Ugh! Is this a Kissing Movie?

Slender young woman with brown braided hair, leather doublet and a woolen shawl buckled over it.
Alternate Mendy as imagined by Midjourney AI Artist, based on original character description.

One of the benefits to solo gaming is that one can take as long as one desires on fiddly back stories, character development, npc interaction or whatever between adventures, while most groups I’ve gamed with have one or more members who quickly prefer to get right into the next bit of action. Which is entirely understandable if you can only get the group together for four hours every other week, but sometimes…I like to fiddle with the day to day. Of course, anyone who’s read any of my entries to date already knows that.

Weeding Moonday 23rd-50 degrees, modest wind, feel wind on skin, leaves rustle, weathervanes begin to move
Immersion, touch, something hard

I wake the next morning with mixed feelings. I finally understand what became of Alynn and why her personality changed and she betrayed me, and I am torn between pity and anger. But I also have renewed hope that I can find the weapon I need to protect myself from the Shadowmendy.

As pull on my boots and doublecheck my bag, I half curse myself for having surrendered the magic spear I took from Dryanor’s spire. It was the only thing of true value I had taken from the place, but I squandored it for nothing! Foolishness!

The bread served with the morning porridge is unusually tough. I have to use a blade to cut through it’s rind as my teeth aren’t even sharp enough to tear off a bite! A nearby half orc, with his wider jaws, seems to be having no difficulty with the loaf. I then notice the mouse from the night before crawling out from beneath a crack int he floorboard. It sniffs at a fallen piece of crust, but turns its nose up and turns away in search of something easier to chew. I chuckle and give up on that part of my meal.

Q: Does the page return my book? NO Q: Does the barkeep know anything? YES Q: Does he know a likely hand for me? YES

“Rimi?” I ask the innkeeper after breakfast, “Do you know anything about the ruins of Agleff?

“That place is a maze of ancient stone buildings, and a haven to bandits and runaway slaves. The Baron has sent several patrols and bounty hunters into it to help clear the place out, but there are too many places for criminals to hide. It’s a good place for a treasure hunter to cut their teeth, or find an early grave,” the dwarf looks at me, trying to take my measure, “you wouldn’t be thinking of going there alone would you?”

I shrug my shoulders, “Perhaps. Alongside a good sword or two would be better, but I want to learn a bit more about the place first.”

“Well, Rindetto used to live up there back when he was on the wrong side of the law. He’s paid his dues now, and you can find him playing cards at the Scalded Bull most evenings. As for information, the Amber Scriptorium is where you might look…being bookish and all. Perhaps Ole Amber knows something about the city’s older history.” the dwarf suggests.

I thank the man and finish my breakfast, then I head out to visit Amber’s Scriptorium. Perhaps I will find an interesting book or two?

(-encounter-from Cities-slave coffle-masons heading to their execution after digging a secret passage- who would that work out?-)

On the way I see a trio of soldiers escorting a dozen goblin slaves through the street. The goblins look unusually battered, with fresh wounds and dry skin peeling from too much time in the sun. Their wrists and ankles are shackled, and each one is bound to to the next by a chained iron collar around their neck. The goblins look absolutely terrified and they wince in pain. I cannot tell what they say, but one of the guards suddenly smacks a goblin across the top of its head with the butt of his spear. The goblin’s eyes roll back in its head as it crumples to the ground, pulling another goblin down with it, who falls into me!

I quickly jump aside, “What did you do that for?” I yell at the guard, while the goblin who fell against my tries to stand back up and the guard starts to kick the one he had struck.

“Stay away from the prisoners,” the guard shouts back at me.

“Stop kicking him! He’s helpless!” I yell back.

Q: does anyone interrupt? NO

The guard sneers, “These goblins killed two of their overseers at the quarry. They are headed to the executioner’s block. If I kick one to death in the street, what does it matter? They should have been crushed to death in front of their fellows.”

