Sacrifice and Regret

An elegant elven sailing ship with the masts and a unicorn head on its prow
The Argent, as Imagined by Midjourney

Q: Is there an empty room at the inn? NO Encounter: Traffic Jam

On our way to the Barking Eel, we find our bath blocked by a crowd of people shouting in anger and confusion. Peering ahead, we see that a pair of wagons have tipped on their side, spilling sacks of grain across the path and completely blocking the road. The braying of injured mules can be heard and it sounds like the drovers are yelling at each other, each trying to blame the other man for the accident.

Benar and I shrug our shoulders and take an alleyway to the next street so we can continue on our way.

Q: anyone accost us in the alley? NO

When we reach the Barking Eel, Rardi tells us there are no empty rooms for my companion. “Well Benar, if you can’t find something else today, I guess you can stay with me tonight?” I suggest, shrugging my shoulders, “I can use my bedroll and you can have the bed.”

Q: Is that agreeable to Benar? NO Q: Dog and Quipper? YES Q: Does Taylor remember me? NO

“Thank you, Mendy, but I will find another place. I just need to leave my things here for a bit while I look,” he replies. We put his things in my room, and then part company, me to buy some supplies and him to find lodging.

I return to Taylor’s Hermetics, where I had purchased a dead rat which I had thought to raise as a servant before my grandfather warned me against it. The man doesn’t recognize me, but I am able to buy some ruby dust for a spell I need.

I find a jeweler in the market and buy a pair of brass rings from him for 25 crowns each. The first is a nicely carved piece in the shape of a dragon coiled about itself with its jaws clenched upon its tail and its wings folded against its body. Not very realistic, but pleasant enough for my purposes. The second is a simpler piece with “My word is my bond” etched into it.

Then from a glassblower, I purchase two net globes. From a netmaker, a net pouch for collecting oysters, and a small square to weave over each of thes globes.

Encounter-Town Watch-Off Duty-Drunk

On the way back to my lodging, I (and every other woman passing by) am accosted by some rather loutish, and probably drunk, men in the duke’s livery. “Hey missy, why don’t you come join us for a drink and show your appreciation for our protection, eh?” One man leers at me. I give him a death glare, but rather than intimidating the man, he takes it as a challenge

(Intimidation 20 vs 22)

“Hey there, girl, you’d best come over here when I call you!” the guard demands. His fellows seem to be egging him on. So I turn to them and walk right up to the men while the loudmouth chortles in self satisfied delight at my obedience.

Showing my sigil as a battlemage when I draw close, I see his eyes widen in fear as he meets my steady gaze, “Did you want me to turn you into the dog that you are? Then you can sit, come, and fetch as your betters command.”

(Intimidation 15 vs 18)

He snorts in disdain, “You think you are better than me? I can put you in your place…”

I raise my hand sharply and allow flames to spread between my fingertips, “I’ve already put Sir Carisol in his place, do I need to put you in yours as well? Go back to the barracks and sober up. Fighting is a waste of both of our times!”

(Intimidation 22 vs 14)

He glares at me as he backs down, and I make it back to my room without further incident.

Benar is there to collect his things. He has found lodging at the Dog and Quipper. I help him carry his things there, along with everything I don’t intend to take with my on my voyage. Up in his room, I pen a letter to Aleelill for him to mail for me, and then I return to my lodging to enchant the rings with light spells and secure each to a globe float for use when I dive.

After dinner, I retire to my room and regret the loss of the book on the Sultani…I’d been rather enjoying it! I end up falling asleep rather quickly. Life in Wedale is not as leisurely as I’d hoped!

