
Castle in the snow
Image by photosforyou from Pixabay

–Culling 3rd, Lordsday, 1002 -32 degrees, smoke drifts to indicate direction, leaves and weathervanes stationary- 212 gp 6 sp, (2 gp per day if out of work), healing kit 5 charges-lease paid to Quiet 19th, 1003
–200 xp from Clockwork Soldier.

scene- immersion, touch-warmth
Waking early to the sounds of workmen on the dock, I go downstairs and join the other tenants for a breakfast of cabbage stew with warm, honeyed bread. The warmth of the nearby hearth is refreshing as there is no brazier in my own tiny room. The few people who are here seem to keep to themselves and to their friends. I am largely left alone, except by the goblin who brings me my meal. Even Rolyk is focused on talking to his dark skinned dancing girl. She looks like she’s from across the sea, from one of the sultanates I’d guess. As were many of the sailors here last night.

Q: Anything happen at breakfast? NO Q: Can I find a room to rent? YES (Comfortable lifestlye sought, so: room in a private home, good boarding house, quality inn, Q: In a private home? NO Q: boarding house? YES
(roll 4d6 for number of rooms, 18 rooms! generate landlord- Q: Room for guests? NO

After my morning meal, I set off to find work and permanent lodging. My inquiries eventually lead me to “The Oaken Hearth” which I understand has an opening available. I am not disappointed at the sight of the place! It is a well maintained, four story lodging house on the east side fo the market near a guard tower, but not on a busy street. It’s about a quiet and secure as a place can get!

Stepping inside, I see a goblin slave mopping the floor and an older, well dressed man directing her. He is balding and more than twice my age, but not as old as i suspect Master Telgast to be. I don’t speak goblin, but I suspect from the tone that he is reminding her of some other chore to be done.

“Are you the proprietor?” I ask, “I heard there might be a room available.”

The man grins broadly and introduces himself as Goberg. He boasts, “There is no finer lodging in this city for 8 slates a day, a crown and one for room and board. The room is on the third floor facing the street, so it’s got a nice little window to let the breeze in, or to dump the pot out if you don’t want Knacker to handle it.

The goblin looks up at the mention of her name, then turns her attention back to mopping.

We talk for a bit and he shows me the room. It’s not quite as big as I’d hoped. There is a bed, of course, a small desk and chair, a solid looking wardrobe and room at the foot of the bed for my trunk, and a couple of shelves on the wall. But clearly, it is not designed for one to host visitors, still, it is far better than any room I’ve stayed in since leaving Telgast! We quickly come to terms, and I tell him I plan to stay at least through the winter. He asks where I work. I tell him that I had been working as a clerk for the Tailor’s Guild, but have been out of town for nearly two months, and was no seeking a new job. He starts to balk, but I pull aside my tunic, and unfasten a pouch of gold crowns from my belt. When he realizes I have at least a full month’s rent on me, he eagerly hands me a key. “Breakfast is at dawn, dinner is at sunset. The table is cleared an hour later by the temple’s chimes, but if you’r late, there is sometimes a bit left over. Don’t be late if you expect to eat well!” he warns.

I thank him warmly, and go to retrieve my trunk from the Happy Goblin, happy not to have to stay there another night!

-encounter-merchant district-priest mistakenly recognizes me-Female priest about my age recognizes me as a friend from her home town, also Random Event Something Positive happens to Mendy Bleher, involving
the Attraction of an Investment-generate priest Q: Does she continue the conversation? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“Claretta!” a woman’s voice cries out joyfully, and I see a female custodian about my age running up to me with a broad grin on her face, “Claretta! I never thought I’d see you again…” she falters recognizing my blank expression and that I am not, in fact. Claretta. “Oh, I’m sorry,” she says blushing, “I thought you were someone from back home.”

I shrug my shoulders, “Caravos is a big city, and it can be lonely for newcomers like us. A friendly face from back home would be a welcomed surprise for anyone.”

“Hmmm, yes. I suppose that’s true. I have work to do, at the temple, goodbye!” she says, haltingly as she excuses herself.

“Nice meeting you, anyway,” I say, feeling just a little more lonely than I had felt a few minutes before.