I’m dumbstruck, and no words fall from my lips as I try to stammer out a new objection. Instead, I turn away and continue looking for the bookstore.

I soon find the bookstore. The building looks fairly non-descript from the outside, wedged between two neighboring businesses, but inside, the walls are covered ins shelves wich are crowded with leahter bound volumes and stacks of old journals. It astonishes me to see so many books in such a small town! A portly old woman with white hair looks up at me from her writing bench, ink stains her hand.

An old woman with grey hair standing over a cabinet of books.  Shelvs of books line the wall, and a globe can be seen off to the side int he foreground.
Ole Amber’s Scriptorium as imagined by Midjourney AI artist

Q: Is Amber friendly? YES

“Always good to see a young woman eager to learn. I assume you can read, can’t you? You are here to learn the secrets of the ancients? The history of Ardeles? The lore of those who came before? The atrocities of the elven kings, and the horror of the dragon tyrants? Everything is here for those who can open their eyes!” she boasts gesturing towards her overflowing shelves.

I look around in amazement, my eyes bright with wonder. “This is a beautiful collection!” Biting my lip as I let my fingers trace the spines of some ancient histories, I then ask, “I am looking for information about Agleff, and the older cities upon which those ruins rest.”

Q: Does she want to help me? Very likely-NO Q: Does she have something? Very Likely-EXCEPTIONAL YES

“Oh! A mere treasure hunter I see. Well, if you look long enough, I’m sure one of these tomes has something about the older sites, but wouldn’t you rather learn of the fall of the dwarven kings or the corruption of the dragonsworn elves?”

“Those are both interesting topics to be sure, but a demon has sworn my death once she can return to our realm, and the Baron tells me there is a weapon deep in the ruins of Agleff that might allow me to defeat her, so… I’m kind of interested in books that might tell me more about such a weapon and how to obtain it, that and any other sort of arcane wards, weapons and protections that might help save my life. You understand. Priorities,” I chuckle.

-Persuasion 3- Q: Is she intrigued? Unlikely NO-

“If a demon wanted a stripling like you dead, you’d already be dead. No need to lie and make yourself sound important or interesting. If you find a book you’d like, I’ll sell it to you. Otherwise, you might as well leave and stop wasting my time,” and with that, Ole Amber returns to her transcriptions.

(Investigation Hard to find the book, Hipster says this is DC 15, so I roll 8+4= 12)

I spend the day searching for something about old Agleff and the settlements that came before. Amidst other distractions, I lose track of time and don’t even notice my belly beginning to rumble. The smell of old leather, and the feel of fragile pages brittle with age and promising secrets long unknown simply keeps drawing me forward.

“This isn’t a library, you know!” Ole Amber’s voice pulls me out of a book of elven legends. I suddenly realize it is growing dark outside and that my belly is tight from hunger.

“Sorry, I got lost in story. Here, what do you want for this one?” I ask, thrusting the book I was reading towards her. Twenty-five crowns is not much for a book, but as I walk out into the waning light towards the Scalded Bull, I wonder if that was the best use my coin.

Q: Does Ole Amber’s opinion of me improve? Unsure-NO

-Cities book encounter-Prostitue-adolescent girl advertising a brothel- Q: Is she embarassed? (unsure) NO

On my way to the square, I notice a girl encouraging a couple of laborers to come to her auntie’s place around the corner for a bit of recreation. A larger man, her “uncle” I’m sure, watches from the shadows in the distance. The girl’s eyes meet mine. In spite of her youth, she’s wearing scandalous clothing with rouge and painted lips. While I am dressed much like a boy, in woolen breaches, a leather jerkin, and my hair is the most obvious hint of my feminity. She sneers at me as she turns away, I roll my eyes and continue down the street.

scene (Immersion-childhood memory)

I return to the scalded bull, the tavern where Alynn and I parted ways, and where the walls are covered in wards and runes. The smell of boiled eggs bringing back memores of childhood and of how much we relied on my father’s hens. Those were good days.