-Heyday 14th-15th, Marketday & Sunday 75 degrees, no rain, calm, smoke rises vertically on Marketday, Torrential Rains on Sunday, no real wind-

-Tavern Event-A lady slaps a man to his companion’s amusement (use UNE to define the barmaid and Young Sir Hayhem and Cities to identify the perpetrator)
On Marketday, I collect my books from Benar, and then stay inside and read, because there isn’t much else I really need to do before setting sail. Like most inns, the Barking Eel has a small tavern area where guests take their meals, but it is also open to the public and workers routinely come in for lunch or dinner, rather than going home. Towards dinner time, I hear Gerta, the barmaid, slap one of the customers and start wearing at him. The elegantly dressed gentleman looks indignant but his companions begin laughing at him. The young man reminds me of Sir Piero in his bearing and manner of dress,

Q: Does he demand an apology? EXCEPTIONAL YES E: New NPC: the Judgment of Love Q: Is Rardi coming to her defence? YES

“Who do you think you are to slap me, you trollop!” the indignant nobleman demands.

“Who do you think you are to grab my bum?” demands Gerta.

Rardi quickly steps out from behind his bar towards the agitated noble, “Get out of here, milord!” He insists, “Your money’s no good here anymore and if you cause any more trouble I’ll take it up with the Guild or even the High Steward himself!”

“Know your place, peasant!” the noble shouts back, rising to his feet.

Q: Do the courtiers try to smooth things over? YES

His men try to calm him down, “Sir Ralthorn, let us go. There are worthier places than this to visit. These people are less then dust beneath your heel. Pay them no mind!”

19 vs 13- They calm him

Reluctantly, he allows his men to lead him out of the Barking Eel, muttering “She struck me!” in disbelief. Gerta calms herself down and Rardi settles everyone back into their meals while the kitchen boy clears the noble’s abandoned table. I simply return to my book!

(I ask ChatGPT to generate the new character based on the roll assigned by Mythic, and the motivations assigned by UNE…it took the character in a suprising direction making him a well known writer and philosopher about love, and a drunken gossip. UNE says he was hostile and wanted to talk about the last action, so…)

My reading is interrupted by the man at the table next to me. “Well, you certainly didn’t rise to Gerti’s defense did you?”

“Excuse me?” I reply, confused.

“When you looked up and saw what was happening, I saw an intense look of loathing in your eyes as you spied Sir Riathorn, yet you did not speak up. Why not?” the older man pries.

“What business is it of mine if some pompous high-born wants to make a fool of himself? Rardi had everything under control,” I respond.

“Ah, but what if he hadn’t? I’ve seen what you can do out in the marketplace, and I’ve asked about you. You could have easily put Sir Riathorn in his place if you’d wished,” he concludes.

Exasperated by this man’s nonsense, I take my book, mug and two barley rolls and retire to my own room for the rest of the night. “Idiot,” I mutter as I walk away.

-Taproom event-Press gang- Q: Is Enoch there? YES Q: Is he apologetic? NO Q: Is Gerti married? NO Q: Is Enoch fit? YES

On Sunday, it rains! All day. Corvo is agitated he cannot fly about like he normally does but instead ends up perched on my headboard as I occasionally pass him crusts of bread. I go downstairs for lunch, and sure enough, the old fellow from yesterday is sitting at the same table as before. I thought he was one of the other lodgers!

“Oh, well there you are again,” the old man says as I sit down for my meal, “but what good do you do? When it comes to love and romance, don’t you think that a woman should be allowed to discern among her suitors? Or should a nobleman like Sir Raithorn be allowed to have his way with any woman he fancies? Does it matter to you that he is a married man?”

I look at the strange old man in disbelief, “What makes you think that any of that is my business? Or that my opinion on such things is any of yours?”

Q: Does he take this as an invitation to debate? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“Well!” he harumphs, “I thought that a woman whose nose is always buried in a book would have more thoughts on such matters, but apparently you care for nothing but yourself and your pursuit of trivial magic…when the true power that moves the universe is found in love!”

“What?” I ask, in disbelief. Immediately regretting it when he delves into his explanation that love is what causes families to form, it is why people fight to protect their kin and their kingdoms, and it looks like it will take most of the afternoon for me to get free of his lecture when…

Suddenly, a group of sailors bust into the tavern and look around at the various patrons. They grab several young men and usher them outside, clubbing one or two who try to put of a fight. I slip back to my room during the confusion, lock the door and don’t come back out for the rest of the day.