Young woman in the moonlight, casting an hourglass over her shoulder
Image by Enrique Meseguer from Pixabay

-encounter- In progress, caged beast. I randomly choose something interesting Toll 17+2 on persuasion talking to a bystander, then a 15 when I tease him Q: Are the child’s parents there? NO Q: Orphan? EXCEPTIONAL NO-His parent’s profession-Highly skilled, famous court musicians!-

I retrieve my trunk and then head back across the bustling city, as I am leaving the dock area, I notice a heavy wagon with an iron barred cage atop it. The kind often used for noble prisoners or condemned men. But it isn’t guarded by soldiers, but rather, hired blades and perhaps explorers or hunters? Inside the cage is a large six legged lizard with a leather hood tied down across it’s head covering its eyes and its forearms are shackled so it cannot remove the hood…though it rubs itself against the bars of the cage trying to force it off. Many of the townsfolk pause from their tasks to look at this great wonder, while others, older men and women mostly, simply shrug their shoulders at the unusual sight and go on about their business.

A nearby child wonders what manner of beast that is, and why it has a hood over its eyes. I smile, looking down and tease, “That’s a basilisk! The six legged beast that an turn a man to stone with but a single glance!” The child laughs in delightful wonder, begging me to tell him more as he strains to get a better look at the beast, harmless now as long as its hood remains in place. So i tell the kid how “These creatures live in the distant mountains of Tor Aval where the dwarven kings use them to guard their golden vaults. They feast on thieves, curiosity seekers and chlldren who stray from home to watch wagons roll by when they should be doing their chores!” They boy laughs and says that there is always work to be done, but its not often one sees a monster unloaded from a ship, and he likes to see them all! I’d not really spent any time at the docks before, so I ask what he’s seen. He tells me of a hooded woman with a serpent’s body, of a great winged worm with two legs and a scorpion’s tail, and of another cage that shook and rattled as though something was trying to get out, but nothing oculd be seen inside! That was the most mysterious of all!

As the wagon passes through the gate, the boy turns to me and asks, “Should I play for you now? Practicing with my flute is my chore and you said I should do my chores!” he grins, pulling out a finely crafted wooden flute. I notice that all of his clothing is in good repair, and relatively new. I tell him I’d love to hear him play for a bit. He’s got some talent and training, but he’s not terribly good. Only a few cuts are dropped into his cap, which he, of course, laid by his feet by the side of the street. The boy shrugs his shoulders when he’s done, “Well, I’m not that good yet, but I’ll keep working on it. That was a new song anyway…so…hmmm….fair lady, may I buy you a sweet? I came down here for sugar cakes, and I rather enjoy your company, though, I wonder why you aren’t dressed more ladylike. You almost look like a boy, but you’re still rather pretty!”

I reply that “You almost look like a man, but you’re really quite short and I have a beard fuller than yours!” Smiling, he suggests that he’d like to see it, and wide eyed, I slap him! Not hard, but it catches him off guard and he wilts under my glare.

I”m rather taken aback by this child’s forwardness, but I’m curious about the kid and this is the first friendly conversation I’ve had all day, so we soon find ourselves sitting at the edge of the marketplace, eating sugar cakes and drinking sweet beer. The lad’s name is Terrad, and I learn that he is actually staying in the royal palace where his parents have been hired to perform for the High Consul of Lushan who is coming to visit the royal family. Several great beasts are being brought in for a game in the great arena where royal tournaments are ususally held, because gladiatorial combats between men and beasts are a common thing in Lushan. He comes down to the docks to get a close look, since he might not be able to see them as well or for very long when the games begin.

After we are done with the pastries, I thank him for the sweets and the conversation. He offers to walk me home but I laugh and suggest that, maybe in a few years, after he’s learned to temper his words with prudent judgement, he’ll find himself a great many women who may fall to his charms. He winks at me as we bid our farewells.

I soon have my meager possessions transfered into my new home, and recite a warding spell for security. A couple of changes of clothes hang in the wardrobe, and my three books are secured on their shelves. Heeding Terrad’s advice though, I do change from my travelling clothes, the heavy breaches, thick woolen blouse and rugged tunic, to a more ordinary looking dress. With a good cape, it will still keep me warm, but it is certainly more ladylike and one doesn’t really need to be riding a horse or clambering up and down cliff faces in the city!

