, and then rest there until morning. The next day, we return to Wedale, we visit Benar at the ducal palace, and he helps draw up the contract and agrees to help Rarin with the Lord of Cliffwatch. He even goes into the partnership with us, so I am only on the hook for 250 crowns.

(resolve the ambiguous event-ruination of a burden)

When I return to my lodgings, as I am adding to my journal, Corvo lights on the stack of books at my bedside. Somehow, they slide from the nightstand and crash to the ground. The Compendium of Tosi falls open with a gout of flames billowing forth, and the Mysters of of Sultari falls across it.

“Corvo! That was unnecessary!” I hiss as I struggle to see if the book can be saved.

The tattered old tome, barely held together in its ancient bindings, is now scorched even beyond its already illegible state. The other books aren’t as badly damaged. It seems that if I want to learn about the Sultari, I will need to visit their lands myself!

I sigh, and secure my books in my pack. The inn room looks a little less homey now, but everything is safer this way. The pack is a bit lighter than before though.

Q: Does Ambar visit? EXCEPTIONAL YES E: Negative for Ambar the Sellsword: the Recruitment of Travel

At the end of the first week, Ambar and Wart come for a visit after I return from my day’s research.
“Wart and I just stopped by to bid you farewell,” the older man says.

Though Wart grins lecherously and suggests, “Unless you’d like to come with us, dearie?”

His brother shakes his head and continues, “We’ve signed on as marines with a merchant ship bound for Ravadar. I wanted to let you know, yes, in case you wanted to come with us, but also so you wouldn’t waste time looking for us if you needed our help again on whatever your next move is…not having found what you wanted in the swamp.”

“Ravadar? Really?” I ask increduously.”The Land of the God King? Why? You each have enough to live in style for more than three years?”

Ambar smiles, “And we’ll triple it with the trade goods we are allowed to take aboard with us, if we play our cards right.”

Wart grins, “Free travel, exotic women, money for fine wine and hearty stout. Stories of adventure when we return! How can we say no? How can you say no?”

“Easy enough,” I scoff, “I don’t fear the ocean, but I like to sleep on shore each night, and be close enough to swim to it if the boat founders. May the ancestors watch over you.”

I then ask about Ambar’s head injury and he admits to still suffering from headaches. He’s sure it will pass, but I suggest he visit the temple since rest and a physician haven’t done anything to cure it.

Q: Is the final clue a relic from the ship? NO Q: A painting of the argent’s heraldry? YES

That next day, I take a break from Jolyon’s shop and am visiting an old curio shop. Suddenly, a painting hanging from the wall catches my eye. It depicts the battle of the Evershin Shallows, and the Argent’s vessel is depicted near the center of the action. The distinctive unicorn prow is what caught my eye, but there are also other details. like the insignia on the elven prince’s shield as he stands at the helm directing his men. “Clarum” I mutter beneath my breath, clearing decades of dust from the image so I can see the image more clearly. Two images now to focus on, to guide me to my destination.

Q: Is the proprietor mad? NO

“Ahem,” I hear behind me. “You should ask permission before using magic in my establishment” says the old man, a somber smile on his face.

“My apologies. I was just excited to see this image. Is it contemporary to the event, do you know?” I ask.

“Why yes, it was painted shortly after the fact by Amus of Coravos, who served on the King’s flagship. My name is Ivelic, by the way,” the man introduces himself. “I take it that you are interested in purchasing the painting?”

Caught red handed, I laugh weakly, “I don’t know, really. I kind of just wanted to look at it more closely, but I travel too much to have any real use for such a beautiful piece.”

Ivelic nods, “Well, I didn’t recognize you, and I know most of the mages in town. Perhaps you would like to do me a favor, and I can give you the painting as a gift.”

I regard him warily, as he continues, “Members of our guild would like to throw a surprise party for a friend of ours recently arrived in town, but he doesn’t like to leave his hotel room. Perhaps an attractive young lady such as yourself might be able to persuade him to take a walk in the royal gardens with her tomorrow night.”

I find it strangely flattering being referred to as “attractive” first by Sir Piero, then by Wart, and now this, but more to the point, this man is hiding something (Insight 15 vs Deception 15). I look down at my hands for moment, studying my rough looking, short fingernails, as unpainted as my face, and I look back up at the old man. “I don’t know what your game is, but I don’t think that I want to play it. What do I owe you for the painting to make us even?”

Q: Does he sell me the painting? EXCEPTIONAL YES

“Three hundred crowns,” he says firmly, an angry scowl on his face, “and all of our transactions are discreet, you understand.”

His eyes are sharp, predatory, and I know that I do not want to anger this man, “Yes, of course,” I respond, counting out the league notes. He smiles cruelly as he takes the script from me.

I carry the cumbersome painting, frame and all, out into the street, and up to the Ducal palace to deliver to my friend Benar for safekeeping. He is delighted to see it!

Q: Is he familiar with the painter? NO

“Painted by who?” Benar asks. At that point, I start to doubt the wisdom of my purchase. We spend the rest of the evening talking about the painting, what I have learned about the battle of Evershin Shallows, the Argent, and about how Ambar and Wart are setting off towards distant lands. “What fool hired Wart? They really are a package deal aren’t they? Good enough in a fight, but not exactly pleasant company.”

I shrug my shoulders, “Perhaps you spend too much time in pleasant company? Gilded halls and fine meals.”

Benar laughs, then clutches his side where his wound is still healing. “Perhaps I am a little soft, but travelling with you has reminded me that privelage is to be enjoyed while one can, because life without it can be so very short.”

It is a pleasant evening, and an elegant meal is brought to us in the garden by the duke’s attendants. As the hours draw long, I return to my inn room, and retire to my straw bed while Benar rests between silken sheets.

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