Heyday 16th-Moonday-71 degrees, No rain, can feel wind on skin, leaves rustle, weathervanes begin to move

E: Resolution of ‘The keepers seek the books of seven seals’: a Failure of Attention- Street Encounter-Work Gang
Scene #59:

The next morning, as I open my window, I can feel the breeze on my face. I quickly grab my things, and race down to the docks! As I begin walking past the numerous loaded ships that have been waiting for a solid breeze to get underway, I notice a group of dockworkers receiving their pay, and a few of them who have already been paid being harassed by some scary looking and well armed thugs.

“I’m in no mood to play the hero,” I mutter to myself as I hurry to the Seabreeze, where Captain Asher and his crew are already waiting for me.

Q: Does he think I took too long? NO Q: Does he accept my offer? NO Perception 24 Q: Do I see them? EXCEPTIONAL YES

Pretty young wizardess sitting at the prow of a boat in a busy sealane.
Mendy on deck as imagined by Midjourney AI

He smiles as I climb aboard. I brought everything that had been in my room, having settled up with Rardi as I left, and secure everything in the boat’s cabin before joining the crew on deck.

Asher’s men, including a couple of women, work skillfully together getting the boat underway. I offer a hand with the sails, but the Captain shakes his head skeptically, no doubt assuming that I know nothing about boats. So…with no work to do, I take a seat near the prow, lean back, and enjoy the feel of ocean spray as waves crest against the ship’s hull and gulls fly overhead. I try to spot the “Lowestoft”, and seeing us pass the lumbering vessel, I wave towards it, straining my eyes to spot either Ambar or Wart off on their grand voyage.

The two men spot me and both wave back, we wish each other well as my boat passes by theirs, but words get lost upon the sea.

We sail onward, staying in sight of the coast, of course, and soon outdistance most of the other craft. The caravals are slower than our ship, and most other fishing boats are dropping their nets, which cause them to drag, or heading off into better fishing waters. We have a specific destination.

-Minor Encounter-Shipwreck from Wilderness Dressing-
On our way to the shallows, I notice a broken ship stuck motionless in the waves. I ask Asher about it, and he tells me that it’s been there for about three months now, and he’s surprise yesterday’s storm didn’t set it free. “Don’t mind it though, already been plundered a time or fifteen as everyone sailing past wonders if anything of value was left behind.”

I laugh that he knew immediately what my thoughts were.

-At this point, I pause and ask ChatGPT to generate another set of 6 possible challenges for each room in a 5 room dungeon setup for this adventure, like I had for the Rotten Swamp, and proceed from there-

Scene #60 (Positive Alteration): (Room 1, Option 5 5 The area around the wreckage is shrouded in a thick fog that disorients anyone who enters it. The characters must navigate through the fog, avoiding potential hazards and finding their way to the wreckage)-Immersion-I shout to an NPC

As our boat approaches the Evershin Shallows, we enter a strange mist that gradually thicken to become a thick pea soup fog! Liam,the burly looking sailor, begins taking soundst monitor the depth, but Isaac, up in the crow’s nest, says visibility is clear from his position.

I yell up to Isaac, “How far does this fog stretch?”

He hollers back, “As far as I can see! It’s like old Gwynath pulled her blanket up and rolled over in her sleep!”

-Religion roll 6, I have no clue what he’s talking about-

“What’s that?” I ask. Asher explains that she is the goddeess of the weather, the storms and the sea. Worshipped by the Sea Furies. “Alright then, what do we do? Do you need to make some sort of offering to her to let us alone? Or can you still get me where I need to go?”

“Alana!” calls the captain, “talk to the goddess and pray that she lets the sea clear. She’s more likely to listen to you than to one of us.”

Alana, the heavyset woman who is apparently the ship’s cook points to me, “She should pray too! I’m not the only woman aboard today.”

“What?” I stammer. Asher explains that the gods of the Sea Furies are only served by priestesses. So a woman’s prayer is more likely to be heard. Knowing that, I sit with Alana up on the bow, and repeat her words as she takes us through a litany of praises and supplications to Gwynath, the storm bringer.