Scene #23: Immersion, Sound-Pounding
I go downstairs to join my fellow tenants for dinner Q: Anyone try to get to know me? NO Q: Does she appreciate it? NO

I then go downstairs to join the other residents for dinner. As I walk down the stairs, I suddenly realize they are really quite loud! One would have a hard time sneaking up or down them quietly at night.

I arrive in time to get a good slice of roast pork, and a couple of rolls of rye. There are some sugared apples, boiled carrots and potato on my plate as well. “Master Goberg, I didn’t realize you were such a fine cook!” His face beams with delight from my praise, but the other tenants largely just shrug their shoulders and continue with their meals. I notice that the man next to me smells of yeast, and I think i saw one of the men further down the table on the docks earlier today, but one cannot be sure.

After dinner, I help Knacker clean up, but she just looks at me with scorn in her eyes. After we are done, I retire to my room to write in my journal and study my books. Then I pause, and write a letter to Sir Julian’s family. I explain to Baron Selcrest who I am, how I came to join the expedition, that I was separated from it, and came upon their remains. That he had fought bravely, succeeded in entering the Emerald Citadel, but was slain in battle by Chygryss the Remorseless along with the rest of his companions, who I name. I send the letter out the following morning, it costs me ten gold crowns for the courier’s delivery and return!

–Culling 4th, Heyday, 1002 -36 degrees, leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flags extended- 150 gp 6 sp, (2 gp per day if out of work), healing kit 5 charges-lease paid to Quiet 19th, 1003
–200 xp from Clockwork Soldier.
Winter months are resolved using the “catch up” rules in the Cities Book by Midkemia Press

-Culling 4th thru 10th, No savings, no suitable job found, no event (first snowfall)-

I am getting settled in at the Oaken Hearth, and though I am able to find a possible job as a cook in a rundown tavern, I have no luck finding anything else that I know how to do that would actually pay enough to let me maintain my rather pleasant living quarters!

Culling 11th thru 17th, a barbarian offends a merchant, and asks my help, I provided it befriending the barbarian and offending the merchant- no suitable job found

While looking for work at “The Dipped Quill”, I notice a young kid knock over a stack of books the proprietor is trying to carry inside his shop from a small cart of documents he had purchased from some noble’s estate. The merchant, Chandelar the Scholar, grabbed the kid and was about to beat him when a burly looking tribesman, who was apparently working as the scholar’s bodyguard, said he had actually knocked the books over. He then pointed at me and said “She saw it!” And realizing he was trying to protect the child, I agreed with him. The barbarian was immediately fired, and I was dismissed just as unceremoniously when I explained I was there seeking work.

Mounted knights in combat
Image by Susbany from Pixabay

Culling 18 thru 24th, No savings, no suitable job found, no event
(The grand arena)

The high consul of Lushan arrives and there is a great procession that many turn out to watch as he enters the city. His colorful guards and retinue of slaves and servants is quite impressive to behold! As Terrad told me, there was a great tournament. I was unable to get inside to see it, but on the fifth day, Terrad spots me in the crowd of people trying to get in, and has his parents tell the guards to let me in. He smiles when he sees I’m wearing a dress, and I am pleased that he is behaving in a more gentlemanly way. We are able to watch traditional Ardelian jousts in the morning, some Lushani duels betwen lightly armored slaves in the afternoon, and the grand finale a great manticore trapped within the caged arena battlng first a swarm of goblin slaves, and then a Lushani gladiator. The champion is triumphant, which is not unexpected given teh number of goblins who gave their lives softening the beast. Both Terrad and I were initially enraptured by the spectacle, but by the end of the fights were turning away in disgust at the pointlessness of the bloodshed. This was not a battle for survival, but a show of murder solely for the entertainment of a visiting dignitary.

Culling 25th thru 31st, I offend an aristocrat, who demands 82% of my total worth, or I have to leave town! Or am thrown in jail! I end up selling most of the jewelry I had stolen from Chygrys, all but two pieces, to pay him him off! no suitable job found- Baron Siegert.

I was wakened to a mailed fist pounding on my door. When I opened the door, a trio of royal guardsmen siezed me and dragged me of before the magistrate to answer an accusation of treason levied by Baron Siegert’s emmissary. He accused me of having led Sir Julian to his death and betraying the young noble’s company. I was able to defend myself, somewhat, though it was made difficult when my tongue turned to puddy during my first attempt to explain myself. Teh judge decided I was not actually responsible for the deaths of the party, but fined me more than a year’s wages as a token of penance, a peace offering, to Baron Seigerts household. I had to sell almost every piece of jewelery I had taken from Chygryss in order to pay the fine!

