Tying Up Loose Ends

Slender young wizardess with brown hair cascading down her left shoulder, holding an open book.  She wears a white robe and shawl.
Mendy per original description as imagined by Midjourney AI Artist

–after a two month gaming hiatus, time to resume this story. Alynn is dead. Mendy’s best spell book was with Alynn. Mendy needs to find a way to defeat the Shadowmendy. Mendy bears the marking of the Viper and is partially possessed by that totem spirit. Goblins have kidnapped Axlan tribesmen and are carrying them off for sacrifice. Mendy has been forced to flee the Spire of Dryannor–

After fleeing the tower, I lean up against a tree while raindrops gently fall all around. The smell of moist earth fills my nostrils, and the cold rain stings where it falls against my bar arm, recentely scorched by arcane fire. The spear lies on the ground beside me in the tall grass, and I imagine that the strange serpent tattoo of my arm seems to move independently of my own muscles. My mission a failure, I start to shiver. Not so much from the cold but as from fear and uncertainty. Soon, I fall asleep.

Weeding Marketday 21st- 50 degrees, modest wind, leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flag extended-
-Immersion: Smell, burning- Q- wildfire? Unlikely NO, so sacrifical fire? Likely (my first instinct anyway) Yes=

Scene: Increase Chaos-I wake to a rumbling belly, and the smell of smoke in the air. My arm feels better, but I have this urge to head towards the source of the smoke…and fire. I pull out a crust of dried bread, the last of what little I have, and start walking north towards the source of the smoke.

-Q Are the sacrifices in a surface camp? No, Does the smoke come from an old cave? No Are goblins still present? No (Unlikely since daylight)

I soon come to an area of the forest where there are scorch marks all around, and bits of charred bone on the ground. I smell smoke and hear the crackle of flames, but see nothing, until a charred foot falls tot he ground in front of me! I jump back, startled, and look up.

Hanging from the trees above me, I see smoldering human corpses in whicker frames crafted in the shape of great wings, like bats or demons! Fire seems to burn from within the human remains and my arm tightens, as though the serpent tattoo is squeezing it.

Q: Do the burning dead awake? NO

I hurl a bolt of flame at one of the ropes that hold up the corpses, but it does not burn at all. There must be some sort of magic that allows them to hold the flaming corpses in place. The sight turns my stomach, some of the corpses were obviously children.

(Survival check passes, A series of questions about footprints and trails turns up no clues)

I look around the clearing, and find numerous footprints, but they are not goblin size…the size of ordinary men. In shoes, but I cannot tell who or what made them, and there is no discernable trail leading from the clearing. Whoever killed these people vanished without a trace.

So I sit down in the clearing and pull out my spellbook, reciting the words of divination so I might better perceive the nature of the weave in his area.

Q: Is there a lingering magical portal here? NO Q: Can I sense that there was one? NO Q: Any magic at all? NO :KS Check Arcana 18 Q: Is this a summoning ritual? YES

After several minutes, I close the book. There is nothing further here for me to do. The killers have gone and I cannot tell where, but it is clear that they attempted to summon something, and then vanished.

I turn to head south towards civlization, there is nobody here for me to save, but Alynn is still held captive by Baron Brewich for helping me “murder” Mypionne. I cannot leave her there!
Q: Will serpent allow me to leave? NO (Roll 3d6, add 10 to get the Serpent’s Willpower, end up with 26, or a +8 on contested willpower/Wisdom rolls. I roll a 16, it rolls a 14, the second contested roll it wins, the third I win)-Q: Does the serpent abandon me? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: Attack me? YES

I start to walk away from the clearing, but my steps falter as I feel this longing to walk deeper into the woods instead. I shrug it off and continue on my way. As I reach the edge of the Axlan woods, I feel this overwhelming urge to turn back, but I fight it off. As I do, my arm seems to grow heavy and I cry out in pain as the tattoo leaves my arm, and becomes a mighty serpent, coiled and fanged, hissing and then striking at me as I attempt to flee!