-DC 15, Hipster Hard to appease the goddess. Mendy “helps” Alana’s prayer, Alana rolls a 16 with advantage-

We pray for nearly half an hour, reciting the words over and again until I know them by heart and am no longer echoing, but praying along with Aland. Then Isaac shouts out, “The fog is lifting!” and a few minutes later, the sea is clear once more near our vessel, though farther out to sea, there still rests a blanketing cloud.

We offer a prayer of thanksgiving to the goddess, and then I pull the Dragon’s Eye out of my satchel when Captain Asher says we should be getting close. I focus on the orb and begin to lose myself in it as my eyes peer through its sight…

Scene #61: (Room 2, Option 6: 6 The artifact is cursed, and whoever touches it will be struck by a deadly affliction. The characters must find a way to break the curse, such as by finding a special ritual or magical item that can counteract the curse’s effects.) Immersion: Sight-Something Tiny, On the Ground

I close my eyes and focus my thoughts on the Dragon Eye, trying to let my mind see through into the deep waters below, to find the ship with the unicorn prow.
-Investigation 19 vs Hipster Hard DC 15-

I feel as though I am falling through the Dragon’s Eye and into the deep waters below, looking around in the depths, peering through forests of kelp, across a seafloor strewn with coral formations, and the derelicts of ancient vessels broken and rotting on the seabed. Sea creatures of all shapes and sizes, sharks, cuttlefish, eels and schools of brightly colored fish swimming to and fro. And on the seabed, clams and oysters and starfish, sea urchins and tiny little crabs scuttling about searching for food and hiding to escape being eaten.

Q: Is the tiny thing a holy symbol? EXCEPTIONAL NO

Then I spy what I am looking for, the barnacle encrusted head of a unicorn jutting up from a forest of seaweed…the wreckage of a long, sleek looking vessel laid out behind it, rotting wood, and a variety of creatures evidently making their home upon the broken hull.

And a human corpse, bloated and seemingly tied down to the ocean floor by a rope and stone. And around the dead man’s neck hangs an amulet, in the shape of an octopus. It looks like the symbol Ronrico showed me a few months ago. The symbol of Drouzal the Destroyer. The kraken!

I snap free from my trance, and Captain Asher is watching me intently. “What is that thing?” he asks, pointing towards the Dragon’s Eye.

“Oh, just a simple scrying device,” I reply, tucking it back intomy satchel. “We are almost on top of the wreck. I want you to hold the boat steady over me as best you can when I dive.”

“How will we know where you are?” The captain asks.

I pull out the illuminated next globes and a ball of twine. “One of these I will take down with me as a light, the other will be tethered to my ankle by twine, and rest on the surface above me. When I reach the wreck, I will tie it off to mark the position so you know where to stay.”

Captain Asher nods. “That seems a sound plan.”

I begin stripping down for the dive, carrying only what a I need. Most of the crew look away respectfully. When I am ready, I set on the ship’s railing, and with the word “Mutacious” I feel my body transform as I slip into the see and dive deep into the depths below. My eyes are wide, gills line my neck, my feet have streched to resemble an otter’s, my fingers have grown webbing and a long fin that runs down my back.

A woman swimming beneath the waves, somewhat altered by magic
Mendy transformed as imagined by Midjourney AI

The light from the sun fades as I go deeper, but the light from the globe tied to my left arm stays close. An oyster net hangs from my belt, empty for now, but hopefully it will soon be filled with treasures. Two blades, one on my belt, one on my thigh, in case magic will not help.

-33% chance of encounter-none- Q: Is the horn still in place? NO

I swim down towards the broken vessel, and tie the floating light around the unicorn’s neck. Then I swim over to the bloated human corpse, take the amulet from its neck and then cut it the poor body free so it can drift away in the current.

Then I move towards the main part of the ship, seeking access to either the captain’s quarters or the cargo hold. Fish fly from my path as I approach, frightened by either the light, or the large shadow it casts from behind me. I notice the occasional shark or small octopus, but nothing particularly frightening.