I soon have a plate with four sliced eggs on a bed of lettuce, sliced carrots and onions, with a bit of cheese and a creamy sauce to dip things in. An old, familiar meal, though there would usually be a couple of slimy oysters from the day’s catch to gulp down as well. I ask Sunga, the inkeep, if she knows Rendetto.

Q: Is Rindetto there? NO Q: Does she admit it? NO

She looks at me, and says “No, that name doesn’t ring any bells, why do you ask?”

“Well, Rimi at the Spirit and Stag told me he was always over here, playing cards or soemthing, and might be able to help me explore Agleff,” I reply, truthfully. “It seems odd that Rimi would lie to me, or either that or you just lied to me. So who is Rindetto?”

Q: Does she tell the truth now? Likely-NO

“Rimi must have said this person frequents the Scolded Mule, in Wedale. I suppose you must have misheard him.” she smiles.
(Deception 9 vs Insight 14)

“Look, I know he’s an ex-bandit chief or something, and probably not the sort of fellow to be trusted, but…” I realize what I’m saying and stop, “Nevermind, I’m better off on my own.” I toss her the coins for my meal and return to my room at the Stag.

-encounter-peasant bumps me-

As I leave the tavern, a big farmer, smelling of dirt and sweat, bumps into me as we both reach the door at the same time. He grunts an apology as I quickly check my purse and belt. “Tis alright,” I mutter as I continue on my way.

I am soon in bed, updating my journal by candlelight while Corvo picks at the bread that I found inedible that morning, but which, soaked in a bit of wine, isn’t unpleasant. The bird is soon passed out like any other drunkard.

Weeding Lordsday 24th-48 degrees, modest wind, leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flags fully extended

-Immersion, NPC swearing at Sidekick, whispered-

I take breakfast in the common room, sharing a bit of bread with Corvo, when one of the men sitting nearby starts muttering under his breath, “Damned death bird, what fool travels with such a pet?” I ignore the man, for there is no reason to trifle with fools. Crows are the sacred bird of Ravenna the Judge, and clearly the man has a guilty conscious if he fears them leading his soul to her court.

After finishing my breakfast, I return to Amber’s Scriptorium for another fruitless day of searching through her stacks. This time, I remember to pause and eat lunch, but then return for more fruitless searching. I eventually give Amber 15 crowns for a book about the land of Sultar. The book is pretty badly damaged, but what remains of it is interesting reading.

(Investigation 8, DC 15) Q: Do I find something else of interest? NO Q: Do any interesting patrons arrive? NO

-No encounters rolled out on the streets, so Urban Dressing Taproom event-

At “The Stag”, while I eat dinner and peruse my newest book, four young and rather attractive (I guess) women stagger into the tavern, obviously drunk, and are soon being plied with even more ale and wine than they’d already consumed by the men who now gather around them, begging attention and boasting their prowess and battling each other for attention.
(Perception 13, I wouldn’t notice anything odd anyway)Q: Do things get out of hand? NO Q: Does anyone approach me? YES (generate a character from Urban Dressing taproom patrons,and modify to suit the campaign)

Half elven huntress with an on open necked breastplate, long blonde hair, several scars on her face and a strange weapon over her shoulder.
Reyna the Relentless as imagined by Midjourney AI artist

“An embarassment aren’t they?” the half elven woman at the table next to me says. I look over her, taking note of the slender blade on her belt, and the scars on her face.

“I don’t know. Just young and foolish, they are entitled to a bit of fun and folly, I suppose, no harm to me from it,” I reply as I turn my attention back to my book.

Q: Does she like my answer? Unlikely NO

The half-elf challenges me, “And if one of the men they tease decides to have their way with one of them? A rape? A murder? Well, that’s good work for me, a bounty to collect, but if one of these men is turned away, and like a dog in heat comes after you instead? Then is their fun and folly of no harm to you?” the elf sneers contemptuously.