It lunges at me and I hurl a sphere of ice at it, shards of which spray across the earth as the creature’s jaws narrowly miss me. It coils and lunges back at me, too quick for the second sphere, and I have to raise a shield to save myself from its jaws. “Impetu” the unerring darts find their marks easily, but the serpent is a massive beast, and they do little to slow it down. And it’s slitted eyes find their mark twice again, only the shield spells save me from being caught within its fanged jaws and muscled coils. One spell after another as my bloodied foe relentlessly seeks its prey. It’s hypnotic gaze and whispered threats against my ungrateful rebellion lulling me, luring me…. But as it draws close for the kill, I strike it down with a flaming bolt. And then…the spirit vanishes.

I stand at the edge of the woods, uncertain of what just happened.

I am unscathed. Tired and breathing heavily, from having used so much of my power in the fight, but unharmed. The marking on my arm is gone. Viper has abandoned me, or did I abandon it? Either way, I know I should never return to the realm of its people.

I kneel down and try to swallow. My throat is dry…like I have a mouthful of cotton. I take a swig from my waterskin and that seems to help. After I collect myself, I stand and continue my journey southward back towards Brewich.

-Arcane Recover, then travel with No Encounter-

The bridge to Keddale soon comes into view. I disguise myself as a young shepherd boy, as the spear I carry is difficult to conceal and a wandering youth is not that uncommon a sight.

Scene: I arrive at Keddale and quickly walk towards the general store that I had previously visited. As much as I long for a warm bed and hot meal, I want to quickly leave this village and find out what has become of Alynn.

Q: Do I see the orphan? NO Q: Do I overhear anything in the village? NO Q: Do I easily buy supplies? NO Q: Does he question me? YES Q: Kin to Elan? EXCEPTIONAL NO
Q: lover? EXCEPTIONAL YES E: Progress on ‘The keepers seek the books of seven seals’: the Postponement of a Dispute

In the village, I gather some dried fruit, jerked meat, and hard biscuits for travel, and on placing the items on the counter, the half elven woman looks up at me, a spark of recognition forming in her eyes as I offer my coin.

“I know your voice,” she says, looking at me through tearstained eyes, “you were here a few days ago weren’t you lad? But not you?” (Disguise check passes, but just barely)

I feign confusion, “No ma’am. Just passing through ma’am.” (my 1 on Deception vs her 18 on insight sucks)

“No…your voice! The dark haired woman who passed through the day after my Cole disappeared. You are the witch he was hunting for!” Her tearstained eyes blaze with fury. The other two patrons turn to look my way as her voice rises.

I look at her in shock, and mutter, “You are mistaken, and I grab the food, leaving a handful of coins on the counter as I back away.”
-Deception 4 vs Others insight 14 Q: Do the othes intervene? YES-

“Not so fast, lad,” one of the farmers says, “A man was murdered by a witch, and witches can change their faces with a wave of their hand. We’ve not seen you around here before, but Kelanth never forgets a face or a voice.”

My hand tightens around my spear. I’ve no idea how to fight with the weapon, but it’s instinct. “I don’t want any trouble. Just a bit of food so I can make the journey to Brewich”

-Persuasion 19 vs 19-

The two men step between me and the door, apparently ready for a fight.

I laugh. “You think I am a dangerous witch in disguise who killed somebody, but that the two of you could somehow stop me if I am?”
-Intimidation 9 vs 17-

“Yeah, we do,” the bigger man says, suddenly lunging towards me pulling the knife from his belt. I push the spear towards him, drawing my dagger as he sidesteps the falling lance, and narrowly misses walking into my blade. The other man comes around to get behind me, but I nimbly leap over a table of of drygoods to keep them from catching me between them. In spite of their size, and whatever milita training they’ve received, the men are slow, and I slash one across the thigh as I roll back beneath the table to the other side when they try to corner me once more. As I get to my feet, one of the men slashes the sleeve of my tunic, but my ward blocks the blade. He doesn’t seem to realize it! I kick over the table and the three of us turn the shop into shambles dodging and weaving to avoid each otehr while the shopkeep screams for help. Then I stab the first man in the gut, and he crumples to the ground. His companion yells out in terror, as I leap over the fallen man and run out into the street.