Q: Is the ship’s cabin still intact? YES

I soon reach the ship’s cabin, and swim through the broken doorway, pulling my light after me. Everything is overgrown, and the water is cloudy and stagnant for the current does not easily pass through here. I search for the soulbinder’s rod, looking for a trunk or chest that might have contained it.

-Investigation 18, that would do if: Q: Is the rod in the cabin? YES-

I find an ancient trunk, weakened by exposure to the deep, cold water, and I begin to pry it open using my steel dagger.

(Str check 17) Q: Are there other valuables here? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Do I recognize the runes? YES Q: Elvish? EXCEPTIONAL YES E: Negative for Swampfoot: the Taking of a World (ChatGPT, generate a list of possible curses on the rod-It generates 10, I roll a die and get the only one unlikely to cause Mendy problems: Curse of Punishment: The rod punishes those who use it for evil or selfish purposes, causing them to suffer intense physical and emotional pain.

I pop the lid of the chest open and a spy an ancient iron rod with a diamond shaped head, and a large blue stone set within the center of it. Ancient elvish runes that mean nothing to me, really. I grab the relic, and suddenly feel arcane power flush through my soul. Pain, fear, torment…all in an instant, the terror of being judged for my misdeeds. And then I am calm once more. My task accomplihed, I leave the wreck and begin swimming towards the surface.

Scene #62 (Positive Alteration): Room 3-Setback, Option 2 The characters have retrieved the artifact, but the sudden change in pressure as they ascend to the surface causes an explosion that damages their boat and leaves them stranded in shark-infested waters.

As I begin to ascend towards the surface, I feel the current becoming stronger and notice fish and other sealife diving farther down towards safety as a storm on the surface seems to grow.

I burst through to the surface a few feet from the Seabreeze just as lighting streaks through the sky overhead. The crack of thunder follows instantly after, as Isaac shouts, “There she is!” pointing towards me. Asher calls him down from the crow’s nest as Liam throws me a rope. With two other sailor’s helping, I am quickly pulled aboard and let my natural form return.

“Did you find what you were looking for?” shouts the Captain, and I hold up the relic in triumph as another peel of lightning rips through the sky.

An ornate iron rod with a diamond shaped head and a blue gem within its head.
The Soulbinder’s Rod as imagined by Midjourney AI

-(Instead of Explosions, I’m going to require the crew to make three sailing checks. The first is the Crew’s Strength (Athletics)+4 vs target 15 to maintain control using oars and rudder, the second is DC 15 Wisdom (Water Vehicles)+5 for Captain Asher to know what do do, and the Final Check is DC 20 Wisdom (Religion) Alana +4 check to persuade Gwynath to interceed against Drouzal of the Deep claiming the ship. (1 Failure-d4 crew members swept oveboard, 2 failures-Mast broken and shift cast adrift, 3 failures-ship broken by the storm)-Rolls are 17, 7, and 8)

Captain Asher is shouting commands to his crew and all hands are at the oars or rudder, trying to guide the ship headlong into the waves so it doesn’t get rolled beneath them. Alana cries out for Gwynath’s protection, invoking the goddess of the sea and storm to temper her wrath, when suddenly, a bolt of lightinng strikes the ship’s mast! It explodes and shards of wood spray across the deck, injuring many of the crew though my ward deflects the splinters that would have otherwise struck me. The rest of the mass then slowly leans over to one side, and then falls into the waves. The furled sails filling with water, and the captain ordering the crew to cut the remaining rigging free so it doesn’t pull the ship down as the current starts to twist the boat parallel to the next wave.

“Where’s Kale?” Liam shouts.

“In the water!” Isaac calls back, just at the ship is slammed by a massive wave that knocks two more of the crew into the ocean as the ship lists badly.

“Get us turned into the waves!” shouts the Captain as his crew desperately tries to right the ship.

I throw my prize into the cabin and scan the waves for the missing men, spotting one, I shout “Mutacious!” as I dive into the tempest.
(Three perception checks, only one beat a 15, Strength Athletics/Swimming 21 to reach the target)

I soon have my arms around the struggling man, and with my altered limbs, we are quickly swimming back towards the boat where Liam has cast a rope out towards us.