I sigh, and close my book, turning my full attention towards her, “The town has a watch you know, and there is a brothel around the corner to satfisfy any dog in heat. Further, your blade says you can handle yourself, and I can handle a knife as well when the need arises. Have a drink yourself and let the fools be foolish.” I suggest, calling the serving girl to refil my cup and the half-elf’s.

Q: Does the drink appease her? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“Dull your senses like they other cattle, and don’t be surprised to wake with a wolf at your throat, it’s jaws upon your neck.” she scoffs.

“Wow! You seem pleasant, what’s it to you anyway? You make your living off other’s folly. More wolves, more victims, more blood money for you, am I right?” I demand.

Q: Does this appease her? YES

The half-elf sneers, “Yes, you are right. I am Reyna, perhaps you’ve heard of me? Criminals call me relentless.”

“Oh, no I haven’t. I am Mendy of White Tower,” I reply.

Q: does she know me? sure think-YES

The half-elf’s jaw drops, “Well…I see why you aren’t concerned then. I heard you killed the demoness Mypione, and scattered her cult. There was a bounty on your head but it was lifted before I could start looking for you. Strange to meet you now.” Reyna puzzles.

“Better now than then. The bounty hunter who found me came to a quick end,” I say solemnly, “Hey, have you ever been to Agleff? I hear criminals often hide there, but I am looking for something in the ancient ruins beneath that city and could use a guide.”

Q: Has she been to Agleff? sure thing- NO Q: Is she going there? NO Q: currently pursuing a bounty? NO

“Not yet, I’m actually new to this region, but from what I’ve heard a great many criminals tend to hide there. Not criminals who prey upon the people of Brewich mind you, but those who trouble Garnhold and Hayhem, then take refuge out of those Lords’ legal reach, and then the villages nearby give warning should Brewich’s men ever approach in large numbers,” she says.

The two of us then spend the next couple of hours sharing our experiences. She tells me of criminals she’s pursued and the tricks they tried to escape, and I tell her of my adventures in the Emerald Hills, of my battle against Mypion, and then among the Axlanders and in Dryanor’s tower.

Q: Does she suggest teaming iup? NO

After awhile, it grows late, and I retire to my room for sleep. Setting my wards as I always do, while Corvo nestles down againt me on my pillow.

Weeding Heyday 25th-47 degrees, strong wind, leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flags fully extended
immersion, smell of old books.

I wake up the next morning, having fallen asleep reading some of the legends of the Sultari. The familiar dusty smell of the aging paper the first thing I notice when I wake. I smile at the memory of last night’s passage. It told the tale of The Emir of Hastow Keep, tempted by the Shrouded King’s promise of immortality. The emir betrayed his sultan and sacrificed his lord’s daughter, who had been betrothed to him as his first wife, in order to gain the power he desired. After decades of rebellion and remorse, during which all he held dear was taken from hm, he repented his crimes and confronted the demon who lured him astray, binding it, and himself, into an unbreakable magical prism from which neither’s soul could ever escape.

I close the book, tapping it’s cover thoughfully, while Corvo wakes and begins preening. Soon, I too am brushing and braiding my hair, getting dressed for the day. My bag is growing increasingly heavy, with two new books added to it, neither of which are of real value to me, except as fuel for my imagination. Still, they are treasures to me!

Q: Is Reyna at breakfast? EXCEPTIONAL NO Q: Is there a message for me? NO

I eat breakfast in silence, and then Corvo and I start walking around town. If Amber’s Scriptorium holds any secrets of value, it’s clear that I won’t find them!

-Morning Encounter-Local character-I quickly build a table of known people in Brewich with room for unknowns-

By chance, I run into a smallish man who I immediately recognize, and judging by his widening eyes and the wet spot that appears between his legs, he recognizes me as well. It is the snivelling little thief that tried to rob me the morning of Topsy Turvy! As he turns to run, I call after him, “Fare the well, your majesty!”