Culling 32nd through Quiet 3rd-No savings, no suitable job found, no event

I celebrate Dragon’s Day and Torchlight with the other residents of the Oaken Hearth. Rognard joins me in the parade, as we follow the dragon’s “rampage” through the city. I’ve never taken part in this celebration before, White Tower is too small to really get the full effect, so we never botheed with it! When we arrive at the temple tohough, I spot Rolin who glares at me with hatred in his eyes. We listen to the tale of the Dragon’s reign and how Prometheo ultimately betrayed his kin, giving his life to allow mankind to regain its freedom. I carry my candle back home and relight the lamp in my room, glad to have spent some time with a new friend, still sad for those I had lost.

Quiet 4th thru Quiet 11th–No savings, no suitable job found, no event

I continued looking for work, but none were willing to hire me.

Quiet 12th thru Quiet 18th-Sick for 1 week (finished up my prepaid rent

I was bedridden with intestinal problems all week, my mood is at an all time low and I still haven’t found work! I spoke with with Goberg and told him not to worry, that I still had plenty of coin and that I’d certainly find work soon enough!

Quiet 19th thru 25th-someone attempted to recruit me to help defend a mine from some evil creature lurking within , finally hired as a scribe!

While reading a notice board, I spotted a bounty for some beast terrorizing a mine in the Emerald Hills. i was tempted to see if Rognard wanted to help me pursue it, but then I decided I’d rather not go marching out into Chygryss’ domain in the ice and snow. I’d rather be as far from her as possible! But then I found a job as a scribe for the Custom’s office. Obus told me not to tell Gili that he’d helped me out.

A building on fire
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

Quiet 27th thru 32nd-home burns down! I save half of my possessions! Save 16 gp! (53 gp)
-buy new spellbook etc (will need 150 gp to rebuild spellbook of spells I had memorized! The initial rolls indicated some potioons, Mendy’s journal and her component pouch were also lost, but those items would have actually been on her if she were out of the house when the fire started. The journal is small, and she’s always writing in it)

There was a fire in the Oaken Hearth that started in the kitchen then swept through thirteen of the lodging rooms! Fortunately, nobody was killed since most of us were at work when the fire took place. Thankfully, the fire brigage was able to douse the flames in time to save some of my possessions. Unfortunately, my spellbook was lost! I bought a new book and inkpot, but lack the coin to purchase the special inks I need to rebuild my old one. Even more tragically, I can’t recall how wo scribe some of the spells at all!

Quiet 33rd-Gathering 3rd-thieves steal 86% of my wealth!- save 15 gp! (52 gp)

While staying in the Happy Goblin during the Oaken Hearth repairs, thieves break into my lodging and steal much of my remaining wealth! Thankfully, I have a job. I pen a letter and send it to Master Telgast explaining my dilemma and asking to have Cecil’s spellbook sent to me.

Gathering 4th thu 11th no event, save 6 gp (57 gp!)
We are able to return to the Oaken Hearth and I am glad to be “home” sort of. I receive a letter from Master Telgast chastising me for my foolishness in losing my spellbook and encouraging me to build a second copy and leave it someplace secure next time!

Gathering 12th thru 18th, offered chance to enlist, but they won’t replace my spellbook so, save 1 gp (58 gp)

A royal battlemage learns that I was an apprentice to Master Telgast and suggests that I enlist in the town guard. I ask if the guard would provide me with a new spellbook, but am told that each mage keeps their knowledge very much to themselves. I decide that it is too close to spring for me to want to bind myself to the crown!

Gathering 19th thru 26th, no event, save 8 gp (65 gp)

I work, save coin and cherish the warming weather. Until there is another blast of snow!

Gathering 27th thru 33rd, offered dangerous mission, pays 1200 gp to assassinate a town guard, I decline, save 2 gp (67 gp),

A shady looking fellow approaches me with a scheme to murder a local guardsman who had been giving his associates some trouble. When I question him, he says that, since I had killed Sir Julian, he thought I might be willing to help eliminate other trouble makers! I got away from him as quickly as I could.

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