Q: Does a shark try for us? EXCEPTIONAL NO Liam pulling us aboard, 13+4=17 Strength check-Q: Is Jobac breathing? YES

We are soon alongside the boat, and being hauled back aboard, the sailor roling onto his side and coughing out a lungful of water. I am alright, with gills and lungs both, just a little sore from bumping up against the ship’s hull.

The storm lasts for three hours, and when it finally lets up, we are adrift…and the fog has settled back upon us!

Q: Does the current have us now? NO Q: Is the fog still around? YES

The crew is exhausted, Kale, an experienced sailor, has been lost. Tomas, a young man about my age, has also been claimed by the sea.

“Where are we?” I ask.

Captain Asher has a worried look on his face, but it is Mauri who dourly replies “We’ll know better when the stars come out and I can read them. If I can read them.”

The Captain nods. “Davy, strike up a tune. Alana, best to cook us up a meal, we’ll need our strength. And let’s get a net over the side, if we are at the ocean’s mercy, we’ll need her bounty as well to sustain us.”

I am grateful now for a well provisioned ship and a prudent captain. This journey is going to take longer than I had in mind.

One of the seamen, Oen I think, speaks up, “That relic you found! It’s cursed, isn’t it? The sea wants to reclaim it. The storm came out of nowhere when you brought it to the sruface and now Tomas and Kale are dead, and we’ll die to if we cannot make it to shore!”

Q: Does Captain Asher defend me? YES

“We agreed to help this woman find a shipwreck and retrieve an artifact. If you didn’t want to come aboard and take the risk, you should have stayed ashore,” then Captain Asher looks to me, “You are paying us for each day we are at sea, until we get back home. You realize that it doesn’t matter to me whether your artifact brought us here or if we moored enar the shallows for an entire week. You need to pay me and my crew for our service.”

I nod, gratefully, then add, “None of my research mentioned any sort of a curse. It is a weapon to battle demons. A weapon I need to preserve my own life.”

There are whispers of fear among the crew, but their Captain’s calm demeanor and authority help steady their nerves.

Q: Do the crew remain calm? YES

The Captain then signals for me to follow him into the cabin, which I do. “Tell me everything you know about this relic. Could throwing it overboard appease whatever force brought that storm. There was nothing natural about it and I’m just as worried as my men.”

Q: Do I know much about the Soulbinder’s rod? YES (Use Chat GPT to generate the wand’s brief history and powers, within the constraints of what has been defined, and the actual nature of the curse is better defind as a side effect of one of its powers)

“Well, the rod was crafted by Elyndoriel, an elven wizard, near the end of the Shrouded Age and was wielded in the war to drive the Whispering Tyrants from this world once and for all. But he eventually went mad, and was slain by the very demons he sought to overthrow. The weapon has been lost and rediscovered many times since then until it resurfaced during the age of the Dragon Tyrants in the hands of the wizard Kallithrax. He used it to battle the demon queen of dragons. When his home, Aglieff fell, the rod was believed to be lost until Heirocon the Argent of Evertree discovered it during the war of the elven crown. He recoved it, but the relic was lost at sea in the battle of Evershin Shallows. And now we have it!” I say, proudly summarizing what little I had learned of the artifact’s history and powers.

“So, you don’t really know what it does, specifically, do you?” Captain Asher asks thoughtfully.

I frown. He is correct. All I know is that it can defeat demons. I hold the rod in my hand, examining it. “It might help if I knew what these runes mean. I think they are in elvish.”

Q: Does Asher speak elven? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“Yes, it might,” Asher says sourly. “I am sure that a demon slaying weapon is not something demons want found. Having that on board our ship will draw many enemies. You’d better figure out how to use it!”

I nod, and he heads back out on deck so that Alana and I are the only ones in the cabin. She heard everything, but is thankfully ignoring the conversation and focusing on preparing our supper.