An old bearded but balding man standing at a desk with tubes and beakers.  Jars of varying shapes and colors line the nearby shelves.  A window to his left shows a lush garden outside.
Kellan’s Apothecarium as imagined by Midjourney AI artist

-I know there is an Apothacary/Herbalist in town, so I generate the shop keeper, and given his personality, he doesn’t have any unusual prejudices or other motifivations that might make me think he’d turn Mendy away-Use Donjon to generate his potion inventory, the shop description mentions a patron trying to sell him some goods-

Perusing the shops shops, I find myself at Kellan’s Apothacarium, the pungent aroma of strange herbs, and exotic plants fill the air. Corvo quickly flutters away from my shoulder, as annoyed by the stench as I am intrigued. The old man working a mortar and pestle and talking to a heavyset sellsword looks up and greets me, “Everyone is welcome here as long as they have coin to spend.”

I laugh, “Would that all merchants were so welcoming to trade. They’d certainly find my purse strings a bit looser!”

The old man laughs. I begin perusing his merchandise, restocking the components of my spell pouch and selecting the three healing vials he has available. His eyes light up as I pull them from the shelf, “A woman who finds herself in trouble I take it?”

I chuckle as I pull out the trade script for the goods, “More often than I’d like.”

Q: Does he offer special stock? Unsure-NO

“Do you know any men who are good at getting out of trouble? I hope to explore Agleff and I fear that these might come in handy,” I explain.

Q: Is the mercenary interested? Likely-NO- use UNE to generate his motivations

“Agleff?” chimes in the heavyset man. “I didn’t take you for a bounty hunter, looking to make some coin off people hard up in life.”

I laugh, “No, I’m just looking for a weapon said to be buried there. I need it to kill a demon that wants my soul.”

(Persuasion 17, so they are likely very interested in my story) Q: Are they interested in my story? YES

“I’m intrigued. Tell me more,” implores the burly soldier, whose name I learn is Rarbi. Kellan also pays rapt attention as I tell them of the events in Radkas, Wadun, and the Shrine of Mypione.

(Can I enlist their help? Persuasion 9, Even Hipster says i need at least a 15 for even a trivial sacrifice or risk)

“Well, I’d hate to be in your shoes,” Rarbi sympathizes at the end of my story, “or anyone’s who travels with you!”

“Surely, you seem to bring a curse on all who would stand by your side,” agrees Kellan.

Q: Does he offer to sell me a scroll? NO Q: Does he suggest Old Amber can sell me a scroll? YES

“Perhaps you should speak to Ole Amber. She sells arcane scrolls and may have a weapon for you, being a young battle mage and all,” kellan suggests.

Increduously, I ask, “I’ve spent the last two days in her shop, bought two books from her, and she seems to hold me in complete contempt. Why would she sell me anything of such value?”

“Tell her your story. If she hears it and still won’t help you, then so be it,” he suggests. I reply that she didn’t believe a demon could hunt someone my age and not have already killed me. “She’s quick to judge, and slow to change her mind, that is true. Well then, best of luck.”

“Thanks, I suppose I’ll need it,” I admit before going back out into the street.

picture of a handsome young nobleman with dark hair, a faint mustache, a sharp jawline.  Leather doublet and fur lined collar.
Sir Piero as imagined by Midjourney AI artist

-afternoon encounter-Local character-unknown entry-generate one from Urban Dressing tavern patrons-interesing, this guy is looking for love. I’m always down with a romantic subplot. in fact, I really enjoy romantic interludes-

As I sit down for lunch at the Stag, adding to my journal as I eat, when a man with a youthful but commanding voice asks if he might join me.

Surprised, I look up to see a handsome young nobleman wearing an ornately carved leather doubled, and a silver adorned sword at his waist. “Hmmm..uh, yes, of course, milord!” I stammer out, a little flustered by the sudden attention.