Q: Has a crowd already gathered? YES Q: the knight? YES

In the street, there are two heavily armed men in mail, plus half a dozen farmers who’ve already retrieved the the spears from their houses, and also the apparent lord of the village.

“Stop where you are, thief!” the lord commands.

I look around. There is no fighting my way through this, and the disguise spell will wear off soon. I look back towards the shop, where my spear lies on the ground, and with a flick of my wrist I bring it to my hand, and allow my disguise spell to drop.

“I am Mendy of White Tower. I came here to buy some food, and was attacked. Do more have to die? Or may I leave in peace as I intended?”

(survival check, the KO’d man is stable, not killed so that’s good) (Intimidation 15 vs 6)

“You are the one that killed the hag Mypionne? And you killed Cole Ehan who sought the bounty against you?” the noble demands.

I nod my head, “And two dozen goblins, demons and creatures of earth, air, water and flame. But I’ve killed no man who has not drawn steel against me first.”

-Persuasion 17 vs 16-

The half=elf steps out of her shop, looking from me, and towards her lord. “Kill her! Arrest her! She’s a murderess! A witch!”

-Her 6 vs his 20-

“Shut up, Klenatch,” Lord Keddale says, “Conrad, check inside the shop. See what’s happened.” One of the armored men walks past me into the store, I make no effort to block him. Two more soldiers and several more villagers gather nearby to witness the standoff.

A dozen deep breaths later, and Conrad comes back out, “Amos is cut up pretty bad, but he’s alive.”

His lordship nods, “The Baron pardoned you. My man you killed deserted to hunt you before we recieved word of the pardon. If Amos survives, you are free to go. If he dies, you will hang.”

“Well then, I suppose you’d best make room for me at the inn if I am to stay here overnight,” I suggest with a smirk, reinforcing my intention not to surrender without a fight.

Lord Keddale’s eyes narrow and I can tell he is trying to gauge my strength and resolve, but ultimately he relents, and the crowd parts as I walk across the street to into the Hasty Knave.

Q: Weere there other people? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Is she reassured? NO Q: Does an angry mob try to get me? YES Q: Do the noble’s men stop them? EXCEPTIONAL YES

Unfortunately, there are no rooms here, but just a number of cots in an open hall adjacent to the taproom where I ate before. The serving girl regards me fearfully as she brings me a plate and some bread. I thank her, quietly, and tell whisper, “I won’t hurt you. I don’t want to hurt anyone. i just want a place to sleep tonight.” Her fear remains obvious, but she tells me I’ll be the only one here once they lock up. I thank her.

A few hours later, the taproom locks up early as everyone seems to be afraid to enter with me inside. I recite my warding spells, and Corvo keeps watch from across teh street. I notice that two of his lordship’s soldiers are posted outside.

In the middle of the night, I am wakened by shouting. Looking through Corvo’s eyes, I see there are nearly two score men and women gathered outside with torches, spears and some rope. The sergeant is shouting at them to go back home and wait for Lord Keddale’s judgement. Listening in, I realize that one of the men is the brother of the man who fought me that afternoon and he is the one demanding justice, and for awhile, I fear that he might presuade the others to storm the building. But soon, other soldiers have joined the men guarding the tavern, and then Lord Keddale himself steps outside, fully armed now and ready for battle.

“My word here is law,” he proclaims, “and if you will not live by my laws, you can leave your fields and I will find new tenants to reap what you’ve sown. Nobody touches the witch without my command. Nobody risks her arcane wrath against my village unless I demand her head.”

I chuckle at this, and return to my sleep.