Scene #63: Immersion Sound:Echoes (And Room 4: The Big Battle-“Sea Witch and her minions” I use ChatGPT to generate the Sea Witch and then I find a battlemap online)
At sea, powerless and lost in the fog, our ship drifts upon the waves. It does not seem that the trade currents have caught us, so we don’t know where we might end up…or if shore might ever come within sight again. We do seem to be heading southeast, which Captain Asher assures me is not the most dangerous direction to be drifting. By my reckoning, this will beach us somewhere near the Rotting Swamp, or Evertree.

Q: Do we drift throughout the rest of the day? YES Q: Farther to sea? NO

(Event from Wilderness Dressing-Seagulls descend upon the ship-Hey, they could be the minions! Add the lesser spawn of Drouzal and we’ve got the makings of either an epic battle or a TPK!)

As the sun begins to fade, we hear the sound of gulls calling. The noise seems to come from all around, echoing against the barren ocean and carried through the fog.

“Get the clubs ready, they’ll be after our catch,” hollers the captain, but his men already know what to do. There are four of them on deck, working the nets. The Captain, his navigator Mauri, and Bossun Liam are at the helm. I’m sitting alone at the bow as I enjoy watching the water as our boat cuts through it. More so undersail than as we are right now. I fix my hat as I don’t want any birds to crap in my hair.

Q: Do I realize this is a threat? NO

The birds swoop towards our boat, but instead of descending upon the nets, they seem to circle the crew, buffeting them with their wings. A couple of birds squawk as they are struck by the men’s clubs, and one I think gets batted into the ocean, its wings broken. And then, I feel a release of magical energy…and enchantment cast upon the men at the helm, though they seem unaffected by whatever it is. I scan the water for the source of the magic, and hurl a bolt of fire at one of the birds that has landed near me while I gingerly step away. “Captain! We are under attack!” I yell.

“Damned birds!” Captain Asher yells back, hurling a bolt of ice at one of the fowl, and suddenly I realize he too knows magic!

“No, something worse!” I say, “be on your guard against an enchanter of some sort.”

“All hands to arms!” the Captain yells, as he too suddenly recognizes the threat.

The birds then begin pecking viciously at us, they they sometimes rip the backs of whales that surface for a breath! Liam kills several, but then the enchantress attacks once more, and I see his eyes, and those of the men around him glaze over, like they don’t know where they are or what they are doing! But this time, I spot her in the waves, a Sea Devil, and hurl a string of arcane darts towards her without thinking. It is the easiest spell to defeat, but she must not know the counter? Captain Asher follows my example and I wonder just exactly how much magic he knows?

Two of the birds are attacking me, and as one tries to peck out my eyes I instincively summon a shield. Then I hear he thundercrack of a lightning bolt that rips across the deck. Half of the crew are caught in the strike and all but Liam crumple to the deck. Their bodies smouldering! I send another dart towards the witch and two at wounded birds that the frew remaining crewman are trying to fend off. Captain Asher sends another spray of darts towards the witch!

As the crew tries to finish off the rest of the birds, I feel a cold slimy arm around my back, and realize I have been grabbed by a giant cuttlefish! I am soon wrapped in the creature’s embrace as it tries to pull me over. I see the witch swimming close to the boat and conjuring another lightning spell, with a word, I unravel the spell, and then transform myself once more as I am being dragged overboard. “Parlay!” I yell in Sahuagin as several of the fishers try to free me from the monster’s grasp, to no effect!

-Q Will the Sahaugin outcast parlay, when everything is going in her favor? Very Unlikely- EXCEPTIONAL NO

“Die intruders!” she calls back to me, “A sacrifice to Drouzal!”

The cuttlefish sqeezes me tighter, and I feel my wards weakening under its might. One of the seam, Colm I think his name was, is also grabbed, but without arcane protecting, his ribs immediately crack and blood pours from his mouth as he is dragged overboard. Then another bolt of lightning arcs across the deck, of the ship and glancing back, I see Liam and I are the only survivors. “I’m sorry!” I say, as I abandon him to his fate!

I focus on the ring the Crown Prince gave me, and all goes black.

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