Reder Fane, a Soldier

A young soldier in leather armor with steel pauldrons sitting at a table in a tavern
Reder as imagined by Midjourney AI

Reder Fane
Born in 977 age 26 (born under the sign of the sage, 27th day of Sowing)

Goblin war started when he was 8 years old 985

Goblin war ended when he was 14 years old 991
4d6 drop the lowest: Stats 14, 16, 15, 17, 15, 11
str 16, dex 14, con 18, int 11 wis 16, cha 15, modified for Human Variant with Tavern Brawler

Generate some background ideas using kasoom.

Parents: You know of your parents.

Mother: Berendi Fane, Neutral Human now works in a distant city, probably as a whore. Your relationship was hostile. She is alive, but doing poorly due to injury / finances / relationship.
Father: Reed Fane, Neutral Human worked as a farmer. Your relationship was friendly. He is dead, killed by mysterious circumstances.

Family: You were raised by paternal or maternal grandparents. Your father died and your mother disappeared to unknown fate.

Primary guardian: Ermina Fane, Neutral Human herbalist. Your relationship was friendly. She is alive and quite successful.

Lifestyle: Modest. Grew up in a rundown shack in the village of Woodglade in the Barony Coranal
Childhood: Everyone knew who you were, and you had friends everywhere you went.

Background: Soldier
Motivation: War ravaged your homeland while you were growing up.
Class: Fighter
Origin: You joined the army and learned how to fight as part of a group.

We grew up on the frontier, in the farm and lumber village of Woodglade, in Coranal near the Dire Woods. When I was about nine years old, goblins ceased to be the villains of tales told after dinner, and became a real threat, raiding villages across the frontier. My father was called up to help fight, and we never saw him again. Unable to tend his lots by herself, our mother abandoned my brother and I to start a new life in a distant city. My father’s mother took us in. She was an herbalist and midwife, and though she had a young woman as an apprentice, a couple of boys to cut wood and gather herbs weren’t unwelcome. Though feeding us proved difficult.

Preludes-a scenario from Preludes to Adventure to flesh out the character, and it even adds a brother:
In the month of Sowing, 990, at age 13, my brother Erik and I were sent by my grandmother to gather some herbs for her medicines. We spend the better part of our first day in the woods gathering herbs, and then we run into a lumberman who often visits our village. He is called Old Tom, and when it starts to rain, he offers us the shelter of his camp. He also notes that with the swelling streams, he’s likely to have good luck with his fishing lines. We agree to help him set out his lines in the hopes of sharing a fresh catch with him in the morning.

Another dark haired soldier sitting at a table with a tankard of ale.
Eik as imagined by Midjourney AI

In the morning, we hear a loud “Crack!” and as we look out of our ten, we notice that the rain has stopped, and Tom’s kettle sits over the fire and fresh cooked fish has been set aside. We wonder about the sound, Erik says “It sounded like a tree falling?”

“Tom’s probably already at work. Shame he didn’t wait to eat with us. Let’s go find him,” I suggest as we each grab a spitted fish and begin eating the warm meat.

Soon, we find Tom pinned beneath a tree and trapped in the stream. It looks like the rainfall washed the roots out from under the tree and it fell over as he passed.

“Erik! Grab a branch, help me lever this off of him! I shout, looking to see if Tom is still alive.

I spy his axe, which we might use if we have to, but I hope we can just roll the tree off of him. Unfortunatly, Erik and I cannot get the tree off of the man, and we soon realize that the water level is rising, and he will soon drown! There is no time to get help, so Erik starts trying to chop at the tree while I start trying to dig Tom out from below…hoping to pull him out from under the massive trunk.

Unfortunately, we can’t save him. Tom drowns, and there is nothing we could do about it. Erik starts cursing himself for not being able to save the man. I try to comfort him.

Eventually, we finish cutting through the tree. Too late, but at least we can get his body out and take him back to the village with us. To let his wife know what happened, and that he wasn’t alone when he died.

Grandma listens to Erik wishing there had been something more he could have done, and blaming himself and his weakness and lack of proper tools for the man’s death. She can’t comfort him, and well, neither can I.

Background Rolls:
-3 events, 2 terms as a soldier, A romance (2X3d6X10=230 xp total)-I’ve downgraded the romance because I’d rather not start with a certain love interest-

After that, my brother and I drifted apart. I enlisted in the Baron’s retinue. By that time, the goblin war was over, but that doesn’t mean that raids didn’t occasionally take place. I’ve killed more than a few. I even had to help hunt down a murderer to bring him to the crown’s justice.

Portrait of a pretty red haired girl with green eyes
Rosamund as imagined by Midjourney AI

About a year ago, I befriended a girl named Rosamund from the village of Leshar. She frequently hunts along the edge of the Dire Woods and we first met while I was helping patrol that area, but she often comes to Coronal to trade furs. Oddly, she has not yet settled down, though she has a couple of men interested in courting her. She gave me a leather bracer on which she etched “The Oncoming Storm” joking that it was a warning to anyone who dared face me in battle.

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