“A woman of letters?” he asks as he sits down and a serving girl brings him a tankard. “I’ve not seen you before, are you with the merchant’s guild?”

“Oh no,” I laugh, “I am Mendy of White Tower, formerly apprenticed to Tegast of White Tower.”

Q: Does he know me? YES Q: Did he kill Alynn? NO

“Oh,” he says, the surprise in his voice readily apparent, “The one accused by Alynn of Radkas. It’s a pity what happened to her, but unavoidable when one makes pacts with demons. She was a friend of yours?”

“Well, yes, so I thought, but then…”, I trail off, “you didn’t tell me your name?”

“Ah, forgive my manners, I am Sir Piero of Merigot, a third son, and serving in the household of our Baron,” he offers his hand in friendship. i shake it and am comforted by his firm grip. “So, I presume you have met with My Lord to confirm your pardon? And that you were given Lady Alynn’s books as My Lady instructed?”

“Um, no, yes, no, what?” I reply in confusion. “I met with the Baron, but he took a clear and strong disliking to me. The book I had loaned Alynn was not returned to me, as for the rest of her possessions, those should be sent to her family.”

Q: Does he know what Lord Brewich told me? NO Q: Does he know what lady brewich instructed? YES Q: does he offer to help? EXCEPTIONAL NO

“Well, that is strange. But the Baron is a just man, noble and devoted to the Celestial Chorus. If he chose to ignor his wife’s request that such things be given to you, I am sure his reasons were sound,” the noble says, defending his master.

“That’s all well and good,” I laugh and show the ring that I wear, “but the Book of Souls was a gift to me by the Royal Wizard Renoulant in payment for saving the Crown Prince’s life. I would certainly appreciate its return.”

“Well, that certainly puts things in a different light,” Sir Piero says. “Is that why you are still in town, rather than continuing on to wherever you are headed?”

“Well, the Baron told me that perhaps i could find a demon binding weapon in the ruins of Agleff, and I was trying to learn more about the ruins before I ventured there. The weapon is called the Soulbinder’s Rod, and he said it was beneath the several layers of ruined cities that lay beneath Agleff. “

“A treasure hunt for an ancient relic? Tell me more,” he insists leaning towards me.

For the rest of the afternoon, Sir Piero and I talk about the relic, and I relate my story to date, and I learn that he only earned his spurs a couple of years ago, having proven his worth dealing with goblin raiders, but having been knighted following a tournament, rather than in battle. Landless, he’s resigned himself to the likelihood that he’ll spend his days in service to the Baron, never inheriting a full title for himself, and therefore, he is under no obligation to ignore a beautiful, intelligent woman of common birth in favor of someone with a noble title. As we talk, I get the distinct impression he is quite taken with me, and I certainly am with him, though perhaps not as much so as he might wish.

“So, are you staying here for long?” he asks, gesturing around the inn. I tell him he can find me here most evenings for as long as I am in town, but I will likely be on the road again soon. “Until we meet again,” he says taking and kissing my hand as we part company. I feel my face flush at the attention. Now I understand why Alynn was jealous of the attention other nobles received as this is the first time anyone has ever really paid such attention to me!

Weeding Damesday 26th-51 degrees, strong wind, leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flags fully extended
immersion, childhood memory

Scene: I dream of sitting on a fishing boat with one of the boys from the village when we were young. He promised to marry me when we grew up, saying that he would be the best fisherman, and I woudn’t have to dive for pearls anymore and our children and I would have hogs, and hens and be the wealthiest in the village. I don’t remember seeing his body after the sea devil raid, but I know he’s dead. They all are. I wake with tears in my eyes, clutching my pillow.

After breakfast, I put on the yellow dress that Alynn gave me, and carefully dress as though for court. Then I walk over to the keep to request an audience with his lordship, the Baron.

Q: Will I be received? YES Q: Is the baroness present as well? NO

I am escorted to the great hall where other petitioners wait their master’s audience, and as each comes up to ask a favor, offer a gift, or share some news they feel might ingratiate themselves to their lord, I simply observe. When it is my turn to be heard, I curtsy low, and wait permission speak.