Weeding Sunday 22nd- (Amos survives, but with lingering injury, recovers in 10 days)-54 degrees, modest wind, leaves and small twigs in constanat motion, flags extended

Q: They release me? YES Q: Is Lord Keddale present? NO

Waking as the morning light slices through gaps in the shutters, I sit up on my cot and begin preparing for the day. I make a few notes in my journal, and after the ink dries, I close it up, thumbing its pages as I do so, enjoying the feel of the paper against my flesh, and the smell of the ink in my nostrils. I then explore the pantry, fixing myself breakfast and wondering just how fearful the innkeep is that he has not returned to my “prison.”

As I sit down to eat, there is a knock on the door. With a wave of my hand, the lock is unbolted and two soldiers step inside. The men look nervously at each other, and then the bolder one says, “You are free to go. Lord Keddale asks that you not return to his village.”

I smile and nod my head. ‘Tell his lordship that I will honor his request,” I then return to my breakfast while the soldiers watch, with fear in their eyes, “you may go now,” I suggest, and the quickly retreat to the street outside. “This is what it feels like to be feared,” I muse as I finish my meal.

Scene: E: Progress on ‘Mendy seeks a demon slaying weapon’: a Change of a Prison- Morning Encounter-Patrol
I head west from Keddale hoping to reach Brewich by nightfall. There I hope to find Alynn and learn why she abandoned me, and whether she is the one who accused me of killing Mypione.

Late in the morning, I notice a company of soldiers coming down the road. Several of the men are mounted and they wear the livery of Brewich. I step to the side of the road, unsure of what to expect from them.

-Generate leader using UNE: motiviations: execute force, institute mediceine, deter composure. Mood-Sociable, Topic,-rage regarding family-

The knight leading the company glares at me as his men approach. “We are on the baron’s business, you’d best kneel out of respect for his lordship!” he says, catching me off guard.

I look past the man, and observe, “His lordship does not appear to be present. It should be sufficient that I yield the path to you, milord.” (persuasion 21)

The knight laughs, “Indeed, that is sufficient, but it amuses me to see wealthy merchants scramble to their knees when I remind them of their place. You, on the other hand, have courage. What is your name woman?”

“I am Mendy of White Tower, and I am on my way to pay your master a visit in order to learn what’s become of my friend, Alynn of Radkas,” I reply with firm resolve.

Q: Does he know? (A sure thing) NO

“Well met, Mendy of White Tower, I am Sir Eldo, Knight Errant of Brewich. I don’t recognize your friend’s name, but if anyone in my lord’s household knows her, I am sure they will be willing to help you,” the knight answers, as his men file past us to continue on the road. “Anyway, I am on patrol. There have been rumors of goblin sighting s near the Axblight again.”

“Good luck, Sir Eldo. They seem to be grabbing sacrifices from among the Axlan. I saw several men, woman and children strung up into the trees, with frames like a bat’s wings and set alight in some sort of unholy ritual. The goblins are up to something, and I wish you the best in finding out what and putting a stop to it!”

Q: Does this freak him out? Unlikely-NO Q: Does he ask me to join them? EXCEPTIONAL NO

He looks at me with renewed interest, “You speak truthfully? Where did you see these things and when?” I tell him it was two days ago, to the north of Dryannor’s tower, and of how the Axlan had fought several battles against the goblins over the previous week. Some of the soldiers, who have paused to listen, seem a bit nervous, while others seem more eager to get on with their mission, now that they know there is some value to it. “Thank you for the information. Safe travels, friend.” he says as he spur his horse onward.

I wish him safe travels as well and then resume my journey.

As I pass by the Leton farmstead, where the bounty hunter arrested an old man for theft, I notice that there were several other homes nearby that I did not see in the dark, for they are burrowed into the side of a nearby hill. The homes of halflings now at work in the field were easy to overlook in the shadow of night.

