Encounter Tables

Some sample encounter tables as developed for my current solo game series. The regional tables are modified as additional ideas are incorporated, and there is a lot of overlap between tables for similar terrain. Many entries refer to a subtable to further define animal types, humanoid types, individuals, or behavior.

Common Annoyances refers back to a table within Travel Montage, while the Events and Dressing entries refer back to entries in Wilderness Dressing. Some of these areas are named for sites within Keep on the Borderlands or Barrowmaze, as those two settings have been incorporated into my campaign but with modified encounter tables.

The Site Encounter Tables are checked when I determine that some sort of encounter has taken place. Usually due to a “Wandering Encounter” check, or if using a map generated through Donjon, they are consulted when an encounter is indicated but I prefer not to use what is shown by the Donjon’s generator.

The Regional Encounter Tables are rolled against in order to find out if an encounter takes place. They are designed to only provide potential combat encounters about 25% of the time. During overland travel, I check for Morning, Afternoon, and Evening Encounters, and then for a Night Encounter on a failed Survival check for camp concealment.

Campaign Reference map
Northeast Ardeles built in Worldographer

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