“Mendy of White Tower, you have a question of me?” the Baron asks dourly.

“Milord,” I say firmly, “I humbly beseach that I be given what is rightly mine?”

“You don’t mean the enchanted spear do you? I understood that to be a gift and I have passed it on to one of my men,” the Baron laughs.

“No, milord, I speak of the Book of Souls that was in Lady Alynn’s possession when she was killed. It was a gift to me by the Archmage Renoulant, which Prince Casin ordered him to give me in payment for saving the Crown Prince’s life.” I then stand and show the royal seal upon the ring that I wear, “I suspect it was not returned to me when we last met due to some unfortunate oversight that I am sure a loyal vassal of King Fulwroth will be eager to correct.”

-Mendy can’t make a persuasion roll to save her life, and even with advantage for picking all the right words and a face saving out, she ends up with a 9-

“That book should have been burnt rather than have been given to you, but since it is the will of our liege that you have it, I have little choice but to return it to you,” the baron says angrily. “Get out of my sight.”

I curtsy, showing mocking respect in response to his insult.

A page meets he in the anteroom with my lost book. I eagerly take the tome from his hands, and with a smile on my face, race back to the tavern with my prize! Soon I am lost in the pages of the book, studying the words within, and as my understanding of magic has grown considerably over the last few weeks, I find myself learning how to better manipulate the weave and how to unravel it when turned against me. There are two necromantic spells in the book, one that turns the dead into puppets and anotehr that curses a soul, but I cannot make sense of them. In fact, it kind of makes me sick tyring to understand them.

  • (mendy is a level 5 wizard, when she leveled up, I did not claim her two slots, since she had no spellbook to draw from. From the Book of Souls, she now automatically learns Counterspell and Dispel Magic. 5e doesn’t require one have a source for new spells at level up, but I’m not playing pure 5e and certainly not playing it RAW)

Weeding Godsday 27th-51 degrees, strong wind, leaves and small twigs in constant motion, flags fully extended
immersion, sense of claustrophobia

Scene: I spend the day in my room, copying the new spells into my book. After awhile, i start to feel a bit claustrophobic and move down to the common room. it is harder to concentrate, but not so constrained. The half-elf serving girl brings me my meals and keeps my cup filled, but she is incredibly nervous when she sees my books spread out and my inkpot at hand. I’m nto worried, for in her timidity, she is exceedingly careful not to knock anything over, or spill even a single drop even when the tavern is at its most crowded.

-taproom event-

Suddenly, the bells at the keep ring out an alarm and everyone in the tavern rushes outside to see what the trouble is. Everyone but me, I won’t leave my books unattended, nor close them with wet ink of an enchanted formula!

Q: Is it a fire? NO Q: Uprising? YES Q: Slaves? YES

“Goblins!” one of the men yells back inside to the barkeep, “there is an uprising at the quarry! All of the guards are heading there to crush it!” he says excitedly. Several of the men head home, presumably to arm themselvs as their militia duty. I roll my eyes and return to my work.

Q: Are there enough goblins to be a real problem? NO Q: Does Piero visit int he evening? EXCEPTIONAL YES

That evening, long after the excitement has died down, Sir Piero stops by for a visit. “Ah, Mendy of White Tower, cursed by Baron Brewich for her insolence and disrespect!” he teases.

“Ah, Sir Piero the Penniless, whose loose words allowed his master to embarrass himself!” I reply.

The young noble sits down alongside me, and calls over two meals and a bottle of wine for us to share. Soon he is looking over my shoulder as I work, puzzled by the arcane symbols and listening with rapt attention as I attempt to explain each one’s meaning. As the evening grows long, and one bottle of wine becomes two, then three, I am glad to have Sir Piero help carry my books to my room for me.

(this time, Piero’s roll for seduction was successful…very much so)

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