Q: Is Alynn’s head mounted to a pole? EXCEPTIONAL NO

It is well after dark when I finally arrive at Brewich. I am stopped by the guards, who don’t recognize my name at all, which seems strange as I was wanted for murder less than a week ago. I ask about Alynn, and they also don’t recognize her name either. I ask the men how long they’ve been serving this town, and they both admit to this being their first week on the job, which seems rather unusual to me. I ask if the previous guards were dismissed, and am told that several of the Baron’s men were killed when a captive manticore burst free from its cage. I shake my head at the news, but am allowed to pass through the gate.

Q: Recognize my name? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Do they recognize Alynn’s name? NO Q: Are these new guards? EXCEPTIONAL YES Q: Were previous guards dismissed? NO Q: killed? EXCEPTIONAL YES E: Setback to ‘Rescue Alynn from Baroness (KIA)’: the Imprisonment of a Prison Q: unrest? NO
Q: Is there room at the scalded bull? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Spirit and Stag? YES Q: Does he know? YES

I head first to the “Scalded Bull”, but am turned away as the place is full, even down to the last bit of space on the floor. Oddly, the Spirit and Stag Inn has a room available.

The inn is a stone structure, with heavy wooden doors and shutters braced with iron etched with dwarven symbols. This means I am not surprised to see that the innkeeper himself is a dwarf. A man who introduces himself as Rimi.

“Greetings traveler!” The dwarf says as he pours a ladel of stewed meat into a clay bowl for me. “Will the young lady be lodging with us tonight?” he asks with an eager gleam in his eyes.

“It seems that way. Is there a private room to let for the night?” I answer.

The dwarf shrugs his shoulders and points towards one of the doors that comes off of the main hall, “I’d rather rent it to a couple, but it’s getting late and I’d rather have your coin than none at all. From where do you hail?”

I regard the dwarf warily, but then I confess, “I am from White Tower, or rather, from a village that used to be near it. I am looking for a friend of mine, Allyn of Radkas. Have you any news of her?”

“You are Mendy of White Tower? The slayer of the demoness Mypionne?” the dwarf asks, the admiration apparent in his voice.

Hesitantly, I answer, “Yes, though I was accused of murdering a prophetess last time I was in town.”

The dwarf laughs, “Yes! The news throughout town was that a renegade witch had murdered and ancestral prophetess, defiling a healing shrine. Warrants were issued, and bounty hunters started asking about you. But not four days later, the Baron announced that the prophetess and her sister were both demons and that he had executed a witch in their thrall. This woman, Alynn, who had accused you of murdering Mypione. Further, the Baron lifted the warrants against you and warned that none should harm you for you had done the people of Ardeles a great service in striking down this false religion. Several of my patrons were saddened by the news, having hoped to find you for the reward.” The dwarf then calls out to the other patrons, “Let’s hear it for Mendy, the Demon Slayer!”

“Well, if she’s buying!” one man hollers back to the cheers of several others as tankards are filled and thrown back.

“Wait, what?” I stammer, realizing what has just happened. “I didn’t agree to that!”

“Now, now, demonslayer, don’t be stingy. Surely one who battles vile cults in their shrines has picked up some coin along the way. After all, that’s what drew me to a life on the road, seeking treasure where it could be found. At least, until I took an arrow to the knee!” the dwarf taunts.

Reluctantly, I count out the needed coins and slide them across the bar. “Fine. Another bowl for me then, and then I’ll retire.”

-Urban Dressing Taproom event. repeat of a prior roll, oddly enough-

As I finish my bowl, there is a cry of surprise as a cat leaps up onto the bar chasing a mouse that i just see running past. As people pull their drinks away, or see them knocked over, I remember a similar event taking place at the Happy Goblin in Coravos. It seems like a lifetime ago! “Strange days,” I mutter to myself as I retire for the evening.

Q: Is the night uneventful? EXCEPTIONAL NO -I asked Chat GPT what happened, and was told (adapted to my campaign):

After adding the day’s events to my journal, I lay down on the straw mattress to get some rest, but found the noise from the tap room too loud. In fact, the other patrons of the inn seemed to grow rowdier as the night dragged on!

Suddenly, there was a knock on my door! I quickly dressed, and gathering my things for a quick escape, undid the bolt to find a young page standing in the doorway.

The youth’s cheeks were flushed and he was out of breath, but he managed to blurt out the words, “Mendy of White Tower, the Baron has summoned you to his keep, at once!”

Tired, and annoyed, I dutifully followed the youth outside and down the dark and lonely streets towards the keep, where I had been turned away a couple of weeks before.

Q: By the Baroness? NO Immersion Roll, touch, liquid Q: Does the baron speak first? NO

I am brought before the Baron’s court in the dead of night. As we enter the keep, I notice the guards watch me with suspicion. Then in the great hall, I see his lordship seated at the head of his table. The page gestures for me to sit at the far end. A cup of wine is brought for me. I watch the liquid ripple as the cup is set down in front of me. I feel the baron’s eyes on me, as he watches me, in silence. Suddenly unnerved, I look away, and find my finger absent mindedly tracing the lip of the cup, and then dip it into the cold wine within.

(Intimidation 23 vs 19 against me)
The silence grows, but still, I do not drink. Merely looking down at the table, tracing my finger around the rim of the cup. Eventually, I can no longer contain myself.

“Milord? Why have you summoned me here?” I blurt out suddenly, betraying my unease.

Instead of responding. He reaches over, and pours some wine into his own cup. Then setting the bottle down, he looks at me once more.

“Things are rarely as they seem,” he says. His voice shattering the silence with the shock of a thunderclap on a cloudless day. “You were betrayed by one you considered a friend, who promised your soul to a demon in exchange for beauty…a mere illusion. You killed a demoness, who pretended to be a god. And now you are here, a child pretending to be a wizard. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“A feint can become a mortal blow if it is disregarded. I am not a wizard today, but I may yet become one,” I say as I collect my wits for a game of verbal sparring.

“It’s not your place,” he scoffs, “to pursue the arcane arts. That is the role of the noble women of this land. Not for a beggar like yourself.”

I smile demurely, resisting the bait (Wisdom save 23), “I do not know why I was chosen by a master who rejects most women of noble birth, but I have been chosen, and trained, and my future is as yet unwritten. Unless you’ve had a hand at the pen?”

(Rolling a 1 on persuasion, I have a hard time shifting his opinion of me to a more favorable one).

Q: Is he going to lock me up? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Does he have a quest? YES Q: Will he return my book? NO
Q: Are the ruins nearby? YES Q: Does anyone bother me on the way back to the inn? NO

“My wife suggested that I offer you some help, as the demoness she banished will likely come looking for you and its revenge. I don’t think you have any sort of chance against such a foe, but my wife insisted that if you return to Brewich, that you be told of the Soulbinder’s Rod. A weapon that can trap a demon forever, and be used to bind it into some object that carries that tormented soul within it as an everlasting curse.”

Intrigued, I lean forward in my chair, “Where can such a weapon be found, Milord?”

The baron leans back in his chair, and stares at me. His eyes piercing my soul as he seeks the answer to some unspoken question. I wilt beneath his gaze. Finally, he comes to a decision.

“Beneath the haunted ruins of Agleff. Of course, these ruins have been plundered by many seeking their fortune, and are often a haven to gangs fo bandits and runaway goblin slaves, but beneath the ruined city, there are older ruins. Cities upon cities have been built on that cursed land, and there is something far beneath. And the weapon that bound it there may yet remain. That is what I am told. Good luck! And may the ancestors protect you!”

“Thank you, Milord!” I stammer out in gratitude. Then, looking at the spear I had laid across the table. I offer it to him, “One weapon for another, Milord. May this one serve your household well!”

(even with a gift, I fall short of a DC 15 target to nudge his opinion of me towards Neutral)

The baron smirks, but signals for one of his servants to accept the weapon. I bow as another servant gestures for me to rise and